Saturday, October 9, 2010

School Is Fun

Whee! Yr 12, here we go. Funtimes. School is fun, I like starting school again. Except for Simmo's maths homework because he sets outrageous amounts everyday. And the 2nd question (q10 of 6N) is some trippy shit about a k-gon with a really dodgy proof.

I really should have more to say, I have a lot of things to talk about but I've forgotten all of them. Did I mention my deal with my parents of 99 ATAR = Dog? I think I've mentioned it. But anyway, I was talking to my engineering teacher and he said he can help us get scholarships for uni, which is pretty cool. Hayden Wittig, if you guys remember, got a scholarship for Electrical Engineering into UNSW. I can't remember what he said, but he said it was worth 40k or 140k. I think 40k sounds more reasonable. Or was it 4k. I dunno.

So we all knew doing an accelerated subject is quite awesome, but now that I'm/we're in Year 12, it's advantages are really obvious. It's really a great advantage.
  1. Free periods. After Nov 2, our former economics periods will become 'study' periods. This means 6 free periods, including 2 doubles on Tuesday and Friday.
  2. More time to study for OTHER periods and do extra well in them. That's if you choose to study in those periods, you could just catch up on homework (Simmo...) or just talk which is equally fun.
  3. You're getting 2 units done first. Because we are only sitting the test for one subject in Year 11, we are getting a HUGE advantage than the Year 12's who have to study for ALL of their units.
  4. Gets 2 units out of the way so we can have time to study for (potentially) fewer units than the rest of our grade which puts us in a (potentially) slightly better position than the rest of our grade.
  5. We can leave school earlier if they're the last periods.
So there you go, the 5 advantages of Accelerating a subject (sorry Benjamin Tan).

Finally, it's always fun to post funny things that people say.

Steph: "I always thought Tudor was just a funny way of spelling Tutor" (in reference to the Tudor stationery brand)

"what the hell are bullclips? haven't even heard of them"
"are they the BIG paperclips?"
"those are still paperclips Shirley."

"i'd pay $2 for coloured bull chips"
"i must google them to see if they really exist"
"nice ."

There's more but I still forgot. No Kapilan, I won't be posting pictures of nice girls just for you.

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