*insert celebratory fanfare*
Yeah. The question, in my opinion, was rather stupid:
1) The question was almost identical to the one Srnic gave us as a practice. Instead of struggle and triumph, it was success and failures. Yeah. Don't go off at Srnic and Bowie's (sp) classes. We all deemed it too stupid of a question. Which I still maintain it way.
2) The question asked for a set TEXT. Notice the lack of a plural. But Srnic, in all her brilliance, taught us multiple poems. And also very briefly so we did not have any substantial information. So I did one poem, whilst many others did 2 Eliot poems. Ah crap. I hope they don't take marks off for that. If they do, that's a little harsh. And I finished my essay. That's godly by my standards. (Don't mock me)
So amongst all the hype of Examinations, not a lot has happened. Oh wait. Something did happen. On Monday, I and a bunch of Baulko dudes that didn't have Economics and Biology went to the Castle Hill Library to study. See how I didn't put it in inverted commas? That's because we actually got some work done. Gee, we're good (GEE GEE GEE GEE BABY BABY BABY... argh god dammit). Anyways, Shirley, who came along, decided to borrow a book and I went along because I need to borrow some obscure books for Srnic's Book Reviews, another one of her ingenious ideas. I hope she forgets about it. Anyway, on that trip, I discovered that Shirley is quite technologically challenged. See, at the Castle Hill Library, there's a slot to scan your card and a receipt-printing machine. Shirley, in all her brilliance, tried to put her library card in the receipt machine. Confused and frustrated, she had to be shown by some random lady where to actually put the card. Amused, I laugh at her. But wait, there's more! When she borrowed the book, she ripped the receipt from the machine. But then she realised that she hadn't actually printed the whole receipt and when she realised and pressed the 'exit' button, the rest of the receipt came out.
Funny things happen when you're around stupid people.
That would've been a great human condition essay question.
"The human condition is all about stupid people doing stupid yet funny things."Do what extent do you agree with this statement.
And now, its that time of the post again. Remember, I only do this to liven up my blog. With hot chicks. If you want to make a request, feel free to. Gee, I feel like a radio (GEE GEE GEE.... argh goddammit, not again)
I actually think Seungyeon looks like a hybrid of Tonia and Steph. MSN me about it, I have proof!
Dietrich wanted me to put on Lindsay Tanner. Go google Tanner, I think Seungyeon's better looking.
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