Monday, March 1, 2010


That's what it took to withstand a month of nothing but Asian music. I made it through alive and with 90 more songs on my Ipod (100% increase). It really wasn't that easy and no one understood why I was doing this but I did and that's all that matters. I think this all started when my mum called me "racist" because I said Asian music sucks. Hence, I went about changing that, listening to outrageous amounts of Asian artists, Taiwanese, Korean, Japanese. I figured mainland music would not be excellent and I had already listened to HK pop or Cantopop and it's nothing exciting.
Taiwanese music is rather excellent, mostly 'cos Xiao Yu and Khalil Fong's style of music reminded me of Michael Buble.
Japanese music is rather electronic but if you're into that kind of thing, then go for it.
Korean music is like a lucky dip. You can pick up piss annoying songs like Ring Ding Dong, addictive/annoying songs like Gee and Oh!, cringe songs like Honey, good rap songs like Because of You/TTL/TTL2 or whatever and decent songs like Break It (Y).

So now, at the end of February, I've whittled down the "Crappy Asian Music" to "Crappy Korean Boybands and Possibly Some Mainland/HK artists". After listening to people like SHINee who, I swear, only have a fanbase because their songs are catchy, I assumed the others weren't much better. Funny, though, because Taeyang is not catchy crap.

Year 11 kicks ass. Senior School is easily better than Junior School. Pfft, geography/history, who needs that crap. However, the trade-offs are the workload that grows exponentially (damn you Simmo) and half yearly exams in the first term. Doesn't quite make sense, but you gotta deal with it. I need to a take a picture of the exam timetable. Keep on forgetting when my exams are. Spare a thought for the people doing Accelerated Economics. HSC Half Yearly on the 15th. Ack! ><

Anyways, its 12am and I won't be able to get to sleep for a while and I have to wake early tomorrow/today which sorta sucks but whatever. It's what you get for doing Eco/eating Sara Lee pound cake. WHICH IS ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!!! Love it.

I thought I might, you know, dedicate this post to Erin. Seems odd, but there is reasonable logic behind it. It's about Asians, which is her sorta thing, even though I'm bagging out SHINee. But she is going through a rough patch, and so Erin, if you read this, this one's for you. (Dear god I sound like some sort of tribute artist). But yeah, I haven't exactly been a great person to her and she's having freakin' surgery and is probably gonna be out for a while so I thought this was the least I could do, aside from giving "comforting words".

If anybody calls me up about this emotional crap I'm going to smack you.

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