Friday, March 19, 2010


This has become the new Baulko sport. Forget about volleyball and soccer. Out with the old, and in with the new, WTFBall is now the latest craze. It's takes on the concept of basketball, but remove all basketball rules and insert the gameplay of gridiron, AFL and both codes of rugby. Heck, a basketball isn't even needed! Rings aren't needed either. Most rules are abolished, like travelling and 3 seconds in the key. Fouls are also ignored. The aim is just to hit something and make a lot of noise. Whilst incredible things have happened, like Nishant's half court short, I must award the Best Move So Far award to Amy Wen. Despite being the only girl on the court, seemed unfazed by centre Joseph Park of the "Curreans". She upfaked him, got the orange furball goin' like a popcorn machine and went right past him for the easy basket. Well done, Amy Wen.
Onto other news, HOLY SHIT! HALF YEARLIES! NOT PREPARED FOR ANYTHING. I suck at the chemistry side of Engineering, my english essays are random pieces of crap and I get stuck in every prac paper of maths. I blame the Economics Half Yearly. We were all so worried about the Economics (like we should be) and I did not study anything other than that. So now, the half yearlies have now replaced Eco as the primary source of stress. Oh dear. Not good.
People are hilarious. And also really disgusting, but that can sometimes be hilarious. Take Kapilan for example. He was in Eco with Shirley and they were discussing something over a maths paper (Paix said we weren't concentrating last eco period so gave us a free study period. I basically had 5 periods of maths in a row). But then suddenly, Kapilan sneezed and all this gunk came out and some of it landed on Shirley's paper. Activate sympathy for Shirley, even though she was rather unfazed by it. Kapilan then said:"How did that even come out?" (To which I promptly said "That's what she said!")
Also, Tim sorta said/thinks that as an Iraqi is from Iraq, and "Irani" is from Iran. Sorry Tim, but just *facepalm*
So basically, people are hilarious.

And now, hot chick of the post. Guess what? She isn't Asian!Damn, she has hot legs. Even the old guy in the suit is checking her out. And she's not exactly young, which is impressive.

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