Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Because that is exactly what it is. Just a little fill in because I won't be blogging until after the 15th, which is when Doomsday arrives. Synonymous with Economics Exam. But yeah, that's going to be shit. And I only just finished my case study (as of 3 minutes ago. HURRAH!) and I haven't looked through my textbook notes enough. Shit. Gah, cram cram cram. But China's interesting to learn about. Don't attack me guys.

  • Mr Maricic likes mocking people.
    To Martin who was sniffing a lot: "There are these things called shops and you go inside and you take some cash out and you can buy these littles boxes and inside them are these things called tissues."
    Also took down Daniel Goh but I forgot what he said.
  • Mr Maricic is not the most tech-savvy dude but he's funny.
    He's trying to alter the keystone of the projector but he can't enter the option to change it.
    And so I suggest: "Press ENTER to, well, enter."
    He presses ENTER. Is successful!
    He says to me: "You're a smart man Bryan. Well done."
    We facepalm.
  • Luis Scola is a BEAST. Fundamentally sound in his low post game. Turns his defenders inside out like a beef pattie. Youtube him, but ignore the shitty music in the background. Commentary is so much more awesome. Scola and Yao are prolly the most fundamental PF-C combo in the game, despite Yao being injured. He shall return soon. They're ridiculously good.
  • Magic Johnson. Best. Ever. Just watch this video. It's worth you time. Trust me. NBA wouldn't let me embed it.
  • This chick is ridiculously hot. It's like, HOLY SHIT! HER SHORT HAIR IS SO AWESOME! HOLY SHIT! Also, note: None of you can call me fob. I just find she's hot. Ridiculously hot. Finding an SNSD member hot =/= Fob.
  • The maths exam is probably gonna be a bitch, especially the Extension one 'cos it has freakin' 3D Trig and McFadden better not put anything annoying in there. Advanced is being set by Jeyeratnam, so I don't know if it's going to be hard or not. Will it be?
  • Srnic sucks as a teacher. Simple as that.
  • I hate Thursdays.

See you chaps on the 15th!

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