Saturday, April 3, 2010

Black and White

And it's the holidays and it's bored so I'm waiting for Men of War and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 to finish downloading. I wish I started downloading those earlier (ie BEFORE the holidays) because now I'm bored and waiting and I've resorted to playing copious amounts of AOE3. Not that I'm complaining, because it's a great game, even though the campaign is easy. I'm trying to get a Lv 25 Home City of everything, except for the Spanish because they're lame. Spain does not have anything fancy, all it can do is earn the shipments quickly but the shipments aren't even that fantastic! After growing out of my love for the Ottomans, the Germans are alright and the Russians are just fun to play with. 2 Barracks, Standing Army, and BAM! Strelets, everywhere. I ground out 777 strelets in a 40 minute game once. T'was hilarious. Maybe I should go try the French now. Their settlers (Coureis de Bois?) always seemed too expensive or something.
Given my current predicament (boredom), I've also resorted to watching random shows. Namely, this Taiwanese drama. I don't know the English name of it, but it's pretty much a cop show. But I reckon it's low budget because the SFX and certain scenes are crappy/don't make sense. But for some reason, I was so engaged by the show when one of the main dudes (whose name is Wu Ying Xiong [吳英雄] {Ying Xiong means Hero in Chinese. Cheesy, ay.} ) was in a spot of bother because he's in a club, sitting with two chicks that he likes. My dad reckons he likes both chicks but I reckon it's more a 2 sided love triangle here, because the Mafia chick [陳琳] likes him, but he (英雄) likes Lan Xi Ying [藍西英], the chem lab chick, but that's not important. So the 3 of them are in a bar together with 英雄's new partner [陳在天] who is a ladies man and (hence) hilarious, and it's really awkward. Then the Chem Lab chick leaves and 英雄 goes with her but then he's really awkward with chicks outside of the police station and he doesn't say he likes her and then she leaves and starts crying and I scream at 英雄: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING MAN? NO! DUDE, GET HER ALREADY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" So basically, the show's alright itself but the Mafia chick and Chem Lab chick are hot. Well, my parents don't think so. Hell, my mum doesn't even think SNSD is hot. Jeez. Parents, these days.

Also, for some odd reason, I watched the first ep of God of Study. It's some Korean show where a lawyer who looks like Stephen Chow (Canto actor) but more serious-looking tries get 5 "rebellious" students into some top university. I can't really guage it's quality because I've only watched one episode so I can't say whether it's brilliant or not. Damnit, why am I even watching it. I'm always peer pressured into things.
And Happy Easter everybody!
Okay, so whatever is under the above 'line' was posted AFTER I did a little bit of research into the drama. So the drama is called 痞子英雄 or 'Black and White'. Crappy name but whatever. So the main dudes are 吳英雄 and 陳在天. I can't be bothered finding out the actor's names. 吳英雄's on the left. Here, ladies, have some eyecandy:So, here's the Mafia Chick/陳琳. I couldn't find a decent photo of both ladies together, seeing as they're from different groups in the drama.And now, Chem Lab Chick/ 藍西英. Personally, I think she's the better looking one but whatever, you guys call it. There are better photos, just Google that Chinese name but they're not related to the drama, so I didn't put it up.Gah. Bad photo but I'm in a hurry because my parents just started up the drama. I bet Anthony likes that, hot chemistry ladies. oh yeah...

Happy Easter again!

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