Monday, March 15, 2010

Guess What?

It is the 15th. That means I have done my Economics exam (and so have a hundred other people)! Hooray for all of us, we got through the End of the World. I only say it like that because this is our first HSC (half yearly) exam and our only one so far, so we have crammed excessively in the days prior and none of this was probably good for our health. Well, maybe the 'stress' was just me, but yeah, I've come through this all well and good so all I have to worry about now is the Year 11 exams. However, what was excellent was the extended response choices for the exam. 2 CASE STUDY QUESTIONS! HELLS YEAH! CHINAYEAH! Apparently Cigana set the damn thing so good on you Cigana. Other than that, I thought it was alright, the MC was easy and SA was a little annoying but do-able.

And in other news, awkward silences are awkward. (well DUR). But, they become awesome when someone is speaking and then the whole class happened to be quiet at that exact time and that person's voice is the only one in the class. It becomes even MORE awesome when that person is singing or say something embarrassing.
EXHIBIT A:Imagine it. Period 8 (today), maths. Sandra was saying something about mychonny and how chonny says he hates people who have extreme paranoia. And so Shirley, with her big mouth and extreme paranoia of 'creepy-crawlies', proclaims:
"Well mychonny can go suck my..."
And AT THAT TIME, everybody in the room was silent and all they heard was Shirley saying "suck my".
And in MORE important news, the rings were up on the basketball courts at Baulko for the first time since ever. Result: Copious amounts of WTFBall.
WTFBALL: (n.) Basketball, but not really basketball. It's more a fusion of gridiron, rugby (both codes) and AFL. Dribbling the ball is optional. Got my shirt ripped T_T, even though it was just the shirt pocket. More importantly, I TOUCHED THE RIM! FIRST TIME THAT I'VE TOUCHED A RIM! Even though the school rims are lower, hence I could touch the rims, it's close enough, maybe an inch or two off but it will most certainly motivate me to dunk by Graduation.

Also, now that I remember, I was talking to Jolene in Phsyics. Brilliant stuff, this.
Me: "So Jolene, I hear GD's going to jail."Jolene: (defiantly) "GD'S NOT GOING TO JAIL!"Tim: "Yeah, all he did was dry hump a chick."
Me: (surprised) "How do YOU know about this?"
Tim: "How do I NOT know about this?"

And so, here is my Hot Chick of the Post. I promised Yeli that I would put up pictures of what is essentially her best friend, Airi "Airin" Suzuki. Yeah, she's alright, fairly pretty.
Enjoy. And yes I did postone the Guide to High Five post and the Asian "Hotness" post but that'll really only happen if I have nothing better to do.

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