was announced today. Also, we had a study skills which was completely useless. They taught us what we already knew, that we should take breaks because that's "optimal" but honestly, no one does that. You're wasting time, but whatevs. Also, we learnt the mindmap! Suitable Ages: Primary Schoolers. That's not even an age. Fine, like... 12 and under. Flippin' hell woman, we're high school students. We don't want/need/use mindmaps.
Bloomin' 'eck. (She's British. She said Bloomin'. It was funny. You know what also is/was Blooming? HINT: KARA)
As I was saying, our prefect body was announced today. I'm not gonna name it all, there's 24 of them and that's too many to list. But what I will say without being/sounding like a complete faggot/retard/etc., is that our prefect body is misrepresentated. By that, I mean the social groups of our grade are misrepresentated. The toilet group/girl group is over-representated with three-quarters of each gender being from the afore mentioned groups. The stoop/back stoop is finely represented, with suitable people, might I add. But other groups, like the A blockers, for example, do not have ANYBODY in the prefect body. I think this is a poor prefect bdoy because a prefect body should sufficiently represent the entire grade. Not just one specific group(s) like this year. And I want to make it clear that I don't hate the prefects (re: Twitter). I just think we could've had a better representation. Although, we'll see whether they're good or not when they actually get to work.
I'm really tired so I won't be writing too much. I'm so schleepy. And it's only 7ish. I feel like Steph T__T
But I have enough time/energy to complain about eco. But nobody wants to hear about it. Our trial is in....14 days. Eeep. Better that daily chapter reading. And China. Oh god. China. Why must you be so plentiful in your economy, although dodgy at the same time. Why must you crank out stats every month even though they're not very useful/accurate because they're year-on-year things. Oh well. I won't pick a fight with the 3rd largest economy.
In other news, Joseph dyed his hair blonde. It looks ridiculously hilarious. He's trying to look like G-Dragon. Kpop dude. "Dude". I was going to put on a photo of G-Dragon but then the photos are too bad and a lot of them involve him biting his thumb so I thought it would be a waste of space and just make people cringe.
Most exciting thing so far: CHECK OUT GOOGLE IMAGES! Search something up and you will have a funky nigh full page of all related pictures without any/much text.
And my bubble has just been popped. Apparently it has been like that for a while. Obviously it has been a while since I used Google Images :(
Monday, July 26, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Here we go again
My my... something something let you go. I think it's ABBA.
Anyways, it's another term. Funtimes. Actually, I don't mind school. It gives me something to do for six hours. And during that time, I get to know about things and laugh at things. Things are funny. Things are interesting. Things like Bioengineering but its REALL GORY. God, I can predict that every lesson I will be squirming. I do not like gore. It's...gory. And our teacher's like, "It's good that I just got my hernia done so this is a good prelude into our next topic." And then he goes into detail about how his bellybutton leads fluid and the surgery where they pry apart your muscle. Delicious. Oh boy, gonna be a bad term. And we have to do a report on it... T_T
So I got this thing called Last.fm. I think it's just a thing that records what you play and suggets other music that you should listen to. Personally, I don't see what's so special about it but now that I have it, it's good to see what I listen to. It turns out that I have the most plays on Khalil Fong (93) then Xiao Yu (83) and then Cheer Chen (78). Don't be surprised that SNSD isn't my most listened-to music. It's fairly obvious, that's a pretty farfetched assumtion that I listen to SNSD all the time. But it is 4th and Michael Buble is 5th. But it's mostly Asian music up there because I updated my library by deleting everything in my library and then only putting the music on my iPod back in. Seems inefficient, but I don't know any other way. If I didn't delete all of them then I would've had my play counts. Oh well. So bascially, I've listened to more Chicago, etc than FDT, SNSD, etc.
@ Sandra's blog. Dude, I am not the biggest Seungyeon fanboy you know, alright?! Even if I was, that's only because I'm the only one who likes Seungyeon. Okay?! Also, I'm not a fanboy. A fanboy would be so creepy he would know her blood type. That's creepy. I ain't that, okay?! HMMMMMM! Case closed
Sorry everybody, and now, to end on a high note:
Anyways, it's another term. Funtimes. Actually, I don't mind school. It gives me something to do for six hours. And during that time, I get to know about things and laugh at things. Things are funny. Things are interesting. Things like Bioengineering but its REALL GORY. God, I can predict that every lesson I will be squirming. I do not like gore. It's...gory. And our teacher's like, "It's good that I just got my hernia done so this is a good prelude into our next topic." And then he goes into detail about how his bellybutton leads fluid and the surgery where they pry apart your muscle. Delicious. Oh boy, gonna be a bad term. And we have to do a report on it... T_T
So I got this thing called Last.fm. I think it's just a thing that records what you play and suggets other music that you should listen to. Personally, I don't see what's so special about it but now that I have it, it's good to see what I listen to. It turns out that I have the most plays on Khalil Fong (93) then Xiao Yu (83) and then Cheer Chen (78). Don't be surprised that SNSD isn't my most listened-to music. It's fairly obvious, that's a pretty farfetched assumtion that I listen to SNSD all the time. But it is 4th and Michael Buble is 5th. But it's mostly Asian music up there because I updated my library by deleting everything in my library and then only putting the music on my iPod back in. Seems inefficient, but I don't know any other way. If I didn't delete all of them then I would've had my play counts. Oh well. So bascially, I've listened to more Chicago, etc than FDT, SNSD, etc.
@ Sandra's blog. Dude, I am not the biggest Seungyeon fanboy you know, alright?! Even if I was, that's only because I'm the only one who likes Seungyeon. Okay?! Also, I'm not a fanboy. A fanboy would be so creepy he would know her blood type. That's creepy. I ain't that, okay?! HMMMMMM! Case closed
Sorry everybody, and now, to end on a high note:
Friday, July 16, 2010
Paintbball was friggin' awesome. So much fun. Pretty hectic. It's pretty awesome because the guns aren't that inaccurate and you can see your own shots. It's pretty neat when you start shooting at someone, they don't realise and then you headshot them. Also when you start laying down some suppressive fire and they're like OH SHIT! DUCK!
Shooting people is fun. Got like, 10 kills, half of which were headshots. I got Koong in the head (then later he dished out payback by shooting me in the mouth), Shirley in the head as well, Lenny in the jaw, Ewy right between the eyes and someone else, I can't remember. Getting Ewy between the eyes was awesome. I was trying to sneak up on Lenny and then somebody starts shooting at me and I'm like OH SHIT. Runs back to some rocks. And then I see her crawling around and it took me 20 balls before I got her. Which was awesome. I got others in the shoulders and side I think, mostly from when I flanked them whilst they were concentrating on the fort. Got Stuart in the shoe so I wouldn't hit his body and he gives me the finger in return.
I didn't get hit a lot and I don't think a lot of people did, but once you did, boy, did it hurt. First round. My gun isn't working so the ref come along and I get hit in the throat. SO. GODDAMN. PAINFUL. I have a massive bruise there:
Oh yeah, that's hot. Also got hit in the back of the head, twice in the back of the next and one in the back. Man, I got shot in the back of the neck and back by Ewy just because she couldn't handle being knifed. Well, I didn't actually knife her. This was at the end of the game, were Koong, Ewy and somebody else were preparing to attack. I sneaked up behind them and because I had run out of paint, I ran my thumb-knife across one guy's throat, mock-stab Koong in the neck and run away. And then Ewy decides to be cheap and shoot me in the back.
All in all, it was good fun. 4 hours of good fun. Even better because we get 100 free balls cos we deposited. Even better for me because I got a gun upgrade and 1000 balls. REALLY good for me because I got to play for FREE! Not that good because I got a free shirt that is too tight and it was really sweaty under the helmet. But yeah, paintball is fun! (Y)
Shooting people is fun. Got like, 10 kills, half of which were headshots. I got Koong in the head (then later he dished out payback by shooting me in the mouth), Shirley in the head as well, Lenny in the jaw, Ewy right between the eyes and someone else, I can't remember. Getting Ewy between the eyes was awesome. I was trying to sneak up on Lenny and then somebody starts shooting at me and I'm like OH SHIT. Runs back to some rocks. And then I see her crawling around and it took me 20 balls before I got her. Which was awesome. I got others in the shoulders and side I think, mostly from when I flanked them whilst they were concentrating on the fort. Got Stuart in the shoe so I wouldn't hit his body and he gives me the finger in return.
I didn't get hit a lot and I don't think a lot of people did, but once you did, boy, did it hurt. First round. My gun isn't working so the ref come along and I get hit in the throat. SO. GODDAMN. PAINFUL. I have a massive bruise there:
All in all, it was good fun. 4 hours of good fun. Even better because we get 100 free balls cos we deposited. Even better for me because I got a gun upgrade and 1000 balls. REALLY good for me because I got to play for FREE! Not that good because I got a free shirt that is too tight and it was really sweaty under the helmet. But yeah, paintball is fun! (Y)
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Are you ready?
Cos I'm ready. I'm so psyched for tomorrow. It will be awesome. Paintball. RRARRRRR! Because I took the time and effort to organise this, everybody has decided to gank me. What the hell. I SAY BRING, BIZATCHES!!!!!!!! GAHHHHHH! For those who wish to try and destroy me, while you sleep, I will haunt you in your dreams. I will make you tremble in your covers. I will make you break out in a cold sweat and piss your pants/panties.
Having said that, I think tomorrow is going to be really fun. Apparently you get massive bruises, like the ones the size of the circle your thumb and index finger can form. I say bring it. I don't have training for another week, it'll be hopefully okay by then. I'll bring my camera and take some pictures (probably not mid-game) and post up pictures of all our bruises or just the worst one.
And in more interesting news, Youtube musicians are really good! Well, the ones I've heard anyway. They're pretty damn good! David Choi, as I've said, is good. And I found some new ones (from links off Wong Fu again) and they're pretty good. I listened to Clara Chung:
And on top of that being a really interesting and funny MV, that's pretty good music. And she's not bad looking, so I guess that plays a part in being on YouTube. Also, from Clara Chung, I found Alex Hwang:
Who is also pretty damn awesome. These Asians can sing (Y)
Having said that, I think tomorrow is going to be really fun. Apparently you get massive bruises, like the ones the size of the circle your thumb and index finger can form. I say bring it. I don't have training for another week, it'll be hopefully okay by then. I'll bring my camera and take some pictures (probably not mid-game) and post up pictures of all our bruises or just the worst one.
And in more interesting news, Youtube musicians are really good! Well, the ones I've heard anyway. They're pretty damn good! David Choi, as I've said, is good. And I found some new ones (from links off Wong Fu again) and they're pretty good. I listened to Clara Chung:
And on top of that being a really interesting and funny MV, that's pretty good music. And she's not bad looking, so I guess that plays a part in being on YouTube. Also, from Clara Chung, I found Alex Hwang:
Who is also pretty damn awesome. These Asians can sing (Y)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Asian Parents
This won't be the same as Chonny's vid, but the gist is the same.
Asian parents can be pretty annoying. First thing is that they never commend you for anything good. They'll never say, "Good job son" or "Congratulations, I'm so happy for you". You definitely won't hear, "I'm so happy, I'll buy you anything you want". Oh boy, that will never happen. That doesn't even happen in the movies. The only way you can earn/win something is if you make a deal. Like Steph did, she 'earned' her dog, but if you lose, you're screwed. They'll have some sneaky, fine print condition that'll allow them to disconnect the internet for a month. And so that is why I don't tell my parents my marks. But when I do, like I did this time, you might get a little praise. But then you get a verbal poke:
Me: "Hey Mum, I just got my maths test back."
Mum: "Oh okay, what did you get?"
Me: "Pretty good. I got one wrong."
Mum: "Did anybody get full marks?" [Note: if someone did, she'd be like "Why don't you get full mark?!"]
Me: "No..."
Mum: "Oh okay... what did you get wrong?"
Me: "Oh a silly mistake."
Mum: *snaps* "Oh why you get the silly mistake hah?" [Note: Envision me saying that line with an Asian accent. In reality, we would be saying this in canto. I just break into an Asian accent a lot.]
And their excuse is that they themselves won't praise their kid, but let other parents praise their kids. It's a shocking excuse because you don't get to hear any of it or if you're in the vicinity, they'll be like: "Bro/Sista, AS IF! My son/daughter is USELESS/STUPID/UGLY!" G-ster parents. And that leads me onto..........
Asian parents compare. They compare you like a watermelon. They verbally smack you around a few times, put you next to their ear and shake you around a little. You don't do so well, or laze around a little and they'll go, "Why you don't do a good job, hyah?!" or "HEY! Why you laze around?! Go do the maths!" (Asian accent. God, gotta stop breaking into that.) My parents often compare me to my cousins. Both my older cousins went to Canada to study, my oldest cousin is very hard working, makes a study timetable (which I don't and think is useless) and is rather successful. Give a lot of money back to his parents each month...rich stock trading guy. My second oldest cousin when to Toronto U but then got a scholarship to Cornell. The Ivy League one. That's fancy and good, I think. He's naturally very smart. And so my parents say to me, "Why can't you be like your oldest cousin, hah? Why can't you be so organised like him?" or at other times, "Why can't you be like your older cousin, hah? Why can't you be so smart like him?" [They have names, I just didn't reveal them.] My younger cousins, we don't talk about. Firstly, I reckon they're arrogant and annoying, secondly, they're younger and thirdly, my mum thinks so too.
Last but not least, is that they're pretty cheap. This goes for most Asians, of course, there are some who spend like they're so loaded they don't shit shit, they shit cash. But my dad is so cheap, it is ridiculous. He'll hoard things just so he can use them later. We had to throw out our oven but before he threw it out, he took out the oven light and then dumped it on the kerb. On time, we were in Hong Kong in the underground stores of Mong Kok. Okay, that sound dodgy and it is a little but those are like the perfect marketplace (economics) so prices are competitive. Knowing this, my dad spend an hour shopping around to buy a pair of speakers and all he saved was 10 bucks. 1o HKD. That's less than 2 AUD. I was like: T__T afterwards and when I complained to my dad was like, "What? I saved more than 10 dollars. Look at this! I got a free pen!"
He has now lost that pen.
Now, asian parents aren't ALL that bad. In fact, those things that I've said make them good. It's like the incentive of inequality in economics. Because you fail, you strive to do better. But in the same way, you can become discouraged and just give up (and become hidden). And being cheap has it's benefits, you get more for your buck and you get to save money.
That's good, right?
Asian parents can be pretty annoying. First thing is that they never commend you for anything good. They'll never say, "Good job son" or "Congratulations, I'm so happy for you". You definitely won't hear, "I'm so happy, I'll buy you anything you want". Oh boy, that will never happen. That doesn't even happen in the movies. The only way you can earn/win something is if you make a deal. Like Steph did, she 'earned' her dog, but if you lose, you're screwed. They'll have some sneaky, fine print condition that'll allow them to disconnect the internet for a month. And so that is why I don't tell my parents my marks. But when I do, like I did this time, you might get a little praise. But then you get a verbal poke:
Me: "Hey Mum, I just got my maths test back."
Mum: "Oh okay, what did you get?"
Me: "Pretty good. I got one wrong."
Mum: "Did anybody get full marks?" [Note: if someone did, she'd be like "Why don't you get full mark?!"]
Me: "No..."
Mum: "Oh okay... what did you get wrong?"
Me: "Oh a silly mistake."
Mum: *snaps* "Oh why you get the silly mistake hah?" [Note: Envision me saying that line with an Asian accent. In reality, we would be saying this in canto. I just break into an Asian accent a lot.]
And their excuse is that they themselves won't praise their kid, but let other parents praise their kids. It's a shocking excuse because you don't get to hear any of it or if you're in the vicinity, they'll be like: "Bro/Sista, AS IF! My son/daughter is USELESS/STUPID/UGLY!" G-ster parents. And that leads me onto..........
Asian parents compare. They compare you like a watermelon. They verbally smack you around a few times, put you next to their ear and shake you around a little. You don't do so well, or laze around a little and they'll go, "Why you don't do a good job, hyah?!" or "HEY! Why you laze around?! Go do the maths!" (Asian accent. God, gotta stop breaking into that.) My parents often compare me to my cousins. Both my older cousins went to Canada to study, my oldest cousin is very hard working, makes a study timetable (which I don't and think is useless) and is rather successful. Give a lot of money back to his parents each month...rich stock trading guy. My second oldest cousin when to Toronto U but then got a scholarship to Cornell. The Ivy League one. That's fancy and good, I think. He's naturally very smart. And so my parents say to me, "Why can't you be like your oldest cousin, hah? Why can't you be so organised like him?" or at other times, "Why can't you be like your older cousin, hah? Why can't you be so smart like him?" [They have names, I just didn't reveal them.] My younger cousins, we don't talk about. Firstly, I reckon they're arrogant and annoying, secondly, they're younger and thirdly, my mum thinks so too.
Last but not least, is that they're pretty cheap. This goes for most Asians, of course, there are some who spend like they're so loaded they don't shit shit, they shit cash. But my dad is so cheap, it is ridiculous. He'll hoard things just so he can use them later. We had to throw out our oven but before he threw it out, he took out the oven light and then dumped it on the kerb. On time, we were in Hong Kong in the underground stores of Mong Kok. Okay, that sound dodgy and it is a little but those are like the perfect marketplace (economics) so prices are competitive. Knowing this, my dad spend an hour shopping around to buy a pair of speakers and all he saved was 10 bucks. 1o HKD. That's less than 2 AUD. I was like: T__T afterwards and when I complained to my dad was like, "What? I saved more than 10 dollars. Look at this! I got a free pen!"
He has now lost that pen.
Now, asian parents aren't ALL that bad. In fact, those things that I've said make them good. It's like the incentive of inequality in economics. Because you fail, you strive to do better. But in the same way, you can become discouraged and just give up (and become hidden). And being cheap has it's benefits, you get more for your buck and you get to save money.
That's good, right?
Sunday, July 11, 2010
World Cup Final - Game Itself
NOTE: THIS IS A VERY LONG POST> YOU DON"T HAVE TO READ IT. but it's a good summary of the world cup final.
4.36 AM. Sitting here with my milkshake that looks like the Cheltenham Girls Uniform. And I just saw a good header. That was good. Too bad it was off a free kick awarded from a flop. Seriously, the guy falls down, clutches his ankle and rolls twice in "pain" but then gets up and runs away. Like, seriously, what a flop. Anthony is making some thing about Oranje Juice. I don't get it. Is it something against the Germany Uniform?
4.40AM. 10 minutes in. Nil all, as expected at this time. So apparently, the Dutch are in Orange. That makes a lot of sense, because its NED vs ESP. Ha (?)
4.41AM. Just after that Ramos (?) drive thing....the one where it could've nearly deflected into the goal. Seriously, just trap the ball or something. I dunno, maybe I don't know how soccer works. I can see that Spain is playing very aggressively.
Destiny~ VAMOS LA FURIA ROJA says:
*i am screaming
I think he's close to jizzing.
Observation #1. Puyol has a lot of hair.
4.44AM van Persie gets a yellow card. What a flop. I understand he got hit, but the guy was SCREAMING IN PAIN LIKE HE WAS GIVING BIRTH. Dude, it's just a kick to the shin.
4.46AM Another guy gets a yellow card. Puyol. Apparently, late challenges get a yellow card. That makes sense, but the guy was screaming out in pain, AGAIN.
Observation #2. Soccer players think they're giving birth every time they think they can get a free kick. That's their flopping technique. It's worse than the Laimbeer flop.
Observation #3. Soccer outfits aren't chosen from the best palette of colours. I mean, firstly, the Dutch are in bright orange like construction workers. And secondly, why are the Dutch in black and the Dutch in bright orange? Their countries' flags don't even contain those colours, iirc. Seriously, use more obvious colours.
4.51AM. A foul, looks like it. Oh another Yellow. That guy is dishing them out like candy. At least he wasn't rolling around and feinting labour. OH WHAT THE HELL?! HOW IS THAT A YELLOW CARD TO RAMOS?! SERIOUSLY WHAT?! He just clipped the guy on the toes. Literally on the toes. This ref sucks. That was a soft foul. 25 minutes in and all I've seen is one good header, 4 yellow cards and people falling over. :/ Is this what soccer is about.
Observation #4. Defender's role on offense is the kick the ball really far away and hope someone on their own team gets to it.
4.58 AM OH shit. another yellow. i thought it was a flop but i saw the replays and OH SHIT. THE GUY JUST COPPED A KICK IN THE CHEST. This guy is a MAN! Not like the players. He takes a karate kick with stud ON THE CHEST! LIKE A MAN! That's funnier in slow mo.
Xabi Alonso is chasing the ball. A WILD NIGEL DE JONG APPEARS! Nigel de Jong uses HI KICK! It's not very effective...
Hm, I've just realised that this post might be boring to most, if not all people. Oh well, I'll just try and make it shorter.
5.04AM. Sorry, but the commentator just said Puyol had "great body shape". I thought that sounded dirty.
Observation #5 The AHHH of the crowd has directly proportional to the shot's proximity to the goal.
5.12AM. One guys kicks the other in the inner thigh and they both roll away at the same speed. It was quite funny to watch.
5.17AM. Halftime. That wasn't all too exciting. Most exciting thing = Karate Kick. Oh well, that's what I get for being stupid enough to stay up. At least I got some work done. Apparently, Anthony fainted 20 times. "It was an absolute kick-a-thon". How'd you figure, Soccer Guy? This is soccer. But he was referring to the Dutch tactic of kicking Spanish players. It's like Hack-the-Shaq but Kick-a-Spaniard. Doesn't rhyme though... >_>
5.32AM Yay, second half... brushed my teeth by rinsing my mouth 5 times. hope that works. "surround by 3 orange shirts". Surrounded by 3 construction workers, more like.
Observation #6. There's a lot of contact. Like how bball has a lot of contact, except we don't kick people in the chest.
5.40am. oMG.....another yellow card. seriously.
5.43AM. OMG another yellow. just give him a foul, doesn't need a yellow. Craig Foster says everything has been justified, but i reckon its soft. Means soccer is soft.
5.47am. Apparently, Jesus just came on. Wonder who it is....
5.53AM Bam. Another yellow. Professional foul.....but is a yellow worth it? oh i guess, its the final.
6.00 AM. Nothing has happened much, apparently there's a player called Jesus. there was this good attempt, but i forget. now its a free. too high. hits a cameraman instead.
6.04AM. Free header from Puyol. Too bad he missed. Man, it almost sounds like I know something about soccer. I don't. WOAH! CHEAP SHOT. The guy flops and then elbows someone. Talk about cheap shot.
Destiny~ VAMOS LA FURIA ROJA says:
Observation #7. Pique needed to tuck his strings into his shorts.
6.10AM. Robben broke away again and didn't get a call and he started chasing the ref afterwards. The ref was faster than him. These updates are more spaced, i'm getting tired. Golly, it's still nil all. Puyol need a haircut. Apparently Robben is only 26. He looks so old....
6.22AM Oh my...It's going to go into extra time. At this rate, I've been awake for 18 hours. This can't be right, this is the holidays! I MUST HAVE 12 HOURS OF SLEEP.
A lot of people falling over....
6.31AM Oh I say, two good attacks, one good weighted pass to Fabregas then as a quick counter attack that ends up in a corner with a close header. Well, clsoe in soccer terms i guess.
Why did Iniesta wait.... should've left foot punt.
6,36am. 10 MINUTES INTO ET. I thought it was in, i don't know who kicked it, hit the side of the netting, looked in.
6.41AM. End of first ET half. More action than the previous halves. Hope we get a goal in the 2nd half of ET. I can hear sounds from upstairs, I think my dad is going to wake soon to go to work. And meanwhile, Anthony sends me a Bored of Studies link. ANTHONY! Its about International Maths Olympiad. You nerd. OH look Torres comes on.
6.46. Second ET, but more importantly, I CAN SEE LIGHT OUTSIDE. This is getting ridiculous. Oh hey, double yellow. That's a red. Free kick, lets see....misses. BAM Another yellow. Man, my dad has woken up and will go to work soon. My keys are squeaking... how odd. Golly...its so bright outside (not really) but i can see light and I'm not sleepy anymore.
Observation #8 The Dutch coach looks so stylish.
7.02AM FINALLY! I can sleep now. Lol, the dutch team is throwing a tantrum. guh. nap time.
4.36 AM. Sitting here with my milkshake that looks like the Cheltenham Girls Uniform. And I just saw a good header. That was good. Too bad it was off a free kick awarded from a flop. Seriously, the guy falls down, clutches his ankle and rolls twice in "pain" but then gets up and runs away. Like, seriously, what a flop. Anthony is making some thing about Oranje Juice. I don't get it. Is it something against the Germany Uniform?
4.40AM. 10 minutes in. Nil all, as expected at this time. So apparently, the Dutch are in Orange. That makes a lot of sense, because its NED vs ESP. Ha (?)
4.41AM. Just after that Ramos (?) drive thing....the one where it could've nearly deflected into the goal. Seriously, just trap the ball or something. I dunno, maybe I don't know how soccer works. I can see that Spain is playing very aggressively.
Destiny~ VAMOS LA FURIA ROJA says:
*i am screaming
I think he's close to jizzing.
Observation #1. Puyol has a lot of hair.
4.44AM van Persie gets a yellow card. What a flop. I understand he got hit, but the guy was SCREAMING IN PAIN LIKE HE WAS GIVING BIRTH. Dude, it's just a kick to the shin.
4.46AM Another guy gets a yellow card. Puyol. Apparently, late challenges get a yellow card. That makes sense, but the guy was screaming out in pain, AGAIN.
Observation #2. Soccer players think they're giving birth every time they think they can get a free kick. That's their flopping technique. It's worse than the Laimbeer flop.
Observation #3. Soccer outfits aren't chosen from the best palette of colours. I mean, firstly, the Dutch are in bright orange like construction workers. And secondly, why are the Dutch in black and the Dutch in bright orange? Their countries' flags don't even contain those colours, iirc. Seriously, use more obvious colours.
4.51AM. A foul, looks like it. Oh another Yellow. That guy is dishing them out like candy. At least he wasn't rolling around and feinting labour. OH WHAT THE HELL?! HOW IS THAT A YELLOW CARD TO RAMOS?! SERIOUSLY WHAT?! He just clipped the guy on the toes. Literally on the toes. This ref sucks. That was a soft foul. 25 minutes in and all I've seen is one good header, 4 yellow cards and people falling over. :/ Is this what soccer is about.
Observation #4. Defender's role on offense is the kick the ball really far away and hope someone on their own team gets to it.
4.58 AM OH shit. another yellow. i thought it was a flop but i saw the replays and OH SHIT. THE GUY JUST COPPED A KICK IN THE CHEST. This guy is a MAN! Not like the players. He takes a karate kick with stud ON THE CHEST! LIKE A MAN! That's funnier in slow mo.
Xabi Alonso is chasing the ball. A WILD NIGEL DE JONG APPEARS! Nigel de Jong uses HI KICK! It's not very effective...
Hm, I've just realised that this post might be boring to most, if not all people. Oh well, I'll just try and make it shorter.
5.04AM. Sorry, but the commentator just said Puyol had "great body shape". I thought that sounded dirty.
Observation #5 The AHHH of the crowd has directly proportional to the shot's proximity to the goal.
5.12AM. One guys kicks the other in the inner thigh and they both roll away at the same speed. It was quite funny to watch.
5.17AM. Halftime. That wasn't all too exciting. Most exciting thing = Karate Kick. Oh well, that's what I get for being stupid enough to stay up. At least I got some work done. Apparently, Anthony fainted 20 times. "It was an absolute kick-a-thon". How'd you figure, Soccer Guy? This is soccer. But he was referring to the Dutch tactic of kicking Spanish players. It's like Hack-the-Shaq but Kick-a-Spaniard. Doesn't rhyme though... >_>
5.32AM Yay, second half... brushed my teeth by rinsing my mouth 5 times. hope that works. "surround by 3 orange shirts". Surrounded by 3 construction workers, more like.
Observation #6. There's a lot of contact. Like how bball has a lot of contact, except we don't kick people in the chest.
5.40am. oMG.....another yellow card. seriously.
5.43AM. OMG another yellow. just give him a foul, doesn't need a yellow. Craig Foster says everything has been justified, but i reckon its soft. Means soccer is soft.
5.47am. Apparently, Jesus just came on. Wonder who it is....
5.53AM Bam. Another yellow. Professional foul.....but is a yellow worth it? oh i guess, its the final.
6.00 AM. Nothing has happened much, apparently there's a player called Jesus. there was this good attempt, but i forget. now its a free. too high. hits a cameraman instead.
6.04AM. Free header from Puyol. Too bad he missed. Man, it almost sounds like I know something about soccer. I don't. WOAH! CHEAP SHOT. The guy flops and then elbows someone. Talk about cheap shot.
Destiny~ VAMOS LA FURIA ROJA says:
Observation #7. Pique needed to tuck his strings into his shorts.
6.10AM. Robben broke away again and didn't get a call and he started chasing the ref afterwards. The ref was faster than him. These updates are more spaced, i'm getting tired. Golly, it's still nil all. Puyol need a haircut. Apparently Robben is only 26. He looks so old....
6.22AM Oh my...It's going to go into extra time. At this rate, I've been awake for 18 hours. This can't be right, this is the holidays! I MUST HAVE 12 HOURS OF SLEEP.
A lot of people falling over....
6.31AM Oh I say, two good attacks, one good weighted pass to Fabregas then as a quick counter attack that ends up in a corner with a close header. Well, clsoe in soccer terms i guess.
Why did Iniesta wait.... should've left foot punt.
6,36am. 10 MINUTES INTO ET. I thought it was in, i don't know who kicked it, hit the side of the netting, looked in.
6.41AM. End of first ET half. More action than the previous halves. Hope we get a goal in the 2nd half of ET. I can hear sounds from upstairs, I think my dad is going to wake soon to go to work. And meanwhile, Anthony sends me a Bored of Studies link. ANTHONY! Its about International Maths Olympiad. You nerd. OH look Torres comes on.
6.46. Second ET, but more importantly, I CAN SEE LIGHT OUTSIDE. This is getting ridiculous. Oh hey, double yellow. That's a red. Free kick, lets see....misses. BAM Another yellow. Man, my dad has woken up and will go to work soon. My keys are squeaking... how odd. Golly...its so bright outside (not really) but i can see light and I'm not sleepy anymore.
Observation #8 The Dutch coach looks so stylish.
7.02AM FINALLY! I can sleep now. Lol, the dutch team is throwing a tantrum. guh. nap time.
World Cup Final - Prelude
I must be sick. Devishly sick. I mean, I am so sick, I've stayed up to watch the World Cup Final. I must be down with something pretty bad. Oh well, I've cured myself by watching basketball. It is...presently 4.05 AM and I have not slept. I've stayed up till now...not a mean feat. I don't feel drowsy. I hope I don't vomit. Last time I did an all nighter (didn't want to, but I was on a plane) I vomited. Not pretty. It hurt as well cos I didn't have any food. Well, I'm current watching NBA (Summer League) as I said as I wait for the kick off. Also talking to Anthony, who sounds like he's about to explode. He's apparently preparing heaps of food.
4.16AM - Just read about basketball's greatest floppers. Yeah, sometimes we flop a bit. We just don't flop as much as soccer players. Seriously, you can not touch them and they'll fall over. Anyways, apparently, basketball's greatest flopper was Bill Laimbeer. Detroit Pistons, quite a while back. Big white guy, PF/C methinks. Let me quote:
"Laimbeer was vilified around the league for his aggressive play, head games and the trademark "Laimbeer flop." He was the most hated player in the league during his heyday."
That's a big thing, to be hated in the league. It's a big league. Watch a video "highlights" of him, it's quite funny, he's not built but he stacks it when like a small point guard hits him. And the crowd hates him, for example, in the video, there' s a sign in the crowd that says "DETROIT PISTONS = 4 MEN + A BABY" and there's a picture of him. It's actually quite funny. His highlights include rebounds. Lol....Anthony is still exploding
4.20 AM - Destiny~ VAMOS LA FURIA ROJA says:
*spain is beautiful
ħeirware > says:
*So how come spain hasn done so well ib the past?
Destiny~ VAMOS LA FURIA ROJA says:
ħeirware > says:
*Struck a nerve there eh? ;D
>> LOL!!! =D
4.22 AM - Oh hey, they came onto the field. Time to make a milkshake and move onto the laptop. I'm making a strawberry banana milkshake, hope that turns out well. Did I tell you just before last year, a bite of a banana would make me vomit?
So Anthony wants me to post now. Makes sense, a post dedicated to the game itself.
4.16AM - Just read about basketball's greatest floppers. Yeah, sometimes we flop a bit. We just don't flop as much as soccer players. Seriously, you can not touch them and they'll fall over. Anyways, apparently, basketball's greatest flopper was Bill Laimbeer. Detroit Pistons, quite a while back. Big white guy, PF/C methinks. Let me quote:
"Laimbeer was vilified around the league for his aggressive play, head games and the trademark "Laimbeer flop." He was the most hated player in the league during his heyday."
That's a big thing, to be hated in the league. It's a big league. Watch a video "highlights" of him, it's quite funny, he's not built but he stacks it when like a small point guard hits him. And the crowd hates him, for example, in the video, there' s a sign in the crowd that says "DETROIT PISTONS = 4 MEN + A BABY" and there's a picture of him. It's actually quite funny. His highlights include rebounds. Lol....Anthony is still exploding
4.20 AM - Destiny~ VAMOS LA FURIA ROJA says:
*spain is beautiful
ħeirware > says:
*So how come spain hasn done so well ib the past?
Destiny~ VAMOS LA FURIA ROJA says:
ħeirware > says:
*Struck a nerve there eh? ;D
>> LOL!!! =D
4.22 AM - Oh hey, they came onto the field. Time to make a milkshake and move onto the laptop. I'm making a strawberry banana milkshake, hope that turns out well. Did I tell you just before last year, a bite of a banana would make me vomit?
So Anthony wants me to post now. Makes sense, a post dedicated to the game itself.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Wong Fu + David Choi
May I join the chorus the many many interweb peoples who say "WONG FU IS AWESOME". It's so true. They make decent videos. Not necessarily funny, but most of them are. Like the Technology Ruins Romance series. That's pretty great. So are the more recent 'Funemployed' series, which is also pretty funny. Wong Fu Weekends are alright, I thought they were good because I started off on a good one but watching the earlier ones aren't that great. This one is, though:
At least Wong Fu is better than Mychonny. I also think Wong Fu is better than Comchan, but I guess they're on par. But I won't go on about Wong Fu too much because I haven't watch a lot of their video's but what I will go on about is David Choi. He is a Korean American musician and works with Wong Fu a lot, making their music in their videos, I believe. He doesn't even have a label but he's got a lot of songs and CDs out there. I was looking through his channel (not really, this was the first song I found) and I listened to a song entitled "That Girl" and it's REALLY good, imo. He has a pretty good voice, it's one of those voices that you wouldn't expect from the person. Here's the MV, that he recently made:
Dancing tomorrow, pretty psyched. Watching Toy Story 3 on Friday. Pretty pumped. People crashing my house later. Not excited. Martin touching things (inappropriately). A little worried.
At least Wong Fu is better than Mychonny. I also think Wong Fu is better than Comchan, but I guess they're on par. But I won't go on about Wong Fu too much because I haven't watch a lot of their video's but what I will go on about is David Choi. He is a Korean American musician and works with Wong Fu a lot, making their music in their videos, I believe. He doesn't even have a label but he's got a lot of songs and CDs out there. I was looking through his channel (not really, this was the first song I found) and I listened to a song entitled "That Girl" and it's REALLY good, imo. He has a pretty good voice, it's one of those voices that you wouldn't expect from the person. Here's the MV, that he recently made:
Dancing tomorrow, pretty psyched. Watching Toy Story 3 on Friday. Pretty pumped. People crashing my house later. Not excited. Martin touching things (inappropriately). A little worried.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Looking For: Companion
I reallly really really want a dog. I need a companion, I get so bored/lonely. I want a dog. A Siberian Husky, to be more exact. Huskies look so cool... they exert an aura that screams "Don't mess with me trucka". I want a black and white one:
Isn't that so cool... sigh... I wish I had one. But there are few problems, like my mum being scared of dogs. Especially big ones like a Husky, even though I don't reckon Huskies are big. But then there's the problem of our small home, which is a half carpet and tile, which I think might be a problem, with the dog hair and all, but apparently that is also not a problem. And then I could leave the dog outside, which is a third brick and two thirds grass, but I don't have an enclosure sort of thing. Basically, it's my mum's disdain for animals/(big) dogs and our house. Sigh... I get so bored... I want a dog. How cool would a dog be. Especially a Husky. According to Wikipedia,
"Owners are advised to exercise caution when letting their Siberian Husky off the leash as the dog is likely to be miles away before looking around and realizing their owner is nowhere in sight."
I find that pretty funny. It's like... "YEAH FRESH AIR" *runs* *an hour later* "YEAH FRE- hey wait, where's my owner? Oh crap". That might be a little bit worrying, but then there's this,
"lso due in part to their intelligence, Huskies tend to be very observant on the actions of people around them and have been known to mimic common household activities such as turning on lights with their paws and opening doors with their canines. Some undesirable behaviors they can exhibit include opening refrigerators (and eating the food inside), climbing fences or digging tunnels in the backyard to escape."
How awesome is that?! I can teach it to get food for me. And so mamy other things, like chuck things in the bin for me. That is awesome. I could even teach it to clean itself up after a shit. I wouldn't mind if it opened the fridge for me, I could have my hands full and be like "Yo (insert dog's name), open the fridge mate". Oh the possibilities.
I could also get a smaller dog, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi:
Which my mum might approve of because it's so small, but I personally reckon it's TOO small. Like, you put it on a leash and it will look disproportionate. But apparently they're a working dog and are hard-working and have a big personality or something ("big dog in a small dog's body") so that's a plus. Also, the Queen likes them so I guess that's something.
You guys got any suggestions? I don't a dog that's stupid or has massive coats that'll replace my current carpet with dog hair.
Isn't that so cool... sigh... I wish I had one. But there are few problems, like my mum being scared of dogs. Especially big ones like a Husky, even though I don't reckon Huskies are big. But then there's the problem of our small home, which is a half carpet and tile, which I think might be a problem, with the dog hair and all, but apparently that is also not a problem. And then I could leave the dog outside, which is a third brick and two thirds grass, but I don't have an enclosure sort of thing. Basically, it's my mum's disdain for animals/(big) dogs and our house. Sigh... I get so bored... I want a dog. How cool would a dog be. Especially a Husky. According to Wikipedia,
"Owners are advised to exercise caution when letting their Siberian Husky off the leash as the dog is likely to be miles away before looking around and realizing their owner is nowhere in sight."
I find that pretty funny. It's like... "YEAH FRESH AIR" *runs* *an hour later* "YEAH FRE- hey wait, where's my owner? Oh crap". That might be a little bit worrying, but then there's this,
"lso due in part to their intelligence, Huskies tend to be very observant on the actions of people around them and have been known to mimic common household activities such as turning on lights with their paws and opening doors with their canines. Some undesirable behaviors they can exhibit include opening refrigerators (and eating the food inside), climbing fences or digging tunnels in the backyard to escape."
How awesome is that?! I can teach it to get food for me. And so mamy other things, like chuck things in the bin for me. That is awesome. I could even teach it to clean itself up after a shit. I wouldn't mind if it opened the fridge for me, I could have my hands full and be like "Yo (insert dog's name), open the fridge mate". Oh the possibilities.
I could also get a smaller dog, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi:
You guys got any suggestions? I don't a dog that's stupid or has massive coats that'll replace my current carpet with dog hair.
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