- Is female. So simple, yet so crucial.
- Is hot, I guess. But I have this theory that Asians are hot, they just aren't classified as hot. Story for another day.
- Has money. Can't have a woman without money.
- Has an income. Nothing like a woman with an income.
- Won't ask for my money (too much/all the time/too much all the time)
- Plays basketball.
- At least likes basketball.
- Will attend my basketball games.
- Shares my dislike for soccer. God, that shit is boring.
- Plays a sport. Nobody likes an old lethargic lady. Unless they are actually old so they are lethargic.
- Is not a midget.
- Is not a giant.
- Is within the height range of: No more than 4 inches shorter than me and no more than 2 inches taller than me. This is flexible.
- Is within the age range of: No more than 2 years and no more than some age younger than me but not something crazy like 10 years like Japanese people. This is also flexible.
- Is flexible. Like, physically. Because flexible are crazily awesome.
- Is awesome. This is very subjective, but whatever.
- Is not a crazy obsessive bitch. OCD, depending on the severity, I can handle but crazy bitches who will kill K-Pop idols but giving them blood that will not match or those crazy bitches on TVB dramas are not cool.
- Is a little bit loony because it's always funny.
- Has a good sense of humour.
- Appreciates my fine sense of humour. This is important.
- Will actually get my jokes and puns and not just laugh awkwardly/laugh to fit in/facepalm.
- Will make SIMILAR jokes.
- Can stand my sarcasm. This is rather important.
- Can see through my sarcasm and know what I'm saying is whether the truth or not.
- Can stand my 'bluntness'.
- Will stand my dissing.
- Is not scared of me. This would be a problem if they were, like, they only like me because they are so afraid of what I would do to them. ... A little bit funny actually. Apparently I'm intimidating. Your thoughts?
- Is a ninja. Ninja's are cool. With the sneaking up shit and all. Hours of fun.
- Will not cheat. Cheating ninja's aren't cool. Too hard to find.
- Can cook. Because I can't.
- Can cook good food. I don't want to eat shit food all day, I could go to Maccas for that.
- Will teach me to cook good food.
- Can knit. Because I can't.
- Can knit good scarves with tassles. (That's an invitation to knit me a good scarf with tassles for my birthday. But I don't want to know how.)
- Can sew by hand. Because I can't.
- Will teach me to sew by hand.
- Will deal with my injuries that I seem to suffer on a daily basis.
- Has a first aid certificate. This seems like a rather important thing to have in case I'm severely injured.
- Knows Cantonese. Then she can speak to my parents because they speak Chinglish.
- Knows Mandarin. Then she can have some weird conversation because we all know basic/shit Mando.
- Knows a language I don't know.
- IS MULTILINGUAL. Multilingualism is hot.
- Has a good sense of fashion. For a number of reason, so they can look better standing next to me and tell me what to not wear.
- (or at least) Has a sense of fashion that is practical/I approve of. Usually, if I approve of it, it's good fashion, to me.
- Will have a dog. Because I want one.
- Will have a HUSKY.
- Will have another one when that one dies.
- Will give them hilarious names. Like Biznatch. I don't even know why that's funny.
- Will not name our children stupid names. LIKE ZELDA. My god that's stupid.
- Will actually marry me.
- Will actually have my children. #44 and #45 are important. Very, in fact. Perhaps more suited for later in life.
- Will forgive me if I forget important dates.
- Won't forget important dates herself.
- Will give me useful presents. I don't like stuff that has no real use
- Has siblings, because I don't want my children without any aunts or uncles. Cos that would be shit.
- Has rich siblings. Because everybody loves a rich aunt and/or uncle.
- Can play the piano. Then she can teach me.
- Can play the guitar. Then she can teach me.
- Can play any other instrument because that's pretty cool.
- Is relatively fit. That's useful.
- Is okay at sports.
- Can do yoga. I want to learn that. Seems incredibly hard.
- Does not mind me leaving things in a mess.
- Will make me clean up (with me) if I leave things in a mess.
- Will find things that I lose in a mess.
- Knows basic computing and gaming terms.
- Is smart. That always helps.
- Will laugh at my failures.
- Will let me laugh at her failures.
- Doesn't hoard things. My dad hoards things. It's a bit annoying.
- Is resourceful. My dad is resourceful. But most of it comes from hoarding things. So it's a good thing and bad thing he hoards.
- Will let me stay up. Early sleepers are a bit like :/
- Will stay up with me. A little bit of help is okay. Caffeine, tea, that sorta thing.
- Will stay in a relationship with me even if I study in USA, despite HIMYM claiming that long-distance relationships don't work.
- Has a bit of patience. This always helps.
- Is kind. Kind people are nice, funnily enough.
- Will tell me to restrain myself. Essentially, put me in my place.
- Will rage at me to enforce #73. Nothing worse than failure through complacency.
- Will tell me to keep fit/go to the gym if I look at bit on the down side.
- Will accept my statement if I tell her she's on a bit on the downside. See #25.
- Will be okay with practical jokes so long as nobody is harmed.
- Will play practical jokes so long as nobody is harmed. Practical jokes are fun.
- Will tell me to do things I should've done ages ago. On top of that, ACTUALLY get me to do these things. Like, immediately. This is what my dad doesn't do.
- Is not crazily religious. Although, this is usually not a problem. It's only a problem when they're really crazy, like, will not go out with me because I do not share the same beliefs as her. (I probably got the definition of crazily religious wrong)
- Does not have a OVERLY PROTECTIVE family. Those are a bit annoying.
- Is sensible. Because I'm sometimes not.
- Does not have a really dirty mindset. Like those who make a YOUR MUM or YOUR PENIS/VAGINA joke every conversation. Those piss me a lot.
- Doesn't say "gay", "rape", etc. inappropriately. This is what I get for hanging around Lawrence, Codie, etc. a lot.
- Will tell me off if I am a culprit of #85. Apparently I say "faggot" inappropriately. I will try and remedy that.
- Will tell me to go to sleep earlier.
- Will wake me up.
- Will not injure me in the process of waking me up.
- Will be cool with my heavy breathing.
- Does things on time.
- Is a little bit cheap. Everybody loves saving money.
- Doesn't spend excessively.
- Actually luff me.
- Eye actually luff 'er
- Will never EVER subject me to something as mindlessly boring as this.
EDIT: sew, not sow. jeez.
EDIT: forget, not forgive. jeez. #101. Can spell.
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