Saturday, August 28, 2010

re: Fashion

In the previous post, I was talking about turtlenecks. I know turtlenecks look bad, but I meant a loose turtleneck. I had seen a picture but I forgot but now I remember where I saw it:[Wong Fu Productions < 3 If you haven't heard of them, you should be ashamed of yourself]
If you can see, Wes (the guy on the left) is wearing what I mean. I don't think that can be considered a loose turtleneck but as I know no other name or anything close to it, that's what I will call it. Main question: Is he pulling it off?

Getting smacked in the eye sucks.
A persistent toe inflammation also sucks.
A new injury every basketball game sucks even more.
But you know what doesn't suck? An airtight box.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I'm not a fashion guy or a fashionista. I don't care about what I wear. Frankly, I wear anything thats practical. Like jeans, they're so practical. They have pockets. They're durable. You can wear a belt with them. I love hoodies as well. They have a pouch to put things in. You can stay warm. Dry as well. It's quite the excellent. But I won't wear anything fancy out. I wear boring things, casual, as I like to call it. It's probably bland and not very exciting. I'd probably be the last to be called a TB.

At what point are you called a TB? What classifies you as a TB? Is it the amount of clothes, or the style of clothes? Like, if you wear multitudes of shirts, checkered ones or whatever, and they're all open (unbuttoned) to reveal more clothes underneath? Or is it the hair? Are you called a TB if you have Anthony's hair? Or is it other things, like the footwear? What about AF1s? I hate AF1s. They're like a commoner's power forward shoes. By that I mean non basketball player shoes. You got massive ankle braces and a massive tongue, you pretty much tuck your pants into the shoes. Not sure how it looks good, but whatever. I hate Converses even more. It's just a plastic sole with canvas on the side. It seems like such a ridiculous shoe, roll your foot and you're gone. Water could get in so easily. That's why I don't like them, they're not practical. You wear them PURELY for fashion. It's like a night-suit (HIMYM reference). You can't move, you can't sleep comfortably, but when a lady rocks up (for whatever reason. This is Barney. And it's HIMYM. It's a bit crazy), you can bang them because you're wearing a suit and you look sexy (illogical, I know).

Okay, but what about those items that are purely for fashion. Maybe it's just me, but I just think that a lot of fashionable items are what only girls could pull off. Could guys pull off wearing a beanie? You know, those knitted, cotton ones that girls wear, like this:
[squeeeee, SeungYeon!]
Okay, maybe not something so feminine (?) like that, but something along those lines. It's like guys are restricted to a boring, black beanie or a hoodie.

And can guys wear loose turtlenecks? They seem so warm:
[why is she so angry?]
Once again, probably something not so suited for the ladies like the one about, but it's like that. Like, one thats not so wide and puffy (?). I think I once saw George Clooney/another fashionable old guy wearing a turtleneck and it seemed fine.

Are these thoughts just mine, or is it a thing that guys can't wear somethings girls can? (aside from the obvious, like skirts. You could still wear those, if you want, I guess.)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Album Requests

So, I'm planning on buying some (music) albums off eBay and I'm buying off one guy so if I get more people to buy more albums, the shipping will be cheaper. If I get enough, I might be able to haggle free shipping, which will be wonderful. But yes, I'm buying off this guy. Try not to ask your friends (that I don't know) to buy some albums because getting the money will be a hassle and I don't actually know them. So yeah. BUY! (Y) The guy has a lot, and even if he hasn't listed it, I can still email him and see if he has it. But you gotta tell me by the end of this week because I'm buying on Friday or sometime around then. Albums are approximately 14 to 17 USD (few more dollars for newer albums/added psoter) so that's around 15 to 19 AUD. Excluding shipping.

Anyways, we got our eco results back today. It was carnage in the room. People are shivering, chattering and in general stressing. Krishna made a good call, "I love it when we get our tests back, 'cos Kapilan's quiet!" Because of these reactions at results time, everybody makes stupid comments and Lawrence pounces on them. Like, Kapilan was saying/screaming he failed when he got 84% and told Paix that he would tell her his mark later, implying his mark was bad when in reality it wasn't. I could see Lawrence was quietly sharpening his Wolverine claws. And he was also waiting to pounce on Jason if he said "I got raped by the test". Waiting to punch him in the head.

To be honest, that doesn't make sense at all. You can't get raped by an inanimate object, it's not like "the test whipped out its penis and shoved it up Jason's arse" (Lawrence). Also, if he says "I got raped in the test", how did no one notice? And it's pretty silly when some says something is gay, like, "That food was gay" or "That test was so gay". It doesn't make sense. Peoples, inanimate objects don't have sexual preferences. It just doesn't make sense.

This is what hanging with Lawrence and Codie does to you. But it's a good thing, making sense.

Friday, August 20, 2010

I'm so hurt

I've been hurt so much today, I think I've broken a record. I get hurt a lot, but not this much in one day.
  • Kicked in the foot. More specifically, the spot where my toe hurts. My toe hurts because I kicked a door two weeks ago. Yeah, not very smart. WTFBall is annoying.
  • Face got raked. Frickin' Easwar. EASWAR... I hate WTFBall.
  • Nose got elbowed. I don't even know who, I don't care. My nose started bleeding. How annoying. I really do hate WTFBall with a passion, now.
  • Took charges like 4 times but only one was called a charge. Stupid Hills refs, can't call for shit.
  • Got kicked/stepped in/on the shin. I don't even know how it happed. This was at a proper basketball game.
  • Hand got stepped on. Golly, that hurt. It did hurt to make my hand into a fist and now it hurts to touch. And it's ugly.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Funny Things People Say

I was going to do a post of funny/stupid things my basketball coach, but this couldn't wait because too many people say funny/stupid things. It's quite hilarious.
  • "You got to plant yourself like a plantation." -- Coach. Plantation still sorta works, except it sounds stupid. We were laughing at him for the next few minutes but he didn't get it.
  • "Bryan, you gotta stop taking things too far. You gotta stop trying to empathise things." -- Coach. We were practicing a basketball move and I tried too hard and failed (I tried to backboard slap but I missed the shot). So he tried to tell me to stop trying to emphasise the action, but said empathise. I corrected him twice then he told me to stop correcting him.
  • "Hey sir, can I see the top of your nut?" -- Jason @ Mr Maricic. You don't need a context. It's hilarious just hearing it. Well, we were drawing and nut and bolt and well, he wanted to see the nut. I got told off for being hilarious, as I am.
  • Jason: "Oh my god my set square is left-handed."
    Maricic: *chuckle* "A left handed set square... that's the funniest thing I've heard all day."
    It's not that funny because Jason said his set square was left handed (if you're stupid, you think there are left and right handed screwdrivers), but I found it funny because that is the highest quality of humour Maricic gets a day. It's pretty lame.
  • Shirley: Thinks that Ekans, Arbok and Seviper are species of snakes. She thinks that Dubai is in India. She also hasn't heard of Goku and similarly, doesnt' know what Kamekameha (sp) is. She has had a deprived childhood.
  • "What's Einstein's last name?" -- Erin. This might've been from a while ago, but that still pretty fail.
  • "Why are they playing so many Honky songs?" -- Bryan. This was when I was in the Khalil Fong + Fiona Sit concert, both HK artists. It's pretty fail.
There's more but I probably forgot. 'Cos I dont' have much to say, I'll end with this:

Friday, August 13, 2010

Street Food

We're mostly talking about Hong Kong here, but I'm sure every country has their own form of street food. It's just that there's nothing quite like Asian street. It's everywhere, it's rather aromatic and it's deliciously cheap and iconic. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a big fan of street food. Look at all that oil and stuff. Mmmm.....deeeelish. And people are saying, Oh, but you can see what they're putting into it. Yeah, you can see all that oil. You can see all that crap in the sauce and they serve that to you in a brown paper bag or if you're lucky, in a plastic container. That's high end street food, right up in Tsim Tsa Tsui. Well I'm sorry if I want to eat off a plate, I just don't feel like eating out of a paper bag. Surely, you can't criticise me just because I want to be a little bit more civilise and actually eat better food. If I'm gonna go to Hong Kong, I want to save my stomach with good, cooked food, not oil and spicy fish balls. But because I'm going to HK (who else is?), I might get myself some of those 鸡蛋子. Thems be some iconic HK food. It's a ripoff 'cos they're hollow, but they're so good. Stephanie Chan, I'm looking at you, you better take me around street food locations and I'll show you some restaurants.

Just had my basketball game today. We lost, but I had my best game for about 3 weeks. I blame economics. I hypothesise that there is an inverse relationship between the stress load applied by Economics (or general academic studies) and the quality of your basketball game. As in, your individual game. These last 3 weeks, I was playing poorly and training poorly. Now that I have no Eco, it's been pretty good, although it might be too early to tell. Made some pretty good drives. But my toes are still stubbed and inflammed, it's pretty annoying. Can't run well. Oh well. Tough it out, Bryan Ho.

Ugh, crappy band festival on Sunday. Have to go out to bloody Penrith where it's gonna be freezing cold. I honestly hate band sometimes, they make so many disruptions to my week. And all the competitions are clumped in one month, it's horrible. This weekend will have zero productivity.

Oh woe is me...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Things you know

Things you realise you have/can do when you don't have economics to study for:
  • A giant backlog of maths homework. The fact that it is about derivatives doesn't hurt. Also, I found that I still can't find the asymptotes of graphs. I would say I now fail at life but then again, I'm not Kapilan/Anthony.
  • A reasonable backlog of other homework. Although considerably less, because Maths is pretty much the only subject that gives out homework regularly. Although Engineering is close, Maricic gives us these outrageous sheets with spelling errors and excessive amount of lines. You're learning about 'Ethics' but the question asks about 'Ethnics'. You get 7 lines for a question that can be answered in one word.
  • My blog is effed up. Sometimes, I will type and it will come out emboldened when I haven't even activated the bold button. The opposite also happens. I also don't know any HTML and perhaps, as a result, don't know how to put links to other people's blogs on my blog. That's why my blog is so plain, excluding the content of the text.
  • Economics creates disaster zones. There is actually a logical, economic explanation for this if you take it literally, but what I meant is that my table(s) is/are a mess. I don't really have multiple tables, I just have a desk and the top of a cupboard. I have 5 piles of textbooks and economics notes and a laptop. No jumping to conclusions, I only have one Economics textbook. I'm not Anthony. However, I have 3 Chemistry textbooks that I am willing to sell. One is Excel Preliminary, so I doubt anybody needs it, and 2 HSC textbooks, Excel and Chemistry Contexts. Mint condition, might I add, seeing as I haven't used them. If you want to buy them, ask me.
  • I have too much free time. I can tell because I only blogged two days ago and this is MID TERM. How outrageous. I feel like a bad-ass. Yo.
  • I can now buy things online. It wasn't like I was physically incapable before the economics test and study month, but now is a better time to ask my dad if I can buy. You know how it is, you only ask your parents things when they're in a good mood or it's a suitable time, e.g. after all your test(s). Helloooooo online merchandise! Methinks I'll get David Choi and Clara Chung. But so expensive lah...
  • Time to do random things. Like fold an origami heart. Ngaw. Actually, nobody went 'ngaw' at me... I think they thought I was/am weird and they all assumed it was for someone. Nobody will accept the reason that I might've made it for my mum and I made it 'cos I was bored during the NCIS ad breaks. Jeez guys, I don't have an ulterior motive to EVERYTHING. Also, I have enough time to do this. So I don't know whether you guys are glad I don't have economics or do have economics. Ooh, I just remembered. As I'm making a parody song, would it be logical for it to rhyme? Like, take the same rhyming scheme as the original song?
  • Post on Soshified. Now, many would think that this would random, although most of you don't know what Soshified is, but I am actually doing this with a purpose. I plan to get over 50 posts so that I can download subbed episodes of Invincible Youth, which seems like an alright show. I can also go on Karaholic now. Like, literally now, because my mum is upstairs and can't see me and think I'm a pedo/gay. Yeah, she thinks I'm gay for multiple reasons involving women, it's weird and it's a long story.
  • Actually do homework. Bleh. Who needs homework.
What to do.....

Monday, August 9, 2010

It's okay Mum

You don't have to tell me I fail at life. You've told me enough times already. I know I can't manage a lot of things. I know I poor memory. I know I'm not very independent. You've told me a lot of times. I don't need a constant reminder. I don't need to be shouted at just because I forgot something that's not very important.


Moving on. The economics trial is over. What a relief. So glad that's over. I WAS planning to have, essentially, a free day todya, but my mum is like: "So you're gonna do work later, right?". Sigh. I really only have one choice once she says that because if I say anything otherwise, I will be back-chatting, known as "bok jui" in Canto. Sigh. At times, my life is not glorious. Especially these past two weeks. Got all this annoying school pressure and shitty basketball performances. I've been playing so badly these past few days... it's depressing. Why won't basketball and economics just be friends? I want to have a cordial relationship with both but nooo, they are jealous of each other. Honestly, it's annoying. I hope my game picks up this week or I will not be happy. Blagh.

Now that economics is over, I can do more things and concentrate on more things. Fore-go less, blah blah blah (don't think I spelt that correctly):
  • Learn more of Replay. Little thing on the side, it's fun. Frickin' Andrew Yap wants us to perform it at Variety Night. I don't know when that is, but regardless, we're not ready.
  • Learn Mike Song's Wii Tutting Routine. It's pretty awesome. Youtube it. It was actually in some of my previous posts.
  • Buy some stuff online. I could've done this before, but I was busy and my parents were relatively pissy. Now, I buy some stuff... contents cannot be disclosed at the moment (aside from the fact I haven't bought them yet).
  • Get 50 posts of Soshified. Just 'cos. Actually, 'cos I want to watch Invincible Youth and I need English subs (obviously). It seems like an alright show.
  • Make some parody of a song. (@Sandra) I'm planning on doing Singalong Song. Probably Stealalong song unless you have a better idea. But then again, you never support me in anything. Nobody does :(
  • Anybody got any other suggestions as to what I should do with my pitiful life?
Also, guys, if this post makes me out to be all depressed, I'm not really. Well, I might be a little sad, but whatevs. Tough it out. A little pain doesn't hurt. RAWRRRRRRR

Fun fact of the day: Shaquille O'Neal went to Celtics. Everybody I've told so far has been a little shocked. I wish people cared more about basketball :(

Should I be posting a picture every post?