Monday, November 1, 2010

And it's all over

As you may have heard, us Accelerated Economics kiddies have nothing to worry about anymore! Well, not really nothing to worry about because we still need to get our results back BUT AT LEAST WE CAN"T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT ANYMORE! We've finally done our economics exam. Toiled ever so hard for this, studied our butts off for a year or two just for a 3 hour exam. Speaking of the exam, MY GOD that shit was hard. I've done so many multiple choice questions and I have never encountered some so bad as that. The short answer was fairly good, but once again, I didn't finish the exam. Well, I wrote a decent amount for the last extended response but its not nearly what I wanted. And the actual questions themselves, my god, were they shit or what. It was so bad. Sure you could've written a LOT on them about come on, essays on the effectiveness of monetary policy and case study would've been SO MUCH better. AND MY CASE STUDY! I spent so much effort into it but NOOOO, don't give me a case study question for the extended. Jeez. I think I'm gonna go cry. That was probably the hardest Economics paper out of the past papers that I've done.

After that bawling, what do I do with my economics notes? I'm not going to burn them or trash them, because I spent so much effort into them (and finished the HSC like shit). Turns out I'm giving them away to someone. Well aren't they lucky. They get to enjoy the pain of Economics. To be honest, it wasn't THAT bad, but Economics wasn't a easy topic. It was massive. So much content, it's a little bit ridiculous. And I'm not happy that I've finished the HSC course either. I mean, yay, no more economics/yay, free periods but honestly, to end on that note? How lame.

Now I have the rest of Year 12 to worry about.
Sorry for being so pessimistic.

I think I'm sick, maybe that's why I'm so out of it.
But at least the funniest thing I saw/heard today was a whole toilet roll falling into the toilet. That was pretty funny. And then apparently some Year 12s saw so the person had to fish it out again. Well, that's what you get for trying to be cool and chucking the toilet roll back into place but missing.

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