Here I am, in HK once again. I make it sound tedious. But it is fantastic here. Escaping the Australian summer for winter. I say that's a good reason. Also because the exchange rate is excellent (1 AUD = 7 HKD. Forget about inflation.) and so is the food. Mostly because the stuff I can get here is so much cheaper. I think if I were to buy it all in Australia, I'd be losing money because the savings offset the cost of the plane ticket. Well, close enough.
I vomited on the plane. That sucks. It was in the last 10 minutes of the flight, which kinda sucks, but at least it was in the last 10 minutes so I didn't have to endure the post-vomiting feeling and be susceptible to further vomiting due to turbulence. Still. Feeling that liquid weight in your bag. Not cool. But I'm rather impressed by the bag's design. Zero leakage. Impressive.
I'm borrowing my cousins' net. Met my second eldest cousin (not sure about correct term) in 5 years. Only 2 inches or so taller, but he has a shark like face, I'll say. And he's just as cocky as my eldest cousin. Good trait to have, but not one to be on the receiving end of. It just gets annoying and hilarious.
Oh I'm getting told off for not studying in year 12. Here my cousin is talking how I should be studying right now and I should be doubling my study efforts because I am aiming for a double degree. And my mum believes him.
Oh dear.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Firstly, thanks to Niro and Tonia for organising an awesome grade bbq, and congratulations for actually being able to pull it off. Last time I tried to organise something, it was a bit of a bitch. But then again, BBQs don't require payment so that makes things a lot easier. In any case, thanks for the bbq. I don't think the water fights were planned but that was the best bit. But being chased around is not fun. And it dawned on me that I'm rather unfit. I hate running. I'm fine with sprinting, but I hate running, if that makes sense. Long distance running sucks. To me, long distance includes anything more than 100 metres.
My neck hurts. I think that's from lugging 10kgs of ice for aboput 1.5km. And my leg cramped the same day. I don't even know why. And I got a nosebleed today. That also sucks. I really should stop complaining. But I'm in a bit of a foul mood. I'm also really tired, which is leading to my foul mood. The foul mood is due to me suddenly knowing that people are doing work in the holidays and I have not done much. I have done close to none. I've just been reading the Harry Potter series and it's fun. But all these people are doing their maths and probably their science notes, etc. And I'm just sitting here blogging away (I don't have much to blog cos I haven't done much in a while. Nothing exciting, anyway) and making my muck up day costume. I'm actually making one. I hope it doens't look shit.
Yeah, so some people are being studious in the holidays, even skipping out on grade outings and I'm feeling a bit shit for it. I swear I didn't have this competitive streak within me before. This sucks. But at least I have my Harry Potter. There's still humour in the books, even though I've read them so many times, but now instead of laughing out loud, I just chuckle. And chortle. That's a word Rowling uses a lot. It's a funny word.
Chortle. Chortle. Chorrrrrtle. Ch-ortle. CHORTLE!
I think it's like "Oh hoh hoh". I've been "chortling" a lot when I'm reading HP. Especially at the dramatic irony. And innuendos. Her tone is quite simplistic. Very little descriptive imagery, I think. This is what English does to me. I don't want to analyse Harry Potter. Screw you, Advanced English.
My neck hurts. I think that's from lugging 10kgs of ice for aboput 1.5km. And my leg cramped the same day. I don't even know why. And I got a nosebleed today. That also sucks. I really should stop complaining. But I'm in a bit of a foul mood. I'm also really tired, which is leading to my foul mood. The foul mood is due to me suddenly knowing that people are doing work in the holidays and I have not done much. I have done close to none. I've just been reading the Harry Potter series and it's fun. But all these people are doing their maths and probably their science notes, etc. And I'm just sitting here blogging away (I don't have much to blog cos I haven't done much in a while. Nothing exciting, anyway) and making my muck up day costume. I'm actually making one. I hope it doens't look shit.
Yeah, so some people are being studious in the holidays, even skipping out on grade outings and I'm feeling a bit shit for it. I swear I didn't have this competitive streak within me before. This sucks. But at least I have my Harry Potter. There's still humour in the books, even though I've read them so many times, but now instead of laughing out loud, I just chuckle. And chortle. That's a word Rowling uses a lot. It's a funny word.
Chortle. Chortle. Chorrrrrtle. Ch-ortle. CHORTLE!
I think it's like "Oh hoh hoh". I've been "chortling" a lot when I'm reading HP. Especially at the dramatic irony. And innuendos. Her tone is quite simplistic. Very little descriptive imagery, I think. This is what English does to me. I don't want to analyse Harry Potter. Screw you, Advanced English.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Oh noes
There's something wrong with my nose!
Went to some physician consultant in the city today (you may have noticed my lack of presence in the school). Had the appointment because my mum was worried about my nose, which is often stuffed for 10 months every year. I didn't think it was a problem, but then again, I had gotten used to it since I was little. So anyway, I did this allergy testing where the doc put some extracts of particular allergens such as dust mites, grass, etc. and then pricks the skins to see if there's reaction. He used a control of histamine or something, and it itched, which sorta sucked. But then a reaction to dust mites and a bit of cat (not an actual cat) occured, which sucked even MORE because 1) it itched and 2) I now know I am allergic to dust mites and a bit to cats.
All the while, I was given a local anaesthetic for my nose, because the guy would then shove a camera up my nose. This camera was like those sorts of flexible wire cameras that are (obviously) flexible to go around your nose. So he put the camera up my nose without warning. At first, it was fine. There's no discomfort, until he starts going to your throat. But in general, it's really rather ticklish and the doc had to try again because I laughing the first time. Second time, I sneezed. Yeah, that ticklish feeling is the pre-sneeze feeling. But apparently, my sinuses are quite large/swollen and there is bacteria/infected to some degree. Not infected as in diseased, but there's bacteria.
So now, I have to take some meds. Only for 12 days or so. But I also have to get nasal sprays. Sigh. This won't be fun. But at least its not any worse. I mean, the doc made it sound bad, but according to my mum, I'm just worrying too much. At least I don't have to get surgery, or I don't have to do immunotherapy which requires me getting a needle every month for 3 or so years. That could be a pain. So I suppose it's still at the stage where it's controllable. And not requiring drastic measures.
Went to some physician consultant in the city today (you may have noticed my lack of presence in the school). Had the appointment because my mum was worried about my nose, which is often stuffed for 10 months every year. I didn't think it was a problem, but then again, I had gotten used to it since I was little. So anyway, I did this allergy testing where the doc put some extracts of particular allergens such as dust mites, grass, etc. and then pricks the skins to see if there's reaction. He used a control of histamine or something, and it itched, which sorta sucked. But then a reaction to dust mites and a bit of cat (not an actual cat) occured, which sucked even MORE because 1) it itched and 2) I now know I am allergic to dust mites and a bit to cats.
All the while, I was given a local anaesthetic for my nose, because the guy would then shove a camera up my nose. This camera was like those sorts of flexible wire cameras that are (obviously) flexible to go around your nose. So he put the camera up my nose without warning. At first, it was fine. There's no discomfort, until he starts going to your throat. But in general, it's really rather ticklish and the doc had to try again because I laughing the first time. Second time, I sneezed. Yeah, that ticklish feeling is the pre-sneeze feeling. But apparently, my sinuses are quite large/swollen and there is bacteria/infected to some degree. Not infected as in diseased, but there's bacteria.
So now, I have to take some meds. Only for 12 days or so. But I also have to get nasal sprays. Sigh. This won't be fun. But at least its not any worse. I mean, the doc made it sound bad, but according to my mum, I'm just worrying too much. At least I don't have to get surgery, or I don't have to do immunotherapy which requires me getting a needle every month for 3 or so years. That could be a pain. So I suppose it's still at the stage where it's controllable. And not requiring drastic measures.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
What now?
Exams are over, but I ended on a bad note.
There's more time to go on outings, but Martin's overseas.
I have more time to play games, but I have an engineering report.
It's summer but it's summer. It's stinking hot. And will be stinking humid. I love heavy rain. So much more exciting than heatwaves.
My god, 4U was a bitch. That'll be the end of my rant because nobody wants to hear me whine. Well, at least that's the impression I get from people on Twitter. Twitter is so cruel...
What now? I have an engi report that I don't want to do. I have a new game (LOTR BFME) that isn't that good. I have 8 hours each day that I don't know how to burn.
This lack of anything is so painful.
There's more time to go on outings, but Martin's overseas.
I have more time to play games, but I have an engineering report.
It's summer but it's summer. It's stinking hot. And will be stinking humid. I love heavy rain. So much more exciting than heatwaves.
My god, 4U was a bitch. That'll be the end of my rant because nobody wants to hear me whine. Well, at least that's the impression I get from people on Twitter. Twitter is so cruel...
What now? I have an engi report that I don't want to do. I have a new game (LOTR BFME) that isn't that good. I have 8 hours each day that I don't know how to burn.
This lack of anything is so painful.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Shuester: "Glee needs YOU to be its ambassador."
Puckerman: "More like its Ambad-assador."
I'm hearing badass being said a lot these days. Including badassery. Badassery is the noun of badass. Yes, I know badass is also a noun, but I mean the noun of an adjective. Like as happiness is to happy. I'm pretty sure there's a term for it. I blame the Australian curriculum for failing to teach me/us proper use of grammar. I mean, basics, I know, but present particples and perfect something a-rather. That I don't know. I swear my mum knows more about those thing than I do. I'm afraid I may have made some grammatical errors in the previous sentences. That's a worry.
So anyway, I was trying to find some pictures of "badassery" or badass-ness. But you don't get very much. You get this American pointing a gun at you, Putin shooting a gun, Obama smoking, a chick smoking with an oxy-acetylene torch and people with tattoos. Not very badass in my opinion. But I think people try to be badass these days. They try so hard to make something spectacular and sure, sometimes they can pull it off. But the chance of failure is so high, and the level of failure is so high, it's hilarious. When people try to make spectacular moves, like sliding down handrails of staircases but then they leg/pants get caught on something and then they tumble down 20 steps, or when they try to do a 360° between the legs dunk from a trampoline but then their leg gets caught on the ring and they dislocate their knee, the failure is often more spectacular than the success.
Speaking of spectacular stuff, I touched the basketball ring! From the ground, not a chair for any of you non believers. Although technically, I haven't touched the ACTUAL ring (hard to explain), I'm only 5mm off! What an achievement. But these achievements are far greater. I especially like the little girl on the toy trike.
This is badassery to the max.
Me: Everybody sleeps in during the hols.
Person 1: Yeah me too! I sleep in a lot!
Me: When do you sleep in till?
Person 1: 8.30am
Bad. Ass. (That doesn't even necessarily mean badass anymore. It might even mean a bad ass)
Actually, that's a poor example, it's just funny.
But you know what is really badass? Blogging during assessment week.
Ladies, please, one at a time.
Puckerman: "More like its Ambad-assador."
I'm hearing badass being said a lot these days. Including badassery. Badassery is the noun of badass. Yes, I know badass is also a noun, but I mean the noun of an adjective. Like as happiness is to happy. I'm pretty sure there's a term for it. I blame the Australian curriculum for failing to teach me/us proper use of grammar. I mean, basics, I know, but present particples and perfect something a-rather. That I don't know. I swear my mum knows more about those thing than I do. I'm afraid I may have made some grammatical errors in the previous sentences. That's a worry.
So anyway, I was trying to find some pictures of "badassery" or badass-ness. But you don't get very much. You get this American pointing a gun at you, Putin shooting a gun, Obama smoking, a chick smoking with an oxy-acetylene torch and people with tattoos. Not very badass in my opinion. But I think people try to be badass these days. They try so hard to make something spectacular and sure, sometimes they can pull it off. But the chance of failure is so high, and the level of failure is so high, it's hilarious. When people try to make spectacular moves, like sliding down handrails of staircases but then they leg/pants get caught on something and then they tumble down 20 steps, or when they try to do a 360° between the legs dunk from a trampoline but then their leg gets caught on the ring and they dislocate their knee, the failure is often more spectacular than the success.
Speaking of spectacular stuff, I touched the basketball ring! From the ground, not a chair for any of you non believers. Although technically, I haven't touched the ACTUAL ring (hard to explain), I'm only 5mm off! What an achievement. But these achievements are far greater. I especially like the little girl on the toy trike.
This is badassery to the max.
Me: Everybody sleeps in during the hols.
Person 1: Yeah me too! I sleep in a lot!
Me: When do you sleep in till?
Person 1: 8.30am
Bad. Ass. (That doesn't even necessarily mean badass anymore. It might even mean a bad ass)
Actually, that's a poor example, it's just funny.
But you know what is really badass? Blogging during assessment week.
Ladies, please, one at a time.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Untitled is actually a title
SoI haven't been posting. I haven't posted for 14 days. Oh my. I must've lost my followers. But honestly, not much has been happening. Sure, it might be because I'm getting slack. But really. Not much has happened. It's all been like:
Seriously. I have so much work now.
Overload on maths, but lucky (sort of) Simmo goes really fast so at least we have lots of revision time, or time to catch up on other subjects.
English is just being a bitch. Belonging is being a bitch. It doesn't belong into what I classify as 'Nice Things'. But at least Wakeling accepts emailed essays. She'll even let you pick up your essay from her house. She won't mail it to you, but that might take too long anyway.
Physics is sorta a bludge. I mean, we have McAuliffe. He's a bludge. And gives away loads of green merits like they're printed out counterfeit money. They're not money, but he does print them out. He gets us to fill them in ourselves. One time, 4 curry dudes asked for a green merit with a reason that wasn't really legitimate. So he went, got a green merit and cut it into 4 and gave them a bit each.
Engi. Thank god we don't have an exam for that. But we have a report. I think I'm doing way too many truss analysis. And we have to build a truss. Dear god, I haven't even started on that. And I have a party on Saturday. FML WHAT DO I DO.
At least I don't have eco. THANK GOD! I saw eco on the exam timetable and I thought SHIT. I CBF STUDYING. And then I realised and I started laughing out loud but nobody laughed with me...
Speaking of parties, WHOOOOOO! PARTAY!!! PARTY LIKE BONAPARTE!!! I'm rather excited. I hope its good. Of course it's gonna be good, I'm gonna be there!
Oh god I'm so alone.... T____T People on formspring think I'm hilarious, but I have to be lame first. T____T Cruel cruel world...
Oh. I had more to post but I forgot. This sorta sucks. Oh hey I remember now. Funny stuff people say.
Daniel Yang: "I'd rather get half a mark [by remembering to put +C for an indefinite integral] than have a social life."
Daniel Yang: "Oh Sandra, did you put the pretty girls [SNSD] away?" *sad face, close to tears*
I think there's more, but I forgot again. T_T this sucks.
I'm so excited! I get to see my other cousin for the first time in 7 years! This my younger older cousin, I saw my oldest cousin last year. Cool dude. So this is his brother, who I haven't seen, as I said, in 7 years. He went to Canada to study. What a smart guy, got paid to work and study on the side. Then he got a full scholarship into Cornell. I called it a raggedy ass college :/ His former uni sorta begged him to stay but he went Cornell anyway. What a smart guy. I'm so jealous. And my older cousin as well! Also went to Canada, came back to HK to work. Give 3 grand HKD to his mum every mum. And plays a few basketball games a month. And they both play fantasy basketball with me. They have so much time on their hands...
I'm so jealous. My mum always compares me to them. I'll prove her wrong by getting a full scholarship into MIT!
Support me, yeah?
Seriously. I have so much work now.
Overload on maths, but lucky (sort of) Simmo goes really fast so at least we have lots of revision time, or time to catch up on other subjects.
English is just being a bitch. Belonging is being a bitch. It doesn't belong into what I classify as 'Nice Things'. But at least Wakeling accepts emailed essays. She'll even let you pick up your essay from her house. She won't mail it to you, but that might take too long anyway.
Physics is sorta a bludge. I mean, we have McAuliffe. He's a bludge. And gives away loads of green merits like they're printed out counterfeit money. They're not money, but he does print them out. He gets us to fill them in ourselves. One time, 4 curry dudes asked for a green merit with a reason that wasn't really legitimate. So he went, got a green merit and cut it into 4 and gave them a bit each.
Engi. Thank god we don't have an exam for that. But we have a report. I think I'm doing way too many truss analysis. And we have to build a truss. Dear god, I haven't even started on that. And I have a party on Saturday. FML WHAT DO I DO.
At least I don't have eco. THANK GOD! I saw eco on the exam timetable and I thought SHIT. I CBF STUDYING. And then I realised and I started laughing out loud but nobody laughed with me...
Speaking of parties, WHOOOOOO! PARTAY!!! PARTY LIKE BONAPARTE!!! I'm rather excited. I hope its good. Of course it's gonna be good, I'm gonna be there!
Oh god I'm so alone.... T____T People on formspring think I'm hilarious, but I have to be lame first. T____T Cruel cruel world...
Oh. I had more to post but I forgot. This sorta sucks. Oh hey I remember now. Funny stuff people say.
Daniel Yang: "I'd rather get half a mark [by remembering to put +C for an indefinite integral] than have a social life."
Daniel Yang: "Oh Sandra, did you put the pretty girls [SNSD] away?" *sad face, close to tears*
I think there's more, but I forgot again. T_T this sucks.
I'm so excited! I get to see my other cousin for the first time in 7 years! This my younger older cousin, I saw my oldest cousin last year. Cool dude. So this is his brother, who I haven't seen, as I said, in 7 years. He went to Canada to study. What a smart guy, got paid to work and study on the side. Then he got a full scholarship into Cornell. I called it a raggedy ass college :/ His former uni sorta begged him to stay but he went Cornell anyway. What a smart guy. I'm so jealous. And my older cousin as well! Also went to Canada, came back to HK to work. Give 3 grand HKD to his mum every mum. And plays a few basketball games a month. And they both play fantasy basketball with me. They have so much time on their hands...
I'm so jealous. My mum always compares me to them. I'll prove her wrong by getting a full scholarship into MIT!
Support me, yeah?
Thursday, November 11, 2010
I'm getting really tired these days. I think I need more sleep. Some say sleeping at 12 is early, others say its late. Sigh. I need more sleep. Anyways. All I know is that its MINECRAAFFTTTT! That doesn't make sense, but Minecraft is frickin' awesome. You just mine shit and craft shit. It's not quite like what Shirley says. She said "What is Minecraft? Is it Warcraft, Barbie style?" Silly lady. She's sort of okay in thinking that it's like Barbie because I was bragging to Daniel how I had built a new house. It's actually a castle with a glass roof and a tree on it. It has a booster track linking to my other house which is a 3 storey house with a east-facing, glass wall and a spa. And they have mines in them. I think I'm abandoning that world because I created a new world with more fun stuff to explore and build on, like overhanging cliffs, land (my last world was too archipelago-ey) and cacti. I might show you guys around my house if I can record it. Or I'll just bring Minecraft to school.
We actually had/have a private Baulko server where we/Kai and I plan on building a version of BHHS. It's going to be pretty epic. But we're not letting Tim help, after yesterday's incident. A bunch of us were on the server, building our communal house and mining. I was off woodchopping, but I was on top of the canopy to get some saplings when I notice a fire to the side. Then I realise all the trees I was on were on fire, so I fall down, on fire and start chasing Tim whose running away with his Steel and Flint. That bastard. Later, I hear that he has also burned down our house by setting fire to a tree nearby. Our house was made of wood. Screw you Tim.
For my maths table: This is the video of that lady I told you about who thought rainbows coming out of her sprinkler was a government conspiracy. I don't think this is the full version...
Sorry, I haven't been posting much. I blame being too tired. But this next video is just excellent.
We actually had/have a private Baulko server where we/Kai and I plan on building a version of BHHS. It's going to be pretty epic. But we're not letting Tim help, after yesterday's incident. A bunch of us were on the server, building our communal house and mining. I was off woodchopping, but I was on top of the canopy to get some saplings when I notice a fire to the side. Then I realise all the trees I was on were on fire, so I fall down, on fire and start chasing Tim whose running away with his Steel and Flint. That bastard. Later, I hear that he has also burned down our house by setting fire to a tree nearby. Our house was made of wood. Screw you Tim.
For my maths table: This is the video of that lady I told you about who thought rainbows coming out of her sprinkler was a government conspiracy. I don't think this is the full version...
Sorry, I haven't been posting much. I blame being too tired. But this next video is just excellent.
Monday, November 1, 2010
And it's all over
As you may have heard, us Accelerated Economics kiddies have nothing to worry about anymore! Well, not really nothing to worry about because we still need to get our results back BUT AT LEAST WE CAN"T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT ANYMORE! We've finally done our economics exam. Toiled ever so hard for this, studied our butts off for a year or two just for a 3 hour exam. Speaking of the exam, MY GOD that shit was hard. I've done so many multiple choice questions and I have never encountered some so bad as that. The short answer was fairly good, but once again, I didn't finish the exam. Well, I wrote a decent amount for the last extended response but its not nearly what I wanted. And the actual questions themselves, my god, were they shit or what. It was so bad. Sure you could've written a LOT on them about come on, essays on the effectiveness of monetary policy and case study would've been SO MUCH better. AND MY CASE STUDY! I spent so much effort into it but NOOOO, don't give me a case study question for the extended. Jeez. I think I'm gonna go cry. That was probably the hardest Economics paper out of the past papers that I've done.
After that bawling, what do I do with my economics notes? I'm not going to burn them or trash them, because I spent so much effort into them (and finished the HSC like shit). Turns out I'm giving them away to someone. Well aren't they lucky. They get to enjoy the pain of Economics. To be honest, it wasn't THAT bad, but Economics wasn't a easy topic. It was massive. So much content, it's a little bit ridiculous. And I'm not happy that I've finished the HSC course either. I mean, yay, no more economics/yay, free periods but honestly, to end on that note? How lame.
Now I have the rest of Year 12 to worry about.
Sorry for being so pessimistic.
I think I'm sick, maybe that's why I'm so out of it.
But at least the funniest thing I saw/heard today was a whole toilet roll falling into the toilet. That was pretty funny. And then apparently some Year 12s saw so the person had to fish it out again. Well, that's what you get for trying to be cool and chucking the toilet roll back into place but missing.
After that bawling, what do I do with my economics notes? I'm not going to burn them or trash them, because I spent so much effort into them (and finished the HSC like shit). Turns out I'm giving them away to someone. Well aren't they lucky. They get to enjoy the pain of Economics. To be honest, it wasn't THAT bad, but Economics wasn't a easy topic. It was massive. So much content, it's a little bit ridiculous. And I'm not happy that I've finished the HSC course either. I mean, yay, no more economics/yay, free periods but honestly, to end on that note? How lame.
Now I have the rest of Year 12 to worry about.
Sorry for being so pessimistic.
I think I'm sick, maybe that's why I'm so out of it.
But at least the funniest thing I saw/heard today was a whole toilet roll falling into the toilet. That was pretty funny. And then apparently some Year 12s saw so the person had to fish it out again. Well, that's what you get for trying to be cool and chucking the toilet roll back into place but missing.
Friday, October 22, 2010
22nd of October, what an eventful day. Full of funtime and goodtimes and great classic hits. Actually, not really, but more like crazy, obnoxiously loud dance music but still, p. alright.
Started off at recess, where I unlocked an achievement! These are my personal achievements, which many persons are not allowed to know, but it was a pretty great achievement to unlock. Didn't expect to unlock it today, but I'm not complaining. Totally worth it, just didn't expect it, but I was going to unlock it in the future anyway. It was guaranteed. I hope. My personal achievements are pretty lame, tbh.
Onto more exciting things, like the Spring Fling! Man, I came to Spring Fling with zero expectations and at very short notice. Everybody was asking, "Are you going to Spring Fling?" and I felt so bad and left out every time I replied "No." So, I was ultimately peer pressured, and I asked my mum whether I could come, and I was quite surprised she said yes. Originally, I wasn't going to come because I had a basketball game at night and I asked my mum at short notice, so yeah, I was surprised I rocked up. With zero expectations, Spring Fling was pretty damn awesome. Obnoxiously loud, though, but I suppose that's the point of "rave parties" like that. Aside from the slightly dangerous laser machines, hot and sweaty TLC and daylight at 7pm (fricken Australia), it was pretty damn fun. I think Sandra got great photos throughout the night, including one of Robin and Yoosung naked together. Can't wait for those photos to be up.
And finally, my basketball game. No, I did not skip out on my basketball game JUST to be at SF. I would never miss out on a basketball game. I just attend late, like Lawrence's birthday party, or leave early, like this SF. I can't believe anyone would think I skipped out on a game just to be at something as trivial as SF. I only skip out on a game for IMPORTANT OCCASIONS, so consider yourself lucky, Sandra Chen, because I attended your Khalil Fong concert (although I admit it was totally awesome. I do not regret you reccommending me FDT =D) But yes, back to this basketball game, I was one of the toughest I've played. Because we only have 5 people, so we had no subs, so we were in the deep end right from the start. And I was playing so badly from the very beginning, I was making bad decisions, I was missing everything, even my free throws. I have over 70% Free Throw Percentage. But I was missing everything. SO DEVO. But we stuck with it, tied the game and I had the last 2 free throws. And I won the game. It was so great. And I played with one contact for pretty much the whole game because some guy clawed it out.
Great day for all.
Started off at recess, where I unlocked an achievement! These are my personal achievements, which many persons are not allowed to know, but it was a pretty great achievement to unlock. Didn't expect to unlock it today, but I'm not complaining. Totally worth it, just didn't expect it, but I was going to unlock it in the future anyway. It was guaranteed. I hope. My personal achievements are pretty lame, tbh.
Onto more exciting things, like the Spring Fling! Man, I came to Spring Fling with zero expectations and at very short notice. Everybody was asking, "Are you going to Spring Fling?" and I felt so bad and left out every time I replied "No." So, I was ultimately peer pressured, and I asked my mum whether I could come, and I was quite surprised she said yes. Originally, I wasn't going to come because I had a basketball game at night and I asked my mum at short notice, so yeah, I was surprised I rocked up. With zero expectations, Spring Fling was pretty damn awesome. Obnoxiously loud, though, but I suppose that's the point of "rave parties" like that. Aside from the slightly dangerous laser machines, hot and sweaty TLC and daylight at 7pm (fricken Australia), it was pretty damn fun. I think Sandra got great photos throughout the night, including one of Robin and Yoosung naked together. Can't wait for those photos to be up.
And finally, my basketball game. No, I did not skip out on my basketball game JUST to be at SF. I would never miss out on a basketball game. I just attend late, like Lawrence's birthday party, or leave early, like this SF. I can't believe anyone would think I skipped out on a game just to be at something as trivial as SF. I only skip out on a game for IMPORTANT OCCASIONS, so consider yourself lucky, Sandra Chen, because I attended your Khalil Fong concert (although I admit it was totally awesome. I do not regret you reccommending me FDT =D) But yes, back to this basketball game, I was one of the toughest I've played. Because we only have 5 people, so we had no subs, so we were in the deep end right from the start. And I was playing so badly from the very beginning, I was making bad decisions, I was missing everything, even my free throws. I have over 70% Free Throw Percentage. But I was missing everything. SO DEVO. But we stuck with it, tied the game and I had the last 2 free throws. And I won the game. It was so great. And I played with one contact for pretty much the whole game because some guy clawed it out.
Great day for all.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Soz bro.
I haven't posted much these days, because I just realised the consequence of going back to school.
You get a shit load of work. Especially from frickin' Simmo.
And I still have work to do, so I'll just leave you guys with some videos. They're worth watching, trust me.
And if any of you guys have Twitter, Lawrence is right. We don't know if people actually read our blogs because nobody (myself included) comments. So guys, leave a comment, even if it's because you hate me. At least I'll be infamous.
You get a shit load of work. Especially from frickin' Simmo.
And I still have work to do, so I'll just leave you guys with some videos. They're worth watching, trust me.
And if any of you guys have Twitter, Lawrence is right. We don't know if people actually read our blogs because nobody (myself included) comments. So guys, leave a comment, even if it's because you hate me. At least I'll be infamous.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
School Is Fun
Whee! Yr 12, here we go. Funtimes. School is fun, I like starting school again. Except for Simmo's maths homework because he sets outrageous amounts everyday. And the 2nd question (q10 of 6N) is some trippy shit about a k-gon with a really dodgy proof.
I really should have more to say, I have a lot of things to talk about but I've forgotten all of them. Did I mention my deal with my parents of 99 ATAR = Dog? I think I've mentioned it. But anyway, I was talking to my engineering teacher and he said he can help us get scholarships for uni, which is pretty cool. Hayden Wittig, if you guys remember, got a scholarship for Electrical Engineering into UNSW. I can't remember what he said, but he said it was worth 40k or 140k. I think 40k sounds more reasonable. Or was it 4k. I dunno.
So we all knew doing an accelerated subject is quite awesome, but now that I'm/we're in Year 12, it's advantages are really obvious. It's really a great advantage.
Finally, it's always fun to post funny things that people say.
Steph: "I always thought Tudor was just a funny way of spelling Tutor" (in reference to the Tudor stationery brand)
"what the hell are bullclips? haven't even heard of them"
"are they the BIG paperclips?"
"those are still paperclips Shirley."
"i'd pay $2 for coloured bull chips"
"i must google them to see if they really exist"
"nice ."
There's more but I still forgot. No Kapilan, I won't be posting pictures of nice girls just for you.
I really should have more to say, I have a lot of things to talk about but I've forgotten all of them. Did I mention my deal with my parents of 99 ATAR = Dog? I think I've mentioned it. But anyway, I was talking to my engineering teacher and he said he can help us get scholarships for uni, which is pretty cool. Hayden Wittig, if you guys remember, got a scholarship for Electrical Engineering into UNSW. I can't remember what he said, but he said it was worth 40k or 140k. I think 40k sounds more reasonable. Or was it 4k. I dunno.
So we all knew doing an accelerated subject is quite awesome, but now that I'm/we're in Year 12, it's advantages are really obvious. It's really a great advantage.
- Free periods. After Nov 2, our former economics periods will become 'study' periods. This means 6 free periods, including 2 doubles on Tuesday and Friday.
- More time to study for OTHER periods and do extra well in them. That's if you choose to study in those periods, you could just catch up on homework (Simmo...) or just talk which is equally fun.
- You're getting 2 units done first. Because we are only sitting the test for one subject in Year 11, we are getting a HUGE advantage than the Year 12's who have to study for ALL of their units.
- Gets 2 units out of the way so we can have time to study for (potentially) fewer units than the rest of our grade which puts us in a (potentially) slightly better position than the rest of our grade.
- We can leave school earlier if they're the last periods.
Finally, it's always fun to post funny things that people say.
Steph: "I always thought Tudor was just a funny way of spelling Tutor" (in reference to the Tudor stationery brand)
"what the hell are bullclips? haven't even heard of them"
"are they the BIG paperclips?"
"those are still paperclips Shirley."
"i'd pay $2 for coloured bull chips"
"i must google them to see if they really exist"
"nice ."
There's more but I still forgot. No Kapilan, I won't be posting pictures of nice girls just for you.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The Castle Hill RTA is a nice place. All fancy like, where an electronic thing greets you and it's not the automated doors. They have this automated ticketing system because human capital is so 1980s/China. Anyway, the ticketing system is meant to streamline the process, but it doesn't really streamline the process when we don't know what's going on.
But eventually, my mum and I put our thinking caps on and got a ticket for "Booked Other Test". Yes, today was my big day. I went to get my Learner license. How exciting, I can't even spell licence. Is license the verb form of licence? Damn you curiousity, you tangent creator. Anyways, there was a shit load of paperwork but the coolest part of the application process was that when I had to do an eyesight test, the lady told me to read the bottom line and I thought, Where? but then she opened a cupboard (?) door and THEN SHE TOLD YOU TO READ THE BOTTOM LINE OFF A MIRROR HANGING OFF THE CEILING AND IT WAS AMAZING WELL I FOUND IT AMAZING.
Ahem. So I went round to do the actual test and the goddamn touch screen thingy was lagging. And poorly calibrated. I would touch one of the answers and the cursor would end up 2 cm away from where I had touched. POOR SHOW. Anyways, I passed, which is GREAT. Now I have my Ls and if any police pulls me over, they might check my criminal record because I look like some guy who could bash people up for funsies. They told me to have a neutral face goin' on...
Also, whoever reads this and has seen the SNSD Daum screensavers, those things are the stuff of 100% swoon. DAAYMMMMMMMM. So frickin' hot....
FUN FACT: My kettle always sounds like it's about to explode. So do our bathroom tap pipes (pipe shudder) and the upstairs floor (creaking). Maybe we should get a new house.
Speaking of a new house, my house is small (wait what?). Due to the smallness of my house, my mum says that is why we cannot get a big dog. A big dog such as a husky. =( I mean, he ONLY takes up the entire back seat of our Subaru, he's not THAT big. BUT! She did joke to my dad that "Would you let your son get a dog if he got 99.95 in his HSC?" And my dad replied "I'd let him get any dog he wants!" SOOOO, that appears to be my way to get a dog! Albeit a small one. Corgy? I don't want a pure white dog, that'll make me look like...not cool or something. Although I am yet to talk to my dad, I hope that I can bargain that if I get > 98, I can get a small dog and if I can get >99, I can get a big dog. LIKE A HUSKY!!!
Sorry guys, I know I haven't been posting as much as I should be, and for some of you that might be a good thign so you don't have to read this drivel, because this is the holidays and we're meant to be having a great time with nothing to do. But yeah, I really haven't got all that much to do, I've just been lazy. I've been spending all my time partying, been cavorting with the most flamboyant party girls in the Hills area.
Who am I kidding.
Dull life = Dull holidays. *cries in a corner*
But eventually, my mum and I put our thinking caps on and got a ticket for "Booked Other Test". Yes, today was my big day. I went to get my Learner license. How exciting, I can't even spell licence. Is license the verb form of licence? Damn you curiousity, you tangent creator. Anyways, there was a shit load of paperwork but the coolest part of the application process was that when I had to do an eyesight test, the lady told me to read the bottom line and I thought, Where? but then she opened a cupboard (?) door and THEN SHE TOLD YOU TO READ THE BOTTOM LINE OFF A MIRROR HANGING OFF THE CEILING AND IT WAS AMAZING WELL I FOUND IT AMAZING.
Ahem. So I went round to do the actual test and the goddamn touch screen thingy was lagging. And poorly calibrated. I would touch one of the answers and the cursor would end up 2 cm away from where I had touched. POOR SHOW. Anyways, I passed, which is GREAT. Now I have my Ls and if any police pulls me over, they might check my criminal record because I look like some guy who could bash people up for funsies. They told me to have a neutral face goin' on...
Also, whoever reads this and has seen the SNSD Daum screensavers, those things are the stuff of 100% swoon. DAAYMMMMMMMM. So frickin' hot....
FUN FACT: My kettle always sounds like it's about to explode. So do our bathroom tap pipes (pipe shudder) and the upstairs floor (creaking). Maybe we should get a new house.
Speaking of a new house, my house is small (wait what?). Due to the smallness of my house, my mum says that is why we cannot get a big dog. A big dog such as a husky. =( I mean, he ONLY takes up the entire back seat of our Subaru, he's not THAT big. BUT! She did joke to my dad that "Would you let your son get a dog if he got 99.95 in his HSC?" And my dad replied "I'd let him get any dog he wants!" SOOOO, that appears to be my way to get a dog! Albeit a small one. Corgy? I don't want a pure white dog, that'll make me look like...not cool or something. Although I am yet to talk to my dad, I hope that I can bargain that if I get > 98, I can get a small dog and if I can get >99, I can get a big dog. LIKE A HUSKY!!!
Sorry guys, I know I haven't been posting as much as I should be, and for some of you that might be a good thign so you don't have to read this drivel, because this is the holidays and we're meant to be having a great time with nothing to do. But yeah, I really haven't got all that much to do, I've just been lazy. I've been spending all my time partying, been cavorting with the most flamboyant party girls in the Hills area.
Who am I kidding.
Dull life = Dull holidays. *cries in a corner*
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Economics Problems? Don't talk to me.
But it's always fun to put Economics terms in simple and crude layman language and examples. Note, I might be/am probably wrong. So don't put any of this in your Eco test.
Anyway, just this morning/last night, Anthony asked me:
Q: What's the difference between decentralisation and deregulation?
A: If something is decentralised, the private sector (not the government) is just like: "Chill, we got this, bro". But if something (Labour Market, for example) is centralised, the government is like: "OKAY BITCHES, PISS OFF! WE'RE RUNNING THIS JOINT!" With gun's a-blazin'. Think China.
As for a regulated something, that means less red tape and other annoying stuff, like OHS. For a deregulated something, think no rules. Less government control of how business is done.
So the difference between centralised and regulated is that with centralised, the government does it all. With regulated, the government is just being a bitch.
(I'm just making the questions up. For the fun of it, the answers are probably obvious. )
Q: What's the difference between inflation and hyperinflation?
A: Judge by the number of zeros. High single digits would be classified extremely high inflation. I'm not sure about 2 to 7 digits, but once it hits 1,000,000%, that's hyperinflation.
Basically, it's more worth it to burn the money to keep yourself warm than to buy actual wood to burn.
(okay now this is getting lame. whatever, it's better than the sporting finals in australia)
Q: Difference in monetary policy and fiscal policy in managing economic growth?
A: Well firstly, they're completely different policies. But to answer the question, MP affects the cost of borrowing money, and this in turn affects demand and supply in the entire economy. It's quite effective in managing economic growth and keeping it sustainable in the short to medium turn. However, it's effects are limited (can't affect supply problems) so think of it as a small wrench, fixing the pipes. .
Fiscal policy is basically the Government's budget, where big changes to taxation and expenditure can occur. However, this can really only be useful on a yearly basis and in big blocks, like fiscal stimulus. A monthly budget would be a bit silly. So fiscal policy can be thought as a sledgehammer. If the pipes are a bit tight and there's a massive leak, whack the wrench with the hammer. Problem solved. Unless you took a massive loan on the sledgehammer or made the pipes too tight.
Back to reality/normal life. Holidays are getting a bit boring, mostly 'cos my trainings are getting washed out by the rain. But in more exciting new, I FINISHED THE TEXTBOOK! BY THAT I MEAN I FINISHED MY ECONOMICS NOTES!!! WHEEEEEEE. Exciting day. More exciting than the grand final.
That's what most of my holidays have been, hiding inside, doing economics. And taking over Europe. But this time I'm British. Jolly good. Took most of France, heading up to Denmark later tonight. I'm still allies with them :/ But it's in my victory conditions to take their land. Oh well. BACKSTAB. Took most of the French Empire now, pretty exciting. They're got barely an empire, only, what, 3 regions left? Taking Paris was easy, but HOLDING it wasn't easy. Napoleon kept trying to take it back (naturally), and the Parisians (?) were too discontent. Had 2 rebellions.
Effing French.
Anyway, just this morning/last night, Anthony asked me:
Q: What's the difference between decentralisation and deregulation?
A: If something is decentralised, the private sector (not the government) is just like: "Chill, we got this, bro". But if something (Labour Market, for example) is centralised, the government is like: "OKAY BITCHES, PISS OFF! WE'RE RUNNING THIS JOINT!" With gun's a-blazin'. Think China.
As for a regulated something, that means less red tape and other annoying stuff, like OHS. For a deregulated something, think no rules. Less government control of how business is done.
So the difference between centralised and regulated is that with centralised, the government does it all. With regulated, the government is just being a bitch.
(I'm just making the questions up. For the fun of it, the answers are probably obvious. )
Q: What's the difference between inflation and hyperinflation?
A: Judge by the number of zeros. High single digits would be classified extremely high inflation. I'm not sure about 2 to 7 digits, but once it hits 1,000,000%, that's hyperinflation.
Basically, it's more worth it to burn the money to keep yourself warm than to buy actual wood to burn.
(okay now this is getting lame. whatever, it's better than the sporting finals in australia)
Q: Difference in monetary policy and fiscal policy in managing economic growth?
A: Well firstly, they're completely different policies. But to answer the question, MP affects the cost of borrowing money, and this in turn affects demand and supply in the entire economy. It's quite effective in managing economic growth and keeping it sustainable in the short to medium turn. However, it's effects are limited (can't affect supply problems) so think of it as a small wrench, fixing the pipes. .
Fiscal policy is basically the Government's budget, where big changes to taxation and expenditure can occur. However, this can really only be useful on a yearly basis and in big blocks, like fiscal stimulus. A monthly budget would be a bit silly. So fiscal policy can be thought as a sledgehammer. If the pipes are a bit tight and there's a massive leak, whack the wrench with the hammer. Problem solved. Unless you took a massive loan on the sledgehammer or made the pipes too tight.
Back to reality/normal life. Holidays are getting a bit boring, mostly 'cos my trainings are getting washed out by the rain. But in more exciting new, I FINISHED THE TEXTBOOK! BY THAT I MEAN I FINISHED MY ECONOMICS NOTES!!! WHEEEEEEE. Exciting day. More exciting than the grand final.
That's what most of my holidays have been, hiding inside, doing economics. And taking over Europe. But this time I'm British. Jolly good. Took most of France, heading up to Denmark later tonight. I'm still allies with them :/ But it's in my victory conditions to take their land. Oh well. BACKSTAB. Took most of the French Empire now, pretty exciting. They're got barely an empire, only, what, 3 regions left? Taking Paris was easy, but HOLDING it wasn't easy. Napoleon kept trying to take it back (naturally), and the Parisians (?) were too discontent. Had 2 rebellions.
Effing French.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
100 Things
I got peer pressured into this. You know the drill, it's the 100 things you want your "perfect partner" to be. How silly. What a complete waste of time.
EDIT: sew, not sow. jeez.
EDIT: forget, not forgive. jeez. #101. Can spell.
- Is female. So simple, yet so crucial.
- Is hot, I guess. But I have this theory that Asians are hot, they just aren't classified as hot. Story for another day.
- Has money. Can't have a woman without money.
- Has an income. Nothing like a woman with an income.
- Won't ask for my money (too much/all the time/too much all the time)
- Plays basketball.
- At least likes basketball.
- Will attend my basketball games.
- Shares my dislike for soccer. God, that shit is boring.
- Plays a sport. Nobody likes an old lethargic lady. Unless they are actually old so they are lethargic.
- Is not a midget.
- Is not a giant.
- Is within the height range of: No more than 4 inches shorter than me and no more than 2 inches taller than me. This is flexible.
- Is within the age range of: No more than 2 years and no more than some age younger than me but not something crazy like 10 years like Japanese people. This is also flexible.
- Is flexible. Like, physically. Because flexible are crazily awesome.
- Is awesome. This is very subjective, but whatever.
- Is not a crazy obsessive bitch. OCD, depending on the severity, I can handle but crazy bitches who will kill K-Pop idols but giving them blood that will not match or those crazy bitches on TVB dramas are not cool.
- Is a little bit loony because it's always funny.
- Has a good sense of humour.
- Appreciates my fine sense of humour. This is important.
- Will actually get my jokes and puns and not just laugh awkwardly/laugh to fit in/facepalm.
- Will make SIMILAR jokes.
- Can stand my sarcasm. This is rather important.
- Can see through my sarcasm and know what I'm saying is whether the truth or not.
- Can stand my 'bluntness'.
- Will stand my dissing.
- Is not scared of me. This would be a problem if they were, like, they only like me because they are so afraid of what I would do to them. ... A little bit funny actually. Apparently I'm intimidating. Your thoughts?
- Is a ninja. Ninja's are cool. With the sneaking up shit and all. Hours of fun.
- Will not cheat. Cheating ninja's aren't cool. Too hard to find.
- Can cook. Because I can't.
- Can cook good food. I don't want to eat shit food all day, I could go to Maccas for that.
- Will teach me to cook good food.
- Can knit. Because I can't.
- Can knit good scarves with tassles. (That's an invitation to knit me a good scarf with tassles for my birthday. But I don't want to know how.)
- Can sew by hand. Because I can't.
- Will teach me to sew by hand.
- Will deal with my injuries that I seem to suffer on a daily basis.
- Has a first aid certificate. This seems like a rather important thing to have in case I'm severely injured.
- Knows Cantonese. Then she can speak to my parents because they speak Chinglish.
- Knows Mandarin. Then she can have some weird conversation because we all know basic/shit Mando.
- Knows a language I don't know.
- IS MULTILINGUAL. Multilingualism is hot.
- Has a good sense of fashion. For a number of reason, so they can look better standing next to me and tell me what to not wear.
- (or at least) Has a sense of fashion that is practical/I approve of. Usually, if I approve of it, it's good fashion, to me.
- Will have a dog. Because I want one.
- Will have a HUSKY.
- Will have another one when that one dies.
- Will give them hilarious names. Like Biznatch. I don't even know why that's funny.
- Will not name our children stupid names. LIKE ZELDA. My god that's stupid.
- Will actually marry me.
- Will actually have my children. #44 and #45 are important. Very, in fact. Perhaps more suited for later in life.
- Will forgive me if I forget important dates.
- Won't forget important dates herself.
- Will give me useful presents. I don't like stuff that has no real use
- Has siblings, because I don't want my children without any aunts or uncles. Cos that would be shit.
- Has rich siblings. Because everybody loves a rich aunt and/or uncle.
- Can play the piano. Then she can teach me.
- Can play the guitar. Then she can teach me.
- Can play any other instrument because that's pretty cool.
- Is relatively fit. That's useful.
- Is okay at sports.
- Can do yoga. I want to learn that. Seems incredibly hard.
- Does not mind me leaving things in a mess.
- Will make me clean up (with me) if I leave things in a mess.
- Will find things that I lose in a mess.
- Knows basic computing and gaming terms.
- Is smart. That always helps.
- Will laugh at my failures.
- Will let me laugh at her failures.
- Doesn't hoard things. My dad hoards things. It's a bit annoying.
- Is resourceful. My dad is resourceful. But most of it comes from hoarding things. So it's a good thing and bad thing he hoards.
- Will let me stay up. Early sleepers are a bit like :/
- Will stay up with me. A little bit of help is okay. Caffeine, tea, that sorta thing.
- Will stay in a relationship with me even if I study in USA, despite HIMYM claiming that long-distance relationships don't work.
- Has a bit of patience. This always helps.
- Is kind. Kind people are nice, funnily enough.
- Will tell me to restrain myself. Essentially, put me in my place.
- Will rage at me to enforce #73. Nothing worse than failure through complacency.
- Will tell me to keep fit/go to the gym if I look at bit on the down side.
- Will accept my statement if I tell her she's on a bit on the downside. See #25.
- Will be okay with practical jokes so long as nobody is harmed.
- Will play practical jokes so long as nobody is harmed. Practical jokes are fun.
- Will tell me to do things I should've done ages ago. On top of that, ACTUALLY get me to do these things. Like, immediately. This is what my dad doesn't do.
- Is not crazily religious. Although, this is usually not a problem. It's only a problem when they're really crazy, like, will not go out with me because I do not share the same beliefs as her. (I probably got the definition of crazily religious wrong)
- Does not have a OVERLY PROTECTIVE family. Those are a bit annoying.
- Is sensible. Because I'm sometimes not.
- Does not have a really dirty mindset. Like those who make a YOUR MUM or YOUR PENIS/VAGINA joke every conversation. Those piss me a lot.
- Doesn't say "gay", "rape", etc. inappropriately. This is what I get for hanging around Lawrence, Codie, etc. a lot.
- Will tell me off if I am a culprit of #85. Apparently I say "faggot" inappropriately. I will try and remedy that.
- Will tell me to go to sleep earlier.
- Will wake me up.
- Will not injure me in the process of waking me up.
- Will be cool with my heavy breathing.
- Does things on time.
- Is a little bit cheap. Everybody loves saving money.
- Doesn't spend excessively.
- Actually luff me.
- Eye actually luff 'er
- Will never EVER subject me to something as mindlessly boring as this.
EDIT: sew, not sow. jeez.
EDIT: forget, not forgive. jeez. #101. Can spell.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I can't wait
For the weekend to begin. (8)
Actually, not really. I'm more excited because it's the holidays. PHWEEEEEE! HOLIDAYS! Usually, for me, holidays mean waking up at 10, not doing any work, keeping my bed hair, occasionally going out. My holidays get pretty boring, even more so because I need to study Economics and the shitty labour market and all this microeconomic reform (You. If you're reading, find a day. You know who you are)
BLAG. ECONOMICS. Last two exams were also blag, but whatever, I can't be bothered complaining. Everybody has complained enough already. But seriously, expect Simmo to give such a dastardly extension paper. I don't feel good about it. Oh well. Engineering was so...soul crushing. I didn't finish T__T Everybody seemed to finish. Blag.
As for the Jap, Latin, PD, VA, Music and Drama people, I wish you guys good luck. Hopefully, you won't need it. Hope your last exams weren't as shocking as mine.
I stumbled across this today. Okay, I didn't really stumble across it. I go on AKP everyday, don't usually read all the articles. But this caught my attention, and it's hilarious. Don't bother reading it, it's just a lame interview. It's quite off-topic from what the title suggests. Basically, the K-pop girlgroups have formed a union, like a trade union, and it's hilarious. GIRL GROUPS: A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH.
"Journalist: Which present was the most awkward to receive?
You guys should all go on Sandra's Tumblr. It's quite good. At times. I quite especially like this one (I really did say "I see what you did there"), and this one.
I wish I could do that.
(yes I did just change layout. )
Actually, not really. I'm more excited because it's the holidays. PHWEEEEEE! HOLIDAYS! Usually, for me, holidays mean waking up at 10, not doing any work, keeping my bed hair, occasionally going out. My holidays get pretty boring, even more so because I need to study Economics and the shitty labour market and all this microeconomic reform (You. If you're reading, find a day. You know who you are)
BLAG. ECONOMICS. Last two exams were also blag, but whatever, I can't be bothered complaining. Everybody has complained enough already. But seriously, expect Simmo to give such a dastardly extension paper. I don't feel good about it. Oh well. Engineering was so...soul crushing. I didn't finish T__T Everybody seemed to finish. Blag.
As for the Jap, Latin, PD, VA, Music and Drama people, I wish you guys good luck. Hopefully, you won't need it. Hope your last exams weren't as shocking as mine.
I stumbled across this today. Okay, I didn't really stumble across it. I go on AKP everyday, don't usually read all the articles. But this caught my attention, and it's hilarious. Don't bother reading it, it's just a lame interview. It's quite off-topic from what the title suggests. Basically, the K-pop girlgroups have formed a union, like a trade union, and it's hilarious. GIRL GROUPS: A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH.
"Journalist: Which present was the most awkward to receive?
All minus Sunny: The love of our fans are put in the presents, how can they be awkward?
Sunny: Garlic juice." (LOL)You guys should all go on Sandra's Tumblr. It's quite good. At times. I quite especially like this one (I really did say "I see what you did there"), and this one.
I wish I could do that.
(yes I did just change layout. )
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I'm so sad.
I'm so sad, Martin's leaving Engineering. There'll only be 7 people left in our class. How sad. T____T I'll never have a guy behind me doing... um... uh.... asking questions. And... uh... making wise jokes. Wait, no, he doesn't do that. He asks me things. Yeah! I'll never have people ask me things. I won't have my Martin to check my answers with. I'll inherit Jason. I swear, Jason thinks he's gun at Engi. I dunno. He's always like (as Maricic is explaining) "Yep. Totes. Of course, DUR. NATURALLY! How could anyone not get that". (not verbatim)
Went to Parra Library. That was fun. Quite interesting, actually. Two levels, I'm impressed. Caso's got more books IMO. But Parra has more desks. "Good" working environment. Depends who you're with. But getting there is tricky. Parra is dodgy, according to my parents. I had to follow Steph, I didn't know how to get to Parra Library. I nearly went into the City Hall. The arrows are so misleading. They tell you to go left to the Library when it's behind you. My parents were right, what a dodgy place. It was only made more weird by Steph's story of how she saw a man peeing outside Max Brenners. The man was in grey trackies, and Steph had no idea how he got his "thing" out and started peeing in one of the potplants but she saw because his urine stream refracted the sunlight into her eyes and created a dazzling yet ever so mesmerising effect.
That was weird.
But yeah, today was actually quite fun. SODIUM BICARBONATE PRAWNS FOR ALL. Ahem. But no, I realised that I'm as bad with parametrics as Steph is bad with transformations/auxiliary angle. They'll be the death of me. If I break my table in the Extension exam, you'll know I'm up to the parametrics question. Sigh... I'm so bad at them T________T
At least I took over St. Petersburg. Who knew Moscow was so far away. Those frickin' Macklenburgs/Macklenburgian and Prussian, I HAD A PEACE TREATY WITH YOU GUYS! YOU CAN'T JUST BREAK IT! I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING! Prussia, I can expect, because I did take over most of its territory, but Macklenburg. I thought we had something special.
Nah, I'm alright in terms of [ :) // :( ] levels. Studying for Engi/Ext Maths is offsetted by my conquests in Europe. I call my bed Europe. Macklenburg is pretty hot. Prussia is a crazy bitch. Having a Bona-partay in Europe. WHOOOOO!
Shou. =)
Went to Parra Library. That was fun. Quite interesting, actually. Two levels, I'm impressed. Caso's got more books IMO. But Parra has more desks. "Good" working environment. Depends who you're with. But getting there is tricky. Parra is dodgy, according to my parents. I had to follow Steph, I didn't know how to get to Parra Library. I nearly went into the City Hall. The arrows are so misleading. They tell you to go left to the Library when it's behind you. My parents were right, what a dodgy place. It was only made more weird by Steph's story of how she saw a man peeing outside Max Brenners. The man was in grey trackies, and Steph had no idea how he got his "thing" out and started peeing in one of the potplants but she saw because his urine stream refracted the sunlight into her eyes and created a dazzling yet ever so mesmerising effect.
That was weird.
But yeah, today was actually quite fun. SODIUM BICARBONATE PRAWNS FOR ALL. Ahem. But no, I realised that I'm as bad with parametrics as Steph is bad with transformations/auxiliary angle. They'll be the death of me. If I break my table in the Extension exam, you'll know I'm up to the parametrics question. Sigh... I'm so bad at them T________T
At least I took over St. Petersburg. Who knew Moscow was so far away. Those frickin' Macklenburgs/Macklenburgian and Prussian, I HAD A PEACE TREATY WITH YOU GUYS! YOU CAN'T JUST BREAK IT! I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING! Prussia, I can expect, because I did take over most of its territory, but Macklenburg. I thought we had something special.
Nah, I'm alright in terms of [ :) // :( ] levels. Studying for Engi/Ext Maths is offsetted by my conquests in Europe. I call my bed Europe. Macklenburg is pretty hot. Prussia is a crazy bitch. Having a Bona-partay in Europe. WHOOOOO!
Shou. =)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Exam Week 1
Done and dusted. That was fun. English was vague, as usual. The question was pretty shocking in my opinion. It was too vague. That might be good for some people as in that they could easily twist their essay, but I didn't like the question. Once again, I had no conclusion. :/ At least it had 4 pages and ended my essay...well, I thought it did. I hope the marker thinks I did. Fun Fact: the external marker of the half yearly essay (iirc) was Ms Mail. I was a little surprised.
Physics. THAT, was relatively easy. It was simple and straightforward, easier than past papers, imo. Only 72 marks, sorta expected more. I only know of one trick in the exam, the one were the ray was 60° to the surface. I think a lot of people took the Angle of Incidence to be 60°. I know I did. Also, the question asked for how much the angle of refraction deviated. The science staffroom is so sneaky.
Maths. My god, that was boring. Not trying to sound arrogant or anything, but 3 hours is way too long. It's too much time for only 10 questions/120 marks. I was quite surprised that it's 120 marks, that's quite a lot. I'm pretty sure there weren't any tricks in there... probably the last one where people are going on about imaginary numbers. Screw that shit.
But I'm pretty sure there'll be tricks in the Extension paper. Knowing Simmo, he'll probably make half of the questions screw with your mind... and apparently, he's really proud of the last question he wrote. Just a heads up guys... bring a stress ball.
And now, I get to have my 5 day weekend (Y) Got semi finals coming up, that should be fun and frustrating. The team's gonna be hard to beat...but we did it last time. In a semi final as well. Semi final repeat. Better win (Y)
Damn this 5 Day Weekend. I will not feel like studying. I don't want to do maths knowing the questions will be like a sledgehammer to the face. I don't want to do engineering, trying to figure how something can dissolve into something solid. Well, it's a solid solution. But still. NOTHING IS LIQUID!
*headache* T________________________________________________T
Also, my dad's back and he brought back basketball gear from my cousin. Now I have 4 sets of basketball gear that I won't end up using because I don't have basketball for 4 days in a row. Sigh. Oh well. Doesn't hurt to have more. (Y)
Physics. THAT, was relatively easy. It was simple and straightforward, easier than past papers, imo. Only 72 marks, sorta expected more. I only know of one trick in the exam, the one were the ray was 60° to the surface. I think a lot of people took the Angle of Incidence to be 60°. I know I did. Also, the question asked for how much the angle of refraction deviated. The science staffroom is so sneaky.
Maths. My god, that was boring. Not trying to sound arrogant or anything, but 3 hours is way too long. It's too much time for only 10 questions/120 marks. I was quite surprised that it's 120 marks, that's quite a lot. I'm pretty sure there weren't any tricks in there... probably the last one where people are going on about imaginary numbers. Screw that shit.
But I'm pretty sure there'll be tricks in the Extension paper. Knowing Simmo, he'll probably make half of the questions screw with your mind... and apparently, he's really proud of the last question he wrote. Just a heads up guys... bring a stress ball.
And now, I get to have my 5 day weekend (Y) Got semi finals coming up, that should be fun and frustrating. The team's gonna be hard to beat...but we did it last time. In a semi final as well. Semi final repeat. Better win (Y)
Damn this 5 Day Weekend. I will not feel like studying. I don't want to do maths knowing the questions will be like a sledgehammer to the face. I don't want to do engineering, trying to figure how something can dissolve into something solid. Well, it's a solid solution. But still. NOTHING IS LIQUID!
*headache* T________________________________________________T
Also, my dad's back and he brought back basketball gear from my cousin. Now I have 4 sets of basketball gear that I won't end up using because I don't have basketball for 4 days in a row. Sigh. Oh well. Doesn't hurt to have more. (Y)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I'm so happy.
It's weird. You'd think I'd be all caught up about exams, contrary to Kevin Liang's picture which determines that I will drop something because I won't get 95% in it. But I'm not, I'm surprisingly chirpy, to some extent. I was absolutely bonkers in Monday's maths periods. I was loony. I didn't know what I was doing. I couldn't count. I was holding 3 rules (rulers, as you non-engineers call it) but I said FIVE! But yeah, I'm pretty happy. I wonder...
Maybe it's because my dad is out of the house and I have a bit more freedom. (I'll still miss him.)
Maybe it's because I'm kicking ass in Napoleon: Total War (Conquered Egypt. Took Damascus with a substandard army. But taking over Europe is hard...)
Maybe it's because the Genie dance PV came out. It's pretty damn hot.
Maybe it's because the Genie Jap promotion pictures came out WHICH ARE ALSO PRETTY DAMN HOT.
Maybe it's because i'm getting more basketball time 'cos I'm in grade sport, even though the actual grade games aren't exciting, I just like get more contact with a basketball.
Maybe it's because... Wait. No, that's not a reason. Nevermind.
But maybe it's because I have a dumbbell and can get fully buff. yeah, totally. T_T
Maybe it's because I got 52/100.
But I'm pretty sure it's something else.
Yeah, pretty sure. ^^
Maybe it's because my dad is out of the house and I have a bit more freedom. (I'll still miss him.)
Maybe it's because I'm kicking ass in Napoleon: Total War (Conquered Egypt. Took Damascus with a substandard army. But taking over Europe is hard...)
Maybe it's because the Genie dance PV came out. It's pretty damn hot.
Maybe it's because the Genie Jap promotion pictures came out WHICH ARE ALSO PRETTY DAMN HOT.
Maybe it's because i'm getting more basketball time 'cos I'm in grade sport, even though the actual grade games aren't exciting, I just like get more contact with a basketball.
Maybe it's because... Wait. No, that's not a reason. Nevermind.
But maybe it's because I have a dumbbell and can get fully buff. yeah, totally. T_T
Maybe it's because I got 52/100.
But I'm pretty sure it's something else.
Yeah, pretty sure. ^^
Saturday, September 4, 2010
UNSW Open Day
I was so excited for this day and I thought lots of people would go, just like loads of people went to USYD, but on the night before, I got texts and messages saying that people wouldn't be coming. So I only had 5 confirmed people going. I was so sad. But when I got to Eddy Avenue/Central, it turns out 12 Yr11's came. There wasn't a facebook event like for USYD so I didn't know. Turns out a whole load of Yr12's came as well, saw them throughout the day. So here we are, waiting at Eddy Avenu, waiting in the rain, waiting in the midst of 50 Asians all wanting to scab the free UNSW Express buses. Scabbing is going to become a recurring motif here. We missed 2 buses because there were so many people attending Open Day/UNSW students catching the free bus.
When we finally got to UNSW (Fun Fact: it's easier to type UNSW but say New South), we all instant went to grab a free diary, cookbook, PEN, etc. It was 10 minutes to my first lecture (Civ and Env Engi) so I had to run. Run to get my Open Day bag. Up the multitude of staircases. God, there are so many stairs in UNSW and they're all steep. It's annoying. And it's wet, so you don't want to stack it, but you gotta be quick. Grabbed the bag, ran back down to Webster building to Civ and Env lecture with Michael Lee. The dude (lecturer) was fairly boring, he just told us that there's a lot more to engineering than you think and most things involve a civil engineer. Dur. We were walking out when Michael said, "WAIT! STOP!" He dashes to an unattended table with pens and post it pads. I grab a pen, booklet, and 3 post it pads (accidentally), but he grabs 2 or 3 pens and at least 5 post it pads. What a scabber.
Then we go to free fairy floss and popcorn. Free food! WOOOO! But it was raining and I don't even like fairy floss. I don't even know why I got it. Must've been 'cos it was free.
Michael went somewhere else whilst I went to Economics lecture. Basically, what I learnt from that lecture is that economists are economists for a selection of 3 reasons: Power, Money and Enlightenment. Power: WalMart CEO has a major in economics, The Terminator (cbf spelling his name) majored in eco. Mick Jagger majored in eco as well, how interesting. And then the lecturer went on to say: "Other people also major economics as well, they're just not so great, like Tony Abbott and Tiger Woods". I laughed. (Fun Fact: Economists earn $2100 a week (ABS, 2005), only second to dentists.)
Then... I went to Engineering Faculty lecture. It wasn't all that great, but one of the students said that he asked his friends how he should entice people to do Engi but they all said "Don't do it. Run away while you still can". I only stayed for 30 minutes because I had to go to a UNSW@ADFA lecture. Note, these aren't really a lecture, but more of an introductory speech, but I'll call them lectures anyway. It's in a lecture hall, close enough. Anyway, I saw Piranavan and we listened to the ADFA people. What I learnt from that talk is that I won't be applying for ADFA. I mean, the free education and salary (35k) is good and all, but I have to 5 years of service. DO NOT WANT. I'll be...28 when I finish. Not cool.
So, with ADFA crossed out, I found Martin, Jeffrey and Chris. Got have a 4 dollar and rather disappointing sausage roll. I was so hungry, so it had to suffice. We went to... um... the library. Oh yeah. We swang by to check it out but we couldn't be bothered. It was 10 levels. We went down to see if we could get into the Uni Archives but we couldn't. What a shame. It was weird, a couple followed us down. They must've been finding a place to make out/love. Because the Uni Archives are the best place to hide. Then Martin commented on how the Library was sexist because there were 2 female toilets in close proximity to each other but the male one was further away. Silly Martin. In the meantime, I was eating my chicken tandoori roll. The people don't know how to heat it/toast it. When I say I want it toasted, I imply I want it hot. I want the filling to be hot too. Idiots.
Anyway, we went to. Um. Somewhere. I think we went to Advisory centre, with Chris and Jeffrey, got some business books, got pens, got some rulers... I'm not exactly sure which order this was in. But I know I went off to Scholarships talk. Only got there in last 15 minutes, but I found out that applying for a scholarship takes a lot more effort than I thought. There's a lot of questions you have to fill in and stuff. It's probably really annoying. But I guess the money offsets it.
Next up, and last one, was Architecture with Wingki. Not much to it, but the students use Crysis in their projects. That's sorta cheating. And I concluded that engineers will hate architects. They make so funky buildings, they're not even plausible. Some person's project was an unfolding table from a pie sector and an elevator without a shaft. WTF. Stupid architects.
Then went to scab some more booklets and went home with Michael, Jeffrey, Kevin and Wingki. Stupid Michael, he's got like 8 pens, post it pads and 2 razors. WTF does he have 2 razors. He has > 5 kgs worth of free stuff but apparently Tsui has 10kg. I only have this much:
And I hate it because 4 of the pens are black. Dislike black pens.
Anyway, Michael got us lost in the city. We were supposed to stop at Town Hall but we ended up near Circular Quay. Idiot. Then we walked/ran to Town Hall and were supposed to catch a free shuttle bus but it was more like we were chasing it. Then I left with Wingki to QVB for a bus back home , and that's when we saw McNicol. Apparently he doesn't have a driver's license. Well, whadaya know.
Basically, UNSW is pretty cool and pretty looking. Shame it was wet. There are usually butterflies and birds singing, so I've heard.
When we finally got to UNSW (Fun Fact: it's easier to type UNSW but say New South), we all instant went to grab a free diary, cookbook, PEN, etc. It was 10 minutes to my first lecture (Civ and Env Engi) so I had to run. Run to get my Open Day bag. Up the multitude of staircases. God, there are so many stairs in UNSW and they're all steep. It's annoying. And it's wet, so you don't want to stack it, but you gotta be quick. Grabbed the bag, ran back down to Webster building to Civ and Env lecture with Michael Lee. The dude (lecturer) was fairly boring, he just told us that there's a lot more to engineering than you think and most things involve a civil engineer. Dur. We were walking out when Michael said, "WAIT! STOP!" He dashes to an unattended table with pens and post it pads. I grab a pen, booklet, and 3 post it pads (accidentally), but he grabs 2 or 3 pens and at least 5 post it pads. What a scabber.
Then we go to free fairy floss and popcorn. Free food! WOOOO! But it was raining and I don't even like fairy floss. I don't even know why I got it. Must've been 'cos it was free.
Michael went somewhere else whilst I went to Economics lecture. Basically, what I learnt from that lecture is that economists are economists for a selection of 3 reasons: Power, Money and Enlightenment. Power: WalMart CEO has a major in economics, The Terminator (cbf spelling his name) majored in eco. Mick Jagger majored in eco as well, how interesting. And then the lecturer went on to say: "Other people also major economics as well, they're just not so great, like Tony Abbott and Tiger Woods". I laughed. (Fun Fact: Economists earn $2100 a week (ABS, 2005), only second to dentists.)
Then... I went to Engineering Faculty lecture. It wasn't all that great, but one of the students said that he asked his friends how he should entice people to do Engi but they all said "Don't do it. Run away while you still can". I only stayed for 30 minutes because I had to go to a UNSW@ADFA lecture. Note, these aren't really a lecture, but more of an introductory speech, but I'll call them lectures anyway. It's in a lecture hall, close enough. Anyway, I saw Piranavan and we listened to the ADFA people. What I learnt from that talk is that I won't be applying for ADFA. I mean, the free education and salary (35k) is good and all, but I have to 5 years of service. DO NOT WANT. I'll be...28 when I finish. Not cool.
So, with ADFA crossed out, I found Martin, Jeffrey and Chris. Got have a 4 dollar and rather disappointing sausage roll. I was so hungry, so it had to suffice. We went to... um... the library. Oh yeah. We swang by to check it out but we couldn't be bothered. It was 10 levels. We went down to see if we could get into the Uni Archives but we couldn't. What a shame. It was weird, a couple followed us down. They must've been finding a place to make out/love. Because the Uni Archives are the best place to hide. Then Martin commented on how the Library was sexist because there were 2 female toilets in close proximity to each other but the male one was further away. Silly Martin. In the meantime, I was eating my chicken tandoori roll. The people don't know how to heat it/toast it. When I say I want it toasted, I imply I want it hot. I want the filling to be hot too. Idiots.
Anyway, we went to. Um. Somewhere. I think we went to Advisory centre, with Chris and Jeffrey, got some business books, got pens, got some rulers... I'm not exactly sure which order this was in. But I know I went off to Scholarships talk. Only got there in last 15 minutes, but I found out that applying for a scholarship takes a lot more effort than I thought. There's a lot of questions you have to fill in and stuff. It's probably really annoying. But I guess the money offsets it.
Next up, and last one, was Architecture with Wingki. Not much to it, but the students use Crysis in their projects. That's sorta cheating. And I concluded that engineers will hate architects. They make so funky buildings, they're not even plausible. Some person's project was an unfolding table from a pie sector and an elevator without a shaft. WTF. Stupid architects.
Then went to scab some more booklets and went home with Michael, Jeffrey, Kevin and Wingki. Stupid Michael, he's got like 8 pens, post it pads and 2 razors. WTF does he have 2 razors. He has > 5 kgs worth of free stuff but apparently Tsui has 10kg. I only have this much:
Anyway, Michael got us lost in the city. We were supposed to stop at Town Hall but we ended up near Circular Quay. Idiot. Then we walked/ran to Town Hall and were supposed to catch a free shuttle bus but it was more like we were chasing it. Then I left with Wingki to QVB for a bus back home , and that's when we saw McNicol. Apparently he doesn't have a driver's license. Well, whadaya know.
Basically, UNSW is pretty cool and pretty looking. Shame it was wet. There are usually butterflies and birds singing, so I've heard.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
re: Fashion
In the previous post, I was talking about turtlenecks. I know turtlenecks look bad, but I meant a loose turtleneck. I had seen a picture but I forgot but now I remember where I saw it:
[Wong Fu Productions < 3 If you haven't heard of them, you should be ashamed of yourself]
If you can see, Wes (the guy on the left) is wearing what I mean. I don't think that can be considered a loose turtleneck but as I know no other name or anything close to it, that's what I will call it. Main question: Is he pulling it off?
Getting smacked in the eye sucks.
A persistent toe inflammation also sucks.
A new injury every basketball game sucks even more.
But you know what doesn't suck? An airtight box.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
I'm not a fashion guy or a fashionista. I don't care about what I wear. Frankly, I wear anything thats practical. Like jeans, they're so practical. They have pockets. They're durable. You can wear a belt with them. I love hoodies as well. They have a pouch to put things in. You can stay warm. Dry as well. It's quite the excellent. But I won't wear anything fancy out. I wear boring things, casual, as I like to call it. It's probably bland and not very exciting. I'd probably be the last to be called a TB.
At what point are you called a TB? What classifies you as a TB? Is it the amount of clothes, or the style of clothes? Like, if you wear multitudes of shirts, checkered ones or whatever, and they're all open (unbuttoned) to reveal more clothes underneath? Or is it the hair? Are you called a TB if you have Anthony's hair? Or is it other things, like the footwear? What about AF1s? I hate AF1s. They're like a commoner's power forward shoes. By that I mean non basketball player shoes. You got massive ankle braces and a massive tongue, you pretty much tuck your pants into the shoes. Not sure how it looks good, but whatever. I hate Converses even more. It's just a plastic sole with canvas on the side. It seems like such a ridiculous shoe, roll your foot and you're gone. Water could get in so easily. That's why I don't like them, they're not practical. You wear them PURELY for fashion. It's like a night-suit (HIMYM reference). You can't move, you can't sleep comfortably, but when a lady rocks up (for whatever reason. This is Barney. And it's HIMYM. It's a bit crazy), you can bang them because you're wearing a suit and you look sexy (illogical, I know).
Okay, but what about those items that are purely for fashion. Maybe it's just me, but I just think that a lot of fashionable items are what only girls could pull off. Could guys pull off wearing a beanie? You know, those knitted, cotton ones that girls wear, like this:
Okay, maybe not something so feminine (?) like that, but something along those lines. It's like guys are restricted to a boring, black beanie or a hoodie.
And can guys wear loose turtlenecks? They seem so warm:
Once again, probably something not so suited for the ladies like the one about, but it's like that. Like, one thats not so wide and puffy (?). I think I once saw George Clooney/another fashionable old guy wearing a turtleneck and it seemed fine.
Are these thoughts just mine, or is it a thing that guys can't wear somethings girls can? (aside from the obvious, like skirts. You could still wear those, if you want, I guess.)
At what point are you called a TB? What classifies you as a TB? Is it the amount of clothes, or the style of clothes? Like, if you wear multitudes of shirts, checkered ones or whatever, and they're all open (unbuttoned) to reveal more clothes underneath? Or is it the hair? Are you called a TB if you have Anthony's hair? Or is it other things, like the footwear? What about AF1s? I hate AF1s. They're like a commoner's power forward shoes. By that I mean non basketball player shoes. You got massive ankle braces and a massive tongue, you pretty much tuck your pants into the shoes. Not sure how it looks good, but whatever. I hate Converses even more. It's just a plastic sole with canvas on the side. It seems like such a ridiculous shoe, roll your foot and you're gone. Water could get in so easily. That's why I don't like them, they're not practical. You wear them PURELY for fashion. It's like a night-suit (HIMYM reference). You can't move, you can't sleep comfortably, but when a lady rocks up (for whatever reason. This is Barney. And it's HIMYM. It's a bit crazy), you can bang them because you're wearing a suit and you look sexy (illogical, I know).
Okay, but what about those items that are purely for fashion. Maybe it's just me, but I just think that a lot of fashionable items are what only girls could pull off. Could guys pull off wearing a beanie? You know, those knitted, cotton ones that girls wear, like this:
Okay, maybe not something so feminine (?) like that, but something along those lines. It's like guys are restricted to a boring, black beanie or a hoodie.
And can guys wear loose turtlenecks? They seem so warm:
Once again, probably something not so suited for the ladies like the one about, but it's like that. Like, one thats not so wide and puffy (?). I think I once saw George Clooney/another fashionable old guy wearing a turtleneck and it seemed fine.
Are these thoughts just mine, or is it a thing that guys can't wear somethings girls can? (aside from the obvious, like skirts. You could still wear those, if you want, I guess.)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Album Requests
So, I'm planning on buying some (music) albums off eBay and I'm buying off one guy so if I get more people to buy more albums, the shipping will be cheaper. If I get enough, I might be able to haggle free shipping, which will be wonderful. But yes, I'm buying off this guy. Try not to ask your friends (that I don't know) to buy some albums because getting the money will be a hassle and I don't actually know them. So yeah. BUY! (Y) The guy has a lot, and even if he hasn't listed it, I can still email him and see if he has it. But you gotta tell me by the end of this week because I'm buying on Friday or sometime around then. Albums are approximately 14 to 17 USD (few more dollars for newer albums/added psoter) so that's around 15 to 19 AUD. Excluding shipping.
Anyways, we got our eco results back today. It was carnage in the room. People are shivering, chattering and in general stressing. Krishna made a good call, "I love it when we get our tests back, 'cos Kapilan's quiet!" Because of these reactions at results time, everybody makes stupid comments and Lawrence pounces on them. Like, Kapilan was saying/screaming he failed when he got 84% and told Paix that he would tell her his mark later, implying his mark was bad when in reality it wasn't. I could see Lawrence was quietly sharpening his Wolverine claws. And he was also waiting to pounce on Jason if he said "I got raped by the test". Waiting to punch him in the head.
To be honest, that doesn't make sense at all. You can't get raped by an inanimate object, it's not like "the test whipped out its penis and shoved it up Jason's arse" (Lawrence). Also, if he says "I got raped in the test", how did no one notice? And it's pretty silly when some says something is gay, like, "That food was gay" or "That test was so gay". It doesn't make sense. Peoples, inanimate objects don't have sexual preferences. It just doesn't make sense.
This is what hanging with Lawrence and Codie does to you. But it's a good thing, making sense.
Anyways, we got our eco results back today. It was carnage in the room. People are shivering, chattering and in general stressing. Krishna made a good call, "I love it when we get our tests back, 'cos Kapilan's quiet!" Because of these reactions at results time, everybody makes stupid comments and Lawrence pounces on them. Like, Kapilan was saying/screaming he failed when he got 84% and told Paix that he would tell her his mark later, implying his mark was bad when in reality it wasn't. I could see Lawrence was quietly sharpening his Wolverine claws. And he was also waiting to pounce on Jason if he said "I got raped by the test". Waiting to punch him in the head.
To be honest, that doesn't make sense at all. You can't get raped by an inanimate object, it's not like "the test whipped out its penis and shoved it up Jason's arse" (Lawrence). Also, if he says "I got raped in the test", how did no one notice? And it's pretty silly when some says something is gay, like, "That food was gay" or "That test was so gay". It doesn't make sense. Peoples, inanimate objects don't have sexual preferences. It just doesn't make sense.
This is what hanging with Lawrence and Codie does to you. But it's a good thing, making sense.
Friday, August 20, 2010
I'm so hurt
I've been hurt so much today, I think I've broken a record. I get hurt a lot, but not this much in one day.
- Kicked in the foot. More specifically, the spot where my toe hurts. My toe hurts because I kicked a door two weeks ago. Yeah, not very smart. WTFBall is annoying.
- Face got raked. Frickin' Easwar. EASWAR... I hate WTFBall.
- Nose got elbowed. I don't even know who, I don't care. My nose started bleeding. How annoying. I really do hate WTFBall with a passion, now.
- Took charges like 4 times but only one was called a charge. Stupid Hills refs, can't call for shit.
- Got kicked/stepped in/on the shin. I don't even know how it happed. This was at a proper basketball game.
- Hand got stepped on. Golly, that hurt. It did hurt to make my hand into a fist and now it hurts to touch. And it's ugly.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Funny Things People Say
I was going to do a post of funny/stupid things my basketball coach, but this couldn't wait because too many people say funny/stupid things. It's quite hilarious.
- "You got to plant yourself like a plantation." -- Coach. Plantation still sorta works, except it sounds stupid. We were laughing at him for the next few minutes but he didn't get it.
- "Bryan, you gotta stop taking things too far. You gotta stop trying to empathise things." -- Coach. We were practicing a basketball move and I tried too hard and failed (I tried to backboard slap but I missed the shot). So he tried to tell me to stop trying to emphasise the action, but said empathise. I corrected him twice then he told me to stop correcting him.
- "Hey sir, can I see the top of your nut?" -- Jason @ Mr Maricic. You don't need a context. It's hilarious just hearing it. Well, we were drawing and nut and bolt and well, he wanted to see the nut. I got told off for being hilarious, as I am.
- Jason: "Oh my god my set square is left-handed."
Maricic: *chuckle* "A left handed set square... that's the funniest thing I've heard all day." It's not that funny because Jason said his set square was left handed (if you're stupid, you think there are left and right handed screwdrivers), but I found it funny because that is the highest quality of humour Maricic gets a day. It's pretty lame. - Shirley: Thinks that Ekans, Arbok and Seviper are species of snakes. She thinks that Dubai is in India. She also hasn't heard of Goku and similarly, doesnt' know what Kamekameha (sp) is. She has had a deprived childhood.
- "What's Einstein's last name?" -- Erin. This might've been from a while ago, but that still pretty fail.
- "Why are they playing so many Honky songs?" -- Bryan. This was when I was in the Khalil Fong + Fiona Sit concert, both HK artists. It's pretty fail.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Street Food
We're mostly talking about Hong Kong here, but I'm sure every country has their own form of street food. It's just that there's nothing quite like Asian street. It's everywhere, it's rather aromatic and it's deliciously cheap and iconic. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a big fan of street food. Look at all that oil and stuff. Mmmm.....deeeelish.
And people are saying, Oh, but you can see what they're putting into it. Yeah, you can see all that oil. You can see all that crap in the sauce and they serve that to you in a brown paper bag or if you're lucky, in a plastic container. That's high end street food, right up in Tsim Tsa Tsui. Well I'm sorry if I want to eat off a plate, I just don't feel like eating out of a paper bag. Surely, you can't criticise me just because I want to be a little bit more civilise and actually eat better food. If I'm gonna go to Hong Kong, I want to save my stomach with good, cooked food, not oil and spicy fish balls. But because I'm going to HK (who else is?), I might get myself some of those 鸡蛋子. Thems be some iconic HK food. It's a ripoff 'cos they're hollow, but they're so good. Stephanie Chan, I'm looking at you, you better take me around street food locations and I'll show you some restaurants.
Just had my basketball game today. We lost, but I had my best game for about 3 weeks. I blame economics. I hypothesise that there is an inverse relationship between the stress load applied by Economics (or general academic studies) and the quality of your basketball game. As in, your individual game. These last 3 weeks, I was playing poorly and training poorly. Now that I have no Eco, it's been pretty good, although it might be too early to tell. Made some pretty good drives. But my toes are still stubbed and inflammed, it's pretty annoying. Can't run well. Oh well. Tough it out, Bryan Ho.
Ugh, crappy band festival on Sunday. Have to go out to bloody Penrith where it's gonna be freezing cold. I honestly hate band sometimes, they make so many disruptions to my week. And all the competitions are clumped in one month, it's horrible. This weekend will have zero productivity.
Oh woe is me...
Just had my basketball game today. We lost, but I had my best game for about 3 weeks. I blame economics. I hypothesise that there is an inverse relationship between the stress load applied by Economics (or general academic studies) and the quality of your basketball game. As in, your individual game. These last 3 weeks, I was playing poorly and training poorly. Now that I have no Eco, it's been pretty good, although it might be too early to tell. Made some pretty good drives. But my toes are still stubbed and inflammed, it's pretty annoying. Can't run well. Oh well. Tough it out, Bryan Ho.
Ugh, crappy band festival on Sunday. Have to go out to bloody Penrith where it's gonna be freezing cold. I honestly hate band sometimes, they make so many disruptions to my week. And all the competitions are clumped in one month, it's horrible. This weekend will have zero productivity.
Oh woe is me...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Things you know
Things you realise you have/can do when you don't have economics to study for:
- A giant backlog of maths homework. The fact that it is about derivatives doesn't hurt. Also, I found that I still can't find the asymptotes of graphs. I would say I now fail at life but then again, I'm not Kapilan/Anthony.
- A reasonable backlog of other homework. Although considerably less, because Maths is pretty much the only subject that gives out homework regularly. Although Engineering is close, Maricic gives us these outrageous sheets with spelling errors and excessive amount of lines. You're learning about 'Ethics' but the question asks about 'Ethnics'. You get 7 lines for a question that can be answered in one word.
- My blog is effed up. Sometimes, I will type and it will come out emboldened when I haven't even activated the bold button. The opposite also happens. I also don't know any HTML and perhaps, as a result, don't know how to put links to other people's blogs on my blog. That's why my blog is so plain, excluding the content of the text.
- Economics creates disaster zones. There is actually a logical, economic explanation for this if you take it literally, but what I meant is that my table(s) is/are a mess. I don't really have multiple tables, I just have a desk and the top of a cupboard. I have 5 piles of textbooks and economics notes and a laptop. No jumping to conclusions, I only have one Economics textbook. I'm not Anthony. However, I have 3 Chemistry textbooks that I am willing to sell. One is Excel Preliminary, so I doubt anybody needs it, and 2 HSC textbooks, Excel and Chemistry Contexts. Mint condition, might I add, seeing as I haven't used them. If you want to buy them, ask me.
- I have too much free time. I can tell because I only blogged two days ago and this is MID TERM. How outrageous. I feel like a bad-ass. Yo.
- I can now buy things online. It wasn't like I was physically incapable before the economics test and study month, but now is a better time to ask my dad if I can buy. You know how it is, you only ask your parents things when they're in a good mood or it's a suitable time, e.g. after all your test(s). Helloooooo online merchandise! Methinks I'll get David Choi and Clara Chung. But so expensive lah...
- Time to do random things. Like fold an origami heart. Ngaw. Actually, nobody went 'ngaw' at me... I think they thought I was/am weird and they all assumed it was for someone. Nobody will accept the reason that I might've made it for my mum and I made it 'cos I was bored during the NCIS ad breaks. Jeez guys, I don't have an ulterior motive to EVERYTHING. Also, I have enough time to do this. So I don't know whether you guys are glad I don't have economics or do have economics. Ooh, I just remembered. As I'm making a parody song, would it be logical for it to rhyme? Like, take the same rhyming scheme as the original song?
- Post on Soshified. Now, many would think that this would random, although most of you don't know what Soshified is, but I am actually doing this with a purpose. I plan to get over 50 posts so that I can download subbed episodes of Invincible Youth, which seems like an alright show. I can also go on Karaholic now. Like, literally now, because my mum is upstairs and can't see me and think I'm a pedo/gay. Yeah, she thinks I'm gay for multiple reasons involving women, it's weird and it's a long story.
- Actually do homework. Bleh. Who needs homework.
Monday, August 9, 2010
It's okay Mum
You don't have to tell me I fail at life. You've told me enough times already. I know I can't manage a lot of things. I know I poor memory. I know I'm not very independent. You've told me a lot of times. I don't need a constant reminder. I don't need to be shouted at just because I forgot something that's not very important.
Moving on. The economics trial is over. What a relief. So glad that's over. I WAS planning to have, essentially, a free day todya, but my mum is like: "So you're gonna do work later, right?". Sigh. I really only have one choice once she says that because if I say anything otherwise, I will be back-chatting, known as "bok jui" in Canto. Sigh. At times, my life is not glorious. Especially these past two weeks. Got all this annoying school pressure and shitty basketball performances. I've been playing so badly these past few days... it's depressing. Why won't basketball and economics just be friends? I want to have a cordial relationship with both but nooo, they are jealous of each other. Honestly, it's annoying. I hope my game picks up this week or I will not be happy. Blagh.
Now that economics is over, I can do more things and concentrate on more things. Fore-go less, blah blah blah (don't think I spelt that correctly):
Fun fact of the day: Shaquille O'Neal went to Celtics. Everybody I've told so far has been a little shocked. I wish people cared more about basketball :(
Should I be posting a picture every post?
Moving on. The economics trial is over. What a relief. So glad that's over. I WAS planning to have, essentially, a free day todya, but my mum is like: "So you're gonna do work later, right?". Sigh. I really only have one choice once she says that because if I say anything otherwise, I will be back-chatting, known as "bok jui" in Canto. Sigh. At times, my life is not glorious. Especially these past two weeks. Got all this annoying school pressure and shitty basketball performances. I've been playing so badly these past few days... it's depressing. Why won't basketball and economics just be friends? I want to have a cordial relationship with both but nooo, they are jealous of each other. Honestly, it's annoying. I hope my game picks up this week or I will not be happy. Blagh.
Now that economics is over, I can do more things and concentrate on more things. Fore-go less, blah blah blah (don't think I spelt that correctly):
- Learn more of Replay. Little thing on the side, it's fun. Frickin' Andrew Yap wants us to perform it at Variety Night. I don't know when that is, but regardless, we're not ready.
- Learn Mike Song's Wii Tutting Routine. It's pretty awesome. Youtube it. It was actually in some of my previous posts.
- Buy some stuff online. I could've done this before, but I was busy and my parents were relatively pissy. Now, I buy some stuff... contents cannot be disclosed at the moment (aside from the fact I haven't bought them yet).
- Get 50 posts of Soshified. Just 'cos. Actually, 'cos I want to watch Invincible Youth and I need English subs (obviously). It seems like an alright show.
- Make some parody of a song. (@Sandra) I'm planning on doing Singalong Song. Probably Stealalong song unless you have a better idea. But then again, you never support me in anything. Nobody does :(
- Anybody got any other suggestions as to what I should do with my pitiful life?
Fun fact of the day: Shaquille O'Neal went to Celtics. Everybody I've told so far has been a little shocked. I wish people cared more about basketball :(
Should I be posting a picture every post?
Monday, July 26, 2010
The 2010 Prefect Body
was announced today. Also, we had a study skills which was completely useless. They taught us what we already knew, that we should take breaks because that's "optimal" but honestly, no one does that. You're wasting time, but whatevs. Also, we learnt the mindmap! Suitable Ages: Primary Schoolers. That's not even an age. Fine, like... 12 and under. Flippin' hell woman, we're high school students. We don't want/need/use mindmaps.
Bloomin' 'eck. (She's British. She said Bloomin'. It was funny. You know what also is/was Blooming? HINT: KARA)
As I was saying, our prefect body was announced today. I'm not gonna name it all, there's 24 of them and that's too many to list. But what I will say without being/sounding like a complete faggot/retard/etc., is that our prefect body is misrepresentated. By that, I mean the social groups of our grade are misrepresentated. The toilet group/girl group is over-representated with three-quarters of each gender being from the afore mentioned groups. The stoop/back stoop is finely represented, with suitable people, might I add. But other groups, like the A blockers, for example, do not have ANYBODY in the prefect body. I think this is a poor prefect bdoy because a prefect body should sufficiently represent the entire grade. Not just one specific group(s) like this year. And I want to make it clear that I don't hate the prefects (re: Twitter). I just think we could've had a better representation. Although, we'll see whether they're good or not when they actually get to work.
I'm really tired so I won't be writing too much. I'm so schleepy. And it's only 7ish. I feel like Steph T__T
But I have enough time/energy to complain about eco. But nobody wants to hear about it. Our trial is in....14 days. Eeep. Better that daily chapter reading. And China. Oh god. China. Why must you be so plentiful in your economy, although dodgy at the same time. Why must you crank out stats every month even though they're not very useful/accurate because they're year-on-year things. Oh well. I won't pick a fight with the 3rd largest economy.
In other news, Joseph dyed his hair blonde. It looks ridiculously hilarious. He's trying to look like G-Dragon. Kpop dude. "Dude". I was going to put on a photo of G-Dragon but then the photos are too bad and a lot of them involve him biting his thumb so I thought it would be a waste of space and just make people cringe.
Most exciting thing so far: CHECK OUT GOOGLE IMAGES! Search something up and you will have a funky nigh full page of all related pictures without any/much text.
And my bubble has just been popped. Apparently it has been like that for a while. Obviously it has been a while since I used Google Images :(
Bloomin' 'eck. (She's British. She said Bloomin'. It was funny. You know what also is/was Blooming? HINT: KARA)
As I was saying, our prefect body was announced today. I'm not gonna name it all, there's 24 of them and that's too many to list. But what I will say without being/sounding like a complete faggot/retard/etc., is that our prefect body is misrepresentated. By that, I mean the social groups of our grade are misrepresentated. The toilet group/girl group is over-representated with three-quarters of each gender being from the afore mentioned groups. The stoop/back stoop is finely represented, with suitable people, might I add. But other groups, like the A blockers, for example, do not have ANYBODY in the prefect body. I think this is a poor prefect bdoy because a prefect body should sufficiently represent the entire grade. Not just one specific group(s) like this year. And I want to make it clear that I don't hate the prefects (re: Twitter). I just think we could've had a better representation. Although, we'll see whether they're good or not when they actually get to work.
I'm really tired so I won't be writing too much. I'm so schleepy. And it's only 7ish. I feel like Steph T__T
But I have enough time/energy to complain about eco. But nobody wants to hear about it. Our trial is in....14 days. Eeep. Better that daily chapter reading. And China. Oh god. China. Why must you be so plentiful in your economy, although dodgy at the same time. Why must you crank out stats every month even though they're not very useful/accurate because they're year-on-year things. Oh well. I won't pick a fight with the 3rd largest economy.
In other news, Joseph dyed his hair blonde. It looks ridiculously hilarious. He's trying to look like G-Dragon. Kpop dude. "Dude". I was going to put on a photo of G-Dragon but then the photos are too bad and a lot of them involve him biting his thumb so I thought it would be a waste of space and just make people cringe.
Most exciting thing so far: CHECK OUT GOOGLE IMAGES! Search something up and you will have a funky nigh full page of all related pictures without any/much text.
And my bubble has just been popped. Apparently it has been like that for a while. Obviously it has been a while since I used Google Images :(
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Here we go again
My my... something something let you go. I think it's ABBA.
Anyways, it's another term. Funtimes. Actually, I don't mind school. It gives me something to do for six hours. And during that time, I get to know about things and laugh at things. Things are funny. Things are interesting. Things like Bioengineering but its REALL GORY. God, I can predict that every lesson I will be squirming. I do not like gore. It's...gory. And our teacher's like, "It's good that I just got my hernia done so this is a good prelude into our next topic." And then he goes into detail about how his bellybutton leads fluid and the surgery where they pry apart your muscle. Delicious. Oh boy, gonna be a bad term. And we have to do a report on it... T_T
So I got this thing called I think it's just a thing that records what you play and suggets other music that you should listen to. Personally, I don't see what's so special about it but now that I have it, it's good to see what I listen to. It turns out that I have the most plays on Khalil Fong (93) then Xiao Yu (83) and then Cheer Chen (78). Don't be surprised that SNSD isn't my most listened-to music. It's fairly obvious, that's a pretty farfetched assumtion that I listen to SNSD all the time. But it is 4th and Michael Buble is 5th. But it's mostly Asian music up there because I updated my library by deleting everything in my library and then only putting the music on my iPod back in. Seems inefficient, but I don't know any other way. If I didn't delete all of them then I would've had my play counts. Oh well. So bascially, I've listened to more Chicago, etc than FDT, SNSD, etc.
@ Sandra's blog. Dude, I am not the biggest Seungyeon fanboy you know, alright?! Even if I was, that's only because I'm the only one who likes Seungyeon. Okay?! Also, I'm not a fanboy. A fanboy would be so creepy he would know her blood type. That's creepy. I ain't that, okay?! HMMMMMM! Case closed
Sorry everybody, and now, to end on a high note:
Anyways, it's another term. Funtimes. Actually, I don't mind school. It gives me something to do for six hours. And during that time, I get to know about things and laugh at things. Things are funny. Things are interesting. Things like Bioengineering but its REALL GORY. God, I can predict that every lesson I will be squirming. I do not like gore. It's...gory. And our teacher's like, "It's good that I just got my hernia done so this is a good prelude into our next topic." And then he goes into detail about how his bellybutton leads fluid and the surgery where they pry apart your muscle. Delicious. Oh boy, gonna be a bad term. And we have to do a report on it... T_T
So I got this thing called I think it's just a thing that records what you play and suggets other music that you should listen to. Personally, I don't see what's so special about it but now that I have it, it's good to see what I listen to. It turns out that I have the most plays on Khalil Fong (93) then Xiao Yu (83) and then Cheer Chen (78). Don't be surprised that SNSD isn't my most listened-to music. It's fairly obvious, that's a pretty farfetched assumtion that I listen to SNSD all the time. But it is 4th and Michael Buble is 5th. But it's mostly Asian music up there because I updated my library by deleting everything in my library and then only putting the music on my iPod back in. Seems inefficient, but I don't know any other way. If I didn't delete all of them then I would've had my play counts. Oh well. So bascially, I've listened to more Chicago, etc than FDT, SNSD, etc.
@ Sandra's blog. Dude, I am not the biggest Seungyeon fanboy you know, alright?! Even if I was, that's only because I'm the only one who likes Seungyeon. Okay?! Also, I'm not a fanboy. A fanboy would be so creepy he would know her blood type. That's creepy. I ain't that, okay?! HMMMMMM! Case closed
Sorry everybody, and now, to end on a high note:
Friday, July 16, 2010
Paintbball was friggin' awesome. So much fun. Pretty hectic. It's pretty awesome because the guns aren't that inaccurate and you can see your own shots. It's pretty neat when you start shooting at someone, they don't realise and then you headshot them. Also when you start laying down some suppressive fire and they're like OH SHIT! DUCK!
Shooting people is fun. Got like, 10 kills, half of which were headshots. I got Koong in the head (then later he dished out payback by shooting me in the mouth), Shirley in the head as well, Lenny in the jaw, Ewy right between the eyes and someone else, I can't remember. Getting Ewy between the eyes was awesome. I was trying to sneak up on Lenny and then somebody starts shooting at me and I'm like OH SHIT. Runs back to some rocks. And then I see her crawling around and it took me 20 balls before I got her. Which was awesome. I got others in the shoulders and side I think, mostly from when I flanked them whilst they were concentrating on the fort. Got Stuart in the shoe so I wouldn't hit his body and he gives me the finger in return.
I didn't get hit a lot and I don't think a lot of people did, but once you did, boy, did it hurt. First round. My gun isn't working so the ref come along and I get hit in the throat. SO. GODDAMN. PAINFUL. I have a massive bruise there:
Oh yeah, that's hot. Also got hit in the back of the head, twice in the back of the next and one in the back. Man, I got shot in the back of the neck and back by Ewy just because she couldn't handle being knifed. Well, I didn't actually knife her. This was at the end of the game, were Koong, Ewy and somebody else were preparing to attack. I sneaked up behind them and because I had run out of paint, I ran my thumb-knife across one guy's throat, mock-stab Koong in the neck and run away. And then Ewy decides to be cheap and shoot me in the back.
All in all, it was good fun. 4 hours of good fun. Even better because we get 100 free balls cos we deposited. Even better for me because I got a gun upgrade and 1000 balls. REALLY good for me because I got to play for FREE! Not that good because I got a free shirt that is too tight and it was really sweaty under the helmet. But yeah, paintball is fun! (Y)
Shooting people is fun. Got like, 10 kills, half of which were headshots. I got Koong in the head (then later he dished out payback by shooting me in the mouth), Shirley in the head as well, Lenny in the jaw, Ewy right between the eyes and someone else, I can't remember. Getting Ewy between the eyes was awesome. I was trying to sneak up on Lenny and then somebody starts shooting at me and I'm like OH SHIT. Runs back to some rocks. And then I see her crawling around and it took me 20 balls before I got her. Which was awesome. I got others in the shoulders and side I think, mostly from when I flanked them whilst they were concentrating on the fort. Got Stuart in the shoe so I wouldn't hit his body and he gives me the finger in return.
I didn't get hit a lot and I don't think a lot of people did, but once you did, boy, did it hurt. First round. My gun isn't working so the ref come along and I get hit in the throat. SO. GODDAMN. PAINFUL. I have a massive bruise there:
All in all, it was good fun. 4 hours of good fun. Even better because we get 100 free balls cos we deposited. Even better for me because I got a gun upgrade and 1000 balls. REALLY good for me because I got to play for FREE! Not that good because I got a free shirt that is too tight and it was really sweaty under the helmet. But yeah, paintball is fun! (Y)
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Are you ready?
Cos I'm ready. I'm so psyched for tomorrow. It will be awesome. Paintball. RRARRRRR! Because I took the time and effort to organise this, everybody has decided to gank me. What the hell. I SAY BRING, BIZATCHES!!!!!!!! GAHHHHHH! For those who wish to try and destroy me, while you sleep, I will haunt you in your dreams. I will make you tremble in your covers. I will make you break out in a cold sweat and piss your pants/panties.
Having said that, I think tomorrow is going to be really fun. Apparently you get massive bruises, like the ones the size of the circle your thumb and index finger can form. I say bring it. I don't have training for another week, it'll be hopefully okay by then. I'll bring my camera and take some pictures (probably not mid-game) and post up pictures of all our bruises or just the worst one.
And in more interesting news, Youtube musicians are really good! Well, the ones I've heard anyway. They're pretty damn good! David Choi, as I've said, is good. And I found some new ones (from links off Wong Fu again) and they're pretty good. I listened to Clara Chung:
And on top of that being a really interesting and funny MV, that's pretty good music. And she's not bad looking, so I guess that plays a part in being on YouTube. Also, from Clara Chung, I found Alex Hwang:
Who is also pretty damn awesome. These Asians can sing (Y)
Having said that, I think tomorrow is going to be really fun. Apparently you get massive bruises, like the ones the size of the circle your thumb and index finger can form. I say bring it. I don't have training for another week, it'll be hopefully okay by then. I'll bring my camera and take some pictures (probably not mid-game) and post up pictures of all our bruises or just the worst one.
And in more interesting news, Youtube musicians are really good! Well, the ones I've heard anyway. They're pretty damn good! David Choi, as I've said, is good. And I found some new ones (from links off Wong Fu again) and they're pretty good. I listened to Clara Chung:
And on top of that being a really interesting and funny MV, that's pretty good music. And she's not bad looking, so I guess that plays a part in being on YouTube. Also, from Clara Chung, I found Alex Hwang:
Who is also pretty damn awesome. These Asians can sing (Y)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Asian Parents
This won't be the same as Chonny's vid, but the gist is the same.
Asian parents can be pretty annoying. First thing is that they never commend you for anything good. They'll never say, "Good job son" or "Congratulations, I'm so happy for you". You definitely won't hear, "I'm so happy, I'll buy you anything you want". Oh boy, that will never happen. That doesn't even happen in the movies. The only way you can earn/win something is if you make a deal. Like Steph did, she 'earned' her dog, but if you lose, you're screwed. They'll have some sneaky, fine print condition that'll allow them to disconnect the internet for a month. And so that is why I don't tell my parents my marks. But when I do, like I did this time, you might get a little praise. But then you get a verbal poke:
Me: "Hey Mum, I just got my maths test back."
Mum: "Oh okay, what did you get?"
Me: "Pretty good. I got one wrong."
Mum: "Did anybody get full marks?" [Note: if someone did, she'd be like "Why don't you get full mark?!"]
Me: "No..."
Mum: "Oh okay... what did you get wrong?"
Me: "Oh a silly mistake."
Mum: *snaps* "Oh why you get the silly mistake hah?" [Note: Envision me saying that line with an Asian accent. In reality, we would be saying this in canto. I just break into an Asian accent a lot.]
And their excuse is that they themselves won't praise their kid, but let other parents praise their kids. It's a shocking excuse because you don't get to hear any of it or if you're in the vicinity, they'll be like: "Bro/Sista, AS IF! My son/daughter is USELESS/STUPID/UGLY!" G-ster parents. And that leads me onto..........
Asian parents compare. They compare you like a watermelon. They verbally smack you around a few times, put you next to their ear and shake you around a little. You don't do so well, or laze around a little and they'll go, "Why you don't do a good job, hyah?!" or "HEY! Why you laze around?! Go do the maths!" (Asian accent. God, gotta stop breaking into that.) My parents often compare me to my cousins. Both my older cousins went to Canada to study, my oldest cousin is very hard working, makes a study timetable (which I don't and think is useless) and is rather successful. Give a lot of money back to his parents each stock trading guy. My second oldest cousin when to Toronto U but then got a scholarship to Cornell. The Ivy League one. That's fancy and good, I think. He's naturally very smart. And so my parents say to me, "Why can't you be like your oldest cousin, hah? Why can't you be so organised like him?" or at other times, "Why can't you be like your older cousin, hah? Why can't you be so smart like him?" [They have names, I just didn't reveal them.] My younger cousins, we don't talk about. Firstly, I reckon they're arrogant and annoying, secondly, they're younger and thirdly, my mum thinks so too.
Last but not least, is that they're pretty cheap. This goes for most Asians, of course, there are some who spend like they're so loaded they don't shit shit, they shit cash. But my dad is so cheap, it is ridiculous. He'll hoard things just so he can use them later. We had to throw out our oven but before he threw it out, he took out the oven light and then dumped it on the kerb. On time, we were in Hong Kong in the underground stores of Mong Kok. Okay, that sound dodgy and it is a little but those are like the perfect marketplace (economics) so prices are competitive. Knowing this, my dad spend an hour shopping around to buy a pair of speakers and all he saved was 10 bucks. 1o HKD. That's less than 2 AUD. I was like: T__T afterwards and when I complained to my dad was like, "What? I saved more than 10 dollars. Look at this! I got a free pen!"
He has now lost that pen.
Now, asian parents aren't ALL that bad. In fact, those things that I've said make them good. It's like the incentive of inequality in economics. Because you fail, you strive to do better. But in the same way, you can become discouraged and just give up (and become hidden). And being cheap has it's benefits, you get more for your buck and you get to save money.
That's good, right?
Asian parents can be pretty annoying. First thing is that they never commend you for anything good. They'll never say, "Good job son" or "Congratulations, I'm so happy for you". You definitely won't hear, "I'm so happy, I'll buy you anything you want". Oh boy, that will never happen. That doesn't even happen in the movies. The only way you can earn/win something is if you make a deal. Like Steph did, she 'earned' her dog, but if you lose, you're screwed. They'll have some sneaky, fine print condition that'll allow them to disconnect the internet for a month. And so that is why I don't tell my parents my marks. But when I do, like I did this time, you might get a little praise. But then you get a verbal poke:
Me: "Hey Mum, I just got my maths test back."
Mum: "Oh okay, what did you get?"
Me: "Pretty good. I got one wrong."
Mum: "Did anybody get full marks?" [Note: if someone did, she'd be like "Why don't you get full mark?!"]
Me: "No..."
Mum: "Oh okay... what did you get wrong?"
Me: "Oh a silly mistake."
Mum: *snaps* "Oh why you get the silly mistake hah?" [Note: Envision me saying that line with an Asian accent. In reality, we would be saying this in canto. I just break into an Asian accent a lot.]
And their excuse is that they themselves won't praise their kid, but let other parents praise their kids. It's a shocking excuse because you don't get to hear any of it or if you're in the vicinity, they'll be like: "Bro/Sista, AS IF! My son/daughter is USELESS/STUPID/UGLY!" G-ster parents. And that leads me onto..........
Asian parents compare. They compare you like a watermelon. They verbally smack you around a few times, put you next to their ear and shake you around a little. You don't do so well, or laze around a little and they'll go, "Why you don't do a good job, hyah?!" or "HEY! Why you laze around?! Go do the maths!" (Asian accent. God, gotta stop breaking into that.) My parents often compare me to my cousins. Both my older cousins went to Canada to study, my oldest cousin is very hard working, makes a study timetable (which I don't and think is useless) and is rather successful. Give a lot of money back to his parents each stock trading guy. My second oldest cousin when to Toronto U but then got a scholarship to Cornell. The Ivy League one. That's fancy and good, I think. He's naturally very smart. And so my parents say to me, "Why can't you be like your oldest cousin, hah? Why can't you be so organised like him?" or at other times, "Why can't you be like your older cousin, hah? Why can't you be so smart like him?" [They have names, I just didn't reveal them.] My younger cousins, we don't talk about. Firstly, I reckon they're arrogant and annoying, secondly, they're younger and thirdly, my mum thinks so too.
Last but not least, is that they're pretty cheap. This goes for most Asians, of course, there are some who spend like they're so loaded they don't shit shit, they shit cash. But my dad is so cheap, it is ridiculous. He'll hoard things just so he can use them later. We had to throw out our oven but before he threw it out, he took out the oven light and then dumped it on the kerb. On time, we were in Hong Kong in the underground stores of Mong Kok. Okay, that sound dodgy and it is a little but those are like the perfect marketplace (economics) so prices are competitive. Knowing this, my dad spend an hour shopping around to buy a pair of speakers and all he saved was 10 bucks. 1o HKD. That's less than 2 AUD. I was like: T__T afterwards and when I complained to my dad was like, "What? I saved more than 10 dollars. Look at this! I got a free pen!"
He has now lost that pen.
Now, asian parents aren't ALL that bad. In fact, those things that I've said make them good. It's like the incentive of inequality in economics. Because you fail, you strive to do better. But in the same way, you can become discouraged and just give up (and become hidden). And being cheap has it's benefits, you get more for your buck and you get to save money.
That's good, right?
Sunday, July 11, 2010
World Cup Final - Game Itself
NOTE: THIS IS A VERY LONG POST> YOU DON"T HAVE TO READ IT. but it's a good summary of the world cup final.
4.36 AM. Sitting here with my milkshake that looks like the Cheltenham Girls Uniform. And I just saw a good header. That was good. Too bad it was off a free kick awarded from a flop. Seriously, the guy falls down, clutches his ankle and rolls twice in "pain" but then gets up and runs away. Like, seriously, what a flop. Anthony is making some thing about Oranje Juice. I don't get it. Is it something against the Germany Uniform?
4.40AM. 10 minutes in. Nil all, as expected at this time. So apparently, the Dutch are in Orange. That makes a lot of sense, because its NED vs ESP. Ha (?)
4.41AM. Just after that Ramos (?) drive thing....the one where it could've nearly deflected into the goal. Seriously, just trap the ball or something. I dunno, maybe I don't know how soccer works. I can see that Spain is playing very aggressively.
Destiny~ VAMOS LA FURIA ROJA says:
*i am screaming
I think he's close to jizzing.
Observation #1. Puyol has a lot of hair.
4.44AM van Persie gets a yellow card. What a flop. I understand he got hit, but the guy was SCREAMING IN PAIN LIKE HE WAS GIVING BIRTH. Dude, it's just a kick to the shin.
4.46AM Another guy gets a yellow card. Puyol. Apparently, late challenges get a yellow card. That makes sense, but the guy was screaming out in pain, AGAIN.
Observation #2. Soccer players think they're giving birth every time they think they can get a free kick. That's their flopping technique. It's worse than the Laimbeer flop.
Observation #3. Soccer outfits aren't chosen from the best palette of colours. I mean, firstly, the Dutch are in bright orange like construction workers. And secondly, why are the Dutch in black and the Dutch in bright orange? Their countries' flags don't even contain those colours, iirc. Seriously, use more obvious colours.
4.51AM. A foul, looks like it. Oh another Yellow. That guy is dishing them out like candy. At least he wasn't rolling around and feinting labour. OH WHAT THE HELL?! HOW IS THAT A YELLOW CARD TO RAMOS?! SERIOUSLY WHAT?! He just clipped the guy on the toes. Literally on the toes. This ref sucks. That was a soft foul. 25 minutes in and all I've seen is one good header, 4 yellow cards and people falling over. :/ Is this what soccer is about.
Observation #4. Defender's role on offense is the kick the ball really far away and hope someone on their own team gets to it.
4.58 AM OH shit. another yellow. i thought it was a flop but i saw the replays and OH SHIT. THE GUY JUST COPPED A KICK IN THE CHEST. This guy is a MAN! Not like the players. He takes a karate kick with stud ON THE CHEST! LIKE A MAN! That's funnier in slow mo.
Xabi Alonso is chasing the ball. A WILD NIGEL DE JONG APPEARS! Nigel de Jong uses HI KICK! It's not very effective...
Hm, I've just realised that this post might be boring to most, if not all people. Oh well, I'll just try and make it shorter.
5.04AM. Sorry, but the commentator just said Puyol had "great body shape". I thought that sounded dirty.
Observation #5 The AHHH of the crowd has directly proportional to the shot's proximity to the goal.
5.12AM. One guys kicks the other in the inner thigh and they both roll away at the same speed. It was quite funny to watch.
5.17AM. Halftime. That wasn't all too exciting. Most exciting thing = Karate Kick. Oh well, that's what I get for being stupid enough to stay up. At least I got some work done. Apparently, Anthony fainted 20 times. "It was an absolute kick-a-thon". How'd you figure, Soccer Guy? This is soccer. But he was referring to the Dutch tactic of kicking Spanish players. It's like Hack-the-Shaq but Kick-a-Spaniard. Doesn't rhyme though... >_>
5.32AM Yay, second half... brushed my teeth by rinsing my mouth 5 times. hope that works. "surround by 3 orange shirts". Surrounded by 3 construction workers, more like.
Observation #6. There's a lot of contact. Like how bball has a lot of contact, except we don't kick people in the chest.
5.40am. oMG.....another yellow card. seriously.
5.43AM. OMG another yellow. just give him a foul, doesn't need a yellow. Craig Foster says everything has been justified, but i reckon its soft. Means soccer is soft.
5.47am. Apparently, Jesus just came on. Wonder who it is....
5.53AM Bam. Another yellow. Professional foul.....but is a yellow worth it? oh i guess, its the final.
6.00 AM. Nothing has happened much, apparently there's a player called Jesus. there was this good attempt, but i forget. now its a free. too high. hits a cameraman instead.
6.04AM. Free header from Puyol. Too bad he missed. Man, it almost sounds like I know something about soccer. I don't. WOAH! CHEAP SHOT. The guy flops and then elbows someone. Talk about cheap shot.
Destiny~ VAMOS LA FURIA ROJA says:
Observation #7. Pique needed to tuck his strings into his shorts.
6.10AM. Robben broke away again and didn't get a call and he started chasing the ref afterwards. The ref was faster than him. These updates are more spaced, i'm getting tired. Golly, it's still nil all. Puyol need a haircut. Apparently Robben is only 26. He looks so old....
6.22AM Oh my...It's going to go into extra time. At this rate, I've been awake for 18 hours. This can't be right, this is the holidays! I MUST HAVE 12 HOURS OF SLEEP.
A lot of people falling over....
6.31AM Oh I say, two good attacks, one good weighted pass to Fabregas then as a quick counter attack that ends up in a corner with a close header. Well, clsoe in soccer terms i guess.
Why did Iniesta wait.... should've left foot punt.
6,36am. 10 MINUTES INTO ET. I thought it was in, i don't know who kicked it, hit the side of the netting, looked in.
6.41AM. End of first ET half. More action than the previous halves. Hope we get a goal in the 2nd half of ET. I can hear sounds from upstairs, I think my dad is going to wake soon to go to work. And meanwhile, Anthony sends me a Bored of Studies link. ANTHONY! Its about International Maths Olympiad. You nerd. OH look Torres comes on.
6.46. Second ET, but more importantly, I CAN SEE LIGHT OUTSIDE. This is getting ridiculous. Oh hey, double yellow. That's a red. Free kick, lets see....misses. BAM Another yellow. Man, my dad has woken up and will go to work soon. My keys are squeaking... how odd. Golly...its so bright outside (not really) but i can see light and I'm not sleepy anymore.
Observation #8 The Dutch coach looks so stylish.
7.02AM FINALLY! I can sleep now. Lol, the dutch team is throwing a tantrum. guh. nap time.
4.36 AM. Sitting here with my milkshake that looks like the Cheltenham Girls Uniform. And I just saw a good header. That was good. Too bad it was off a free kick awarded from a flop. Seriously, the guy falls down, clutches his ankle and rolls twice in "pain" but then gets up and runs away. Like, seriously, what a flop. Anthony is making some thing about Oranje Juice. I don't get it. Is it something against the Germany Uniform?
4.40AM. 10 minutes in. Nil all, as expected at this time. So apparently, the Dutch are in Orange. That makes a lot of sense, because its NED vs ESP. Ha (?)
4.41AM. Just after that Ramos (?) drive thing....the one where it could've nearly deflected into the goal. Seriously, just trap the ball or something. I dunno, maybe I don't know how soccer works. I can see that Spain is playing very aggressively.
Destiny~ VAMOS LA FURIA ROJA says:
*i am screaming
I think he's close to jizzing.
Observation #1. Puyol has a lot of hair.
4.44AM van Persie gets a yellow card. What a flop. I understand he got hit, but the guy was SCREAMING IN PAIN LIKE HE WAS GIVING BIRTH. Dude, it's just a kick to the shin.
4.46AM Another guy gets a yellow card. Puyol. Apparently, late challenges get a yellow card. That makes sense, but the guy was screaming out in pain, AGAIN.
Observation #2. Soccer players think they're giving birth every time they think they can get a free kick. That's their flopping technique. It's worse than the Laimbeer flop.
Observation #3. Soccer outfits aren't chosen from the best palette of colours. I mean, firstly, the Dutch are in bright orange like construction workers. And secondly, why are the Dutch in black and the Dutch in bright orange? Their countries' flags don't even contain those colours, iirc. Seriously, use more obvious colours.
4.51AM. A foul, looks like it. Oh another Yellow. That guy is dishing them out like candy. At least he wasn't rolling around and feinting labour. OH WHAT THE HELL?! HOW IS THAT A YELLOW CARD TO RAMOS?! SERIOUSLY WHAT?! He just clipped the guy on the toes. Literally on the toes. This ref sucks. That was a soft foul. 25 minutes in and all I've seen is one good header, 4 yellow cards and people falling over. :/ Is this what soccer is about.
Observation #4. Defender's role on offense is the kick the ball really far away and hope someone on their own team gets to it.
4.58 AM OH shit. another yellow. i thought it was a flop but i saw the replays and OH SHIT. THE GUY JUST COPPED A KICK IN THE CHEST. This guy is a MAN! Not like the players. He takes a karate kick with stud ON THE CHEST! LIKE A MAN! That's funnier in slow mo.
Xabi Alonso is chasing the ball. A WILD NIGEL DE JONG APPEARS! Nigel de Jong uses HI KICK! It's not very effective...
Hm, I've just realised that this post might be boring to most, if not all people. Oh well, I'll just try and make it shorter.
5.04AM. Sorry, but the commentator just said Puyol had "great body shape". I thought that sounded dirty.
Observation #5 The AHHH of the crowd has directly proportional to the shot's proximity to the goal.
5.12AM. One guys kicks the other in the inner thigh and they both roll away at the same speed. It was quite funny to watch.
5.17AM. Halftime. That wasn't all too exciting. Most exciting thing = Karate Kick. Oh well, that's what I get for being stupid enough to stay up. At least I got some work done. Apparently, Anthony fainted 20 times. "It was an absolute kick-a-thon". How'd you figure, Soccer Guy? This is soccer. But he was referring to the Dutch tactic of kicking Spanish players. It's like Hack-the-Shaq but Kick-a-Spaniard. Doesn't rhyme though... >_>
5.32AM Yay, second half... brushed my teeth by rinsing my mouth 5 times. hope that works. "surround by 3 orange shirts". Surrounded by 3 construction workers, more like.
Observation #6. There's a lot of contact. Like how bball has a lot of contact, except we don't kick people in the chest.
5.40am. oMG.....another yellow card. seriously.
5.43AM. OMG another yellow. just give him a foul, doesn't need a yellow. Craig Foster says everything has been justified, but i reckon its soft. Means soccer is soft.
5.47am. Apparently, Jesus just came on. Wonder who it is....
5.53AM Bam. Another yellow. Professional foul.....but is a yellow worth it? oh i guess, its the final.
6.00 AM. Nothing has happened much, apparently there's a player called Jesus. there was this good attempt, but i forget. now its a free. too high. hits a cameraman instead.
6.04AM. Free header from Puyol. Too bad he missed. Man, it almost sounds like I know something about soccer. I don't. WOAH! CHEAP SHOT. The guy flops and then elbows someone. Talk about cheap shot.
Destiny~ VAMOS LA FURIA ROJA says:
Observation #7. Pique needed to tuck his strings into his shorts.
6.10AM. Robben broke away again and didn't get a call and he started chasing the ref afterwards. The ref was faster than him. These updates are more spaced, i'm getting tired. Golly, it's still nil all. Puyol need a haircut. Apparently Robben is only 26. He looks so old....
6.22AM Oh my...It's going to go into extra time. At this rate, I've been awake for 18 hours. This can't be right, this is the holidays! I MUST HAVE 12 HOURS OF SLEEP.
A lot of people falling over....
6.31AM Oh I say, two good attacks, one good weighted pass to Fabregas then as a quick counter attack that ends up in a corner with a close header. Well, clsoe in soccer terms i guess.
Why did Iniesta wait.... should've left foot punt.
6,36am. 10 MINUTES INTO ET. I thought it was in, i don't know who kicked it, hit the side of the netting, looked in.
6.41AM. End of first ET half. More action than the previous halves. Hope we get a goal in the 2nd half of ET. I can hear sounds from upstairs, I think my dad is going to wake soon to go to work. And meanwhile, Anthony sends me a Bored of Studies link. ANTHONY! Its about International Maths Olympiad. You nerd. OH look Torres comes on.
6.46. Second ET, but more importantly, I CAN SEE LIGHT OUTSIDE. This is getting ridiculous. Oh hey, double yellow. That's a red. Free kick, lets see....misses. BAM Another yellow. Man, my dad has woken up and will go to work soon. My keys are squeaking... how odd. Golly...its so bright outside (not really) but i can see light and I'm not sleepy anymore.
Observation #8 The Dutch coach looks so stylish.
7.02AM FINALLY! I can sleep now. Lol, the dutch team is throwing a tantrum. guh. nap time.
World Cup Final - Prelude
I must be sick. Devishly sick. I mean, I am so sick, I've stayed up to watch the World Cup Final. I must be down with something pretty bad. Oh well, I've cured myself by watching basketball. It is...presently 4.05 AM and I have not slept. I've stayed up till now...not a mean feat. I don't feel drowsy. I hope I don't vomit. Last time I did an all nighter (didn't want to, but I was on a plane) I vomited. Not pretty. It hurt as well cos I didn't have any food. Well, I'm current watching NBA (Summer League) as I said as I wait for the kick off. Also talking to Anthony, who sounds like he's about to explode. He's apparently preparing heaps of food.
4.16AM - Just read about basketball's greatest floppers. Yeah, sometimes we flop a bit. We just don't flop as much as soccer players. Seriously, you can not touch them and they'll fall over. Anyways, apparently, basketball's greatest flopper was Bill Laimbeer. Detroit Pistons, quite a while back. Big white guy, PF/C methinks. Let me quote:
"Laimbeer was vilified around the league for his aggressive play, head games and the trademark "Laimbeer flop." He was the most hated player in the league during his heyday."
That's a big thing, to be hated in the league. It's a big league. Watch a video "highlights" of him, it's quite funny, he's not built but he stacks it when like a small point guard hits him. And the crowd hates him, for example, in the video, there' s a sign in the crowd that says "DETROIT PISTONS = 4 MEN + A BABY" and there's a picture of him. It's actually quite funny. His highlights include rebounds. Lol....Anthony is still exploding
4.20 AM - Destiny~ VAMOS LA FURIA ROJA says:
*spain is beautiful
ħeirware > says:
*So how come spain hasn done so well ib the past?
Destiny~ VAMOS LA FURIA ROJA says:
ħeirware > says:
*Struck a nerve there eh? ;D
>> LOL!!! =D
4.22 AM - Oh hey, they came onto the field. Time to make a milkshake and move onto the laptop. I'm making a strawberry banana milkshake, hope that turns out well. Did I tell you just before last year, a bite of a banana would make me vomit?
So Anthony wants me to post now. Makes sense, a post dedicated to the game itself.
4.16AM - Just read about basketball's greatest floppers. Yeah, sometimes we flop a bit. We just don't flop as much as soccer players. Seriously, you can not touch them and they'll fall over. Anyways, apparently, basketball's greatest flopper was Bill Laimbeer. Detroit Pistons, quite a while back. Big white guy, PF/C methinks. Let me quote:
"Laimbeer was vilified around the league for his aggressive play, head games and the trademark "Laimbeer flop." He was the most hated player in the league during his heyday."
That's a big thing, to be hated in the league. It's a big league. Watch a video "highlights" of him, it's quite funny, he's not built but he stacks it when like a small point guard hits him. And the crowd hates him, for example, in the video, there' s a sign in the crowd that says "DETROIT PISTONS = 4 MEN + A BABY" and there's a picture of him. It's actually quite funny. His highlights include rebounds. Lol....Anthony is still exploding
4.20 AM - Destiny~ VAMOS LA FURIA ROJA says:
*spain is beautiful
ħeirware > says:
*So how come spain hasn done so well ib the past?
Destiny~ VAMOS LA FURIA ROJA says:
ħeirware > says:
*Struck a nerve there eh? ;D
>> LOL!!! =D
4.22 AM - Oh hey, they came onto the field. Time to make a milkshake and move onto the laptop. I'm making a strawberry banana milkshake, hope that turns out well. Did I tell you just before last year, a bite of a banana would make me vomit?
So Anthony wants me to post now. Makes sense, a post dedicated to the game itself.
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