Thursday, November 25, 2010

Untitled is actually a title

SoI haven't been posting. I haven't posted for 14 days. Oh my. I must've lost my followers. But honestly, not much has been happening. Sure, it might be because I'm getting slack. But really. Not much has happened. It's all been like:
Seriously. I have so much work now.
Overload on maths, but lucky (sort of) Simmo goes really fast so at least we have lots of revision time, or time to catch up on other subjects.
English is just being a bitch. Belonging is being a bitch. It doesn't belong into what I classify as 'Nice Things'. But at least Wakeling accepts emailed essays. She'll even let you pick up your essay from her house. She won't mail it to you, but that might take too long anyway.
Physics is sorta a bludge. I mean, we have McAuliffe. He's a bludge. And gives away loads of green merits like they're printed out counterfeit money. They're not money, but he does print them out. He gets us to fill them in ourselves. One time, 4 curry dudes asked for a green merit with a reason that wasn't really legitimate. So he went, got a green merit and cut it into 4 and gave them a bit each.
Engi. Thank god we don't have an exam for that. But we have a report. I think I'm doing way too many truss analysis. And we have to build a truss. Dear god, I haven't even started on that. And I have a party on Saturday. FML WHAT DO I DO.
At least I don't have eco. THANK GOD! I saw eco on the exam timetable and I thought SHIT. I CBF STUDYING. And then I realised and I started laughing out loud but nobody laughed with me...

Speaking of parties, WHOOOOOO! PARTAY!!! PARTY LIKE BONAPARTE!!! I'm rather excited. I hope its good. Of course it's gonna be good, I'm gonna be there!

Oh god I'm so alone.... T____T People on formspring think I'm hilarious, but I have to be lame first. T____T Cruel cruel world...

Oh. I had more to post but I forgot. This sorta sucks. Oh hey I remember now. Funny stuff people say.

Daniel Yang: "I'd rather get half a mark [by remembering to put +C for an indefinite integral] than have a social life."

Daniel Yang: "Oh Sandra, did you put the pretty girls [SNSD] away?" *sad face, close to tears*

I think there's more, but I forgot again. T_T this sucks.

I'm so excited! I get to see my other cousin for the first time in 7 years! This my younger older cousin, I saw my oldest cousin last year. Cool dude. So this is his brother, who I haven't seen, as I said, in 7 years. He went to Canada to study. What a smart guy, got paid to work and study on the side. Then he got a full scholarship into Cornell. I called it a raggedy ass college :/ His former uni sorta begged him to stay but he went Cornell anyway. What a smart guy. I'm so jealous. And my older cousin as well! Also went to Canada, came back to HK to work. Give 3 grand HKD to his mum every mum. And plays a few basketball games a month. And they both play fantasy basketball with me. They have so much time on their hands...

I'm so jealous. My mum always compares me to them. I'll prove her wrong by getting a full scholarship into MIT!

Support me, yeah?

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