Sunday, April 25, 2010

4 Day Holiday

First up, Playoff Update. Someone who reads this blog has got to be somewhat interested.
Well, I got two of my predictions right. Orlando beat Charlotte (@ CHA) 90 - 86 and the Bucks put on a "show" by beating Atlanta at home. I say show because it wasn't expected but it's in inverted commas because it really wasn't that good of a game. Atlanta was playing horribly and most impressive thing out on the court was John Salmon's chin hair.

OKC beat the Lakers and Portland (surprisingly) beat Phoenix. Well, I don't expect them to last much longer.

Games tomorrow are DAL @ SAS, DEN @ UTA, CLE @ CHI and BOS @ MIA. I predict a Spurs, Utah, Cleveland and Boston win. Basically, I predict home wins except for Boston who'll cleansweep the Miami Heat tomrrow. Here are my Round 1 predictions: (these are subject to change)
  • Lakers beat OKC 4-2
  • San Antonio beats Dallas 4-3 [Tough matchup. May change]
  • Phoenix beats Portland 4-2
  • Utah beats Denver 4-2 [May change, more likely it won't.]
  • Cleveland beats Chicago 4-2
  • Orlando cleansweeps Charlotte, or Charlotte will win the next game at Charlotte if they're lucky.
  • Atlanta beats Bucks 4-3 [Tough matchup because they're both shit.]
  • Boston cleansweep Miami
And in other news, it's a four day holiday. And I'm quite significantly bored. I'm not saying I want to go back to school. In fact, I'm glad I missed Monday and it's shocking English double header. But, there's not much to do. Already went out enough during the holidays and NBA isn't aired on ONE enough. What does one expect to do in times like this?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Where Amazing Happens

Okay. So yes, the Playoffs have started a while back, but still, it's never too late to get into the hype. It's only Round 1. So far, my (two) predictions have been on the money. The matchups are as such:
LAL v OKC (2-1 so far)
DAL v SAS (1-2)
PHX v POR (2-1)
DEN v UTA (1-2)

CLE v CHI (2-1)
ORL v CHA (2-0)
ATL v MIL (2-0)
BOS v MIA (3-0)

Games tomorrow (US today) are LAL @ OKC, PHX @ POR, ORL @ CHA and ATL @ MIL.
I predict a Lakers, Phoenix, Magic and Milwaukee win.
  • OKC might've won a tough one at home, but I don't think they'll live up to the job again. Harden was star player in Game 3 and so was Westbrook but I don't think Harden will star again in Gm 4 and Durant might only improve a little bit. I see Gasol and/or Bynum and Bryant having a good game.
  • Not much to say about Phoenix and Portland. Portland was a shit team with Brandon Roy and now that he's out, they're getting trashed like a little bitch.
  • Charlotte's got nothing the Orlando Magic. 'Nuff said.
  • Now, I know calling a Bucks win over the young guns of Atlanta Hawks, but with home court advantage, I think it's about time they won one. Close 4th quarters at Atlanta shows they have a chance. Bogut might be out with that devastating fall, and Jennings was cold in Gm 2, but they should pull one off at home.
I'll give my predictions on who'll advance Round 1 and by how many games tomorrow. Or the day after, if I forget.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Girls' Basketball

is not what I play. But I am tagging along with the Open's team for grade sport. I could've done first aid but I didn't know I could, I was doing a sport at that time. But tagging along has it's perks. For away games, the players have to pay $4.50, but I don't!!! Best. Perk. Ever. Given that I don't receive any income for this "coaching" (I'm classified as a coach now :D), I get a free entitlement and that's awesome. FREE BUS RIDES!!! WHOOO!!!! Now, I want to coach but they probably won't listen to me. I think it's because some of them, if not most of them are older than me. This sucks. And what sucks even more is that most of them are scared of the basketball. That's not really helpful when you're playing basketball. Alright Amy. Star player time! 20+ ppg !In other news, tests are scary. Getting them back are also scary, even though I've been wanting to get them back for a VERY long time. I dunno why, I just felt good about these tests (bar English) and I've done pretty well so far. I hate English. We're doing bloody Buffy. Ugh, I don't want this mythical crap. Well, not really mythical but like vampires+apocalyptic sorta crap.

This is my kind of romantic place.
EDIT: Hyperlinked the photo. Hope it works.
EDIT: Saved the photo. It comes from a saved file, probably should see it.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


And we had Kumcha 2 yesterday. Another day of brilliance. But it might have been even better, if Tim decided to show up on time. We waited at Morning Glory for 3o minutes, thinking he was just late. It turns out he forgot Kumcha 2 was on that day. Fail.

After wasting 30 minutes, we headed off to Darling Harbour to play Hide and Seek, of all things. It's one thing to not look stupid running around Darling Harbour, but it's another thing to not get awkward looks hiding around Darling Harbour. See, people decided to stupidly hide in bushes and the like, whilst I ingeniously went to McDonalds to pretend to be a customer. Actually, I was a customer 'cos I was hungry but at least I didn't hide in bushes like Sandra and get jumped by Jason. But at least I didn't CHEAT LIKE SHIRLEY AND ANTHONY. Hiding in Starbucks, way to be outside the boundaries, guys.

And... Mizuya is quite okay for Karaoke. You pay 20 bucks for $20 credit of food and 2 hours of K. Food's alright, and being the Asians that we are, we ordered $139.10 worth of food. Oh yeah... (Y) And we got an extra hour of free karoake time because the people forgot. And being the Asians we were, we stayed there for the hour, because we didn't know we had gone over until we left because the girls had guilty consciences. Also 'cos Shirley felt singing the shit ass Ricky Martin song again so we had to leave. Quickly. Also, Jason should make a band and base it around the Bee Gees. Like, Bee Gees 2 or something. Because he hasn't hit puberty yet, he sings 'Staying Alive' exactly like the Bee Gees. It's ridiculous. Then we went to Norita, which is some ridiculously overpriced place where you can play games at a cost and you have to purchase something which is ridiculously overpriced. Taboo was a waste of money but Jenga was not. Jenga is ridiculously hard. Especially with Kpop in the background. I can make a Jenga tower fall with the power of my laugh (Y). Oh yeah. We saved 5 cents at Norita when we went to pay. (Y) 5 cents five!

And now the fun begins. As in, the fun really starts when you crash somebody's house. We/They crashed my house last time, this time we crashed/went to Amy's house. Now, Martin and Tim decided to show up and eat food. Mmm...foood. That was good food. And peoples, don't EVER do a Koong at somebody's house. I won't mention what it is, but Anthony and Jason would know. It is disgusting. Horrid. If the homeowner found out, you'd be banned from that house like if you didn't flush the toilet and they saw the toilet. Now to more pleasing things; Amy's house is absolutely massive. It's in the new part of Kellyville, which means 2 things: 1) Amy's family is loaded and; 2) The house is massive. They have a flat screen monitor/TV in every room. We played sardines but you know, too hard to describe. Something you gotta experience.

Also Amy, if you read this, I'm sorry for putting a dent in your ceiling. I've very sorry. Your ceiling is lower than I thought.

And this is why Baulko kids are the nerd/the best. Or maybe it's just Anthony:

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


It is not that easy. Not that easy at all. I went with Martin to a Beginners course in Breakdancing in Parra and it really was not that Beginners. Not only does it reflect my poor foot-eye co-ordination, my shoulders hurt and I think my head is bleeding. Oh well. That's what I get for trying to do a freeze on my head the first time round. Luckily, we tried another freeze, this time a normal one. As in, not on your head and on your hip and knee. That works better. Still, we've learnt some "cool burns to impress people with". Yeah. Totally. How are we gonna do it on grass at school? I don't even have hardwood floors so I have to spin on carpet. Bam, friction burn.

Uh... my neck hurts... well, at least I can laugh away the pain with this:

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Basketball: Fun for little 'uns.

Proof that basketball is fun for everyone. It's "cute". Watch the black kid. Always watch the black kid. Check out the off the backboard. That's some sweet stuff.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Boredy Lordy Gordy Boredy

The holidays are boring. Without 6 hours to burn up, holidays kill. I wish it was school already. I want my test results back. And I need something to burn up 6 hours. Well, there's basketball but that's on Monday and blagh. Time. Needs. Burning. Well, I have my GOS. I could do my notes for Eco (which I am) but that's so boring. And reading Catch 22 makes me want to sleep. Oh well. I have my GOS. And Battlefield: Bad Company 2. It's a bit like COD. I think, I haven't actually played COD. I'm guessing it's more like COD than previous BF games because it's more adventure style than skirmishing. Still, it's fun.

And I'm going to say a few things now.
1. Don't poke yourself in the eye. It hurts.
2. Don't jump into a wall. Doesn't hurt as much, but there'll be a lasting impression.
3. Don't wear your shirt inside out. When people notice, it's embarrassing.

I hope those help. Somehow. Now, to end my short post with a little safety message:

Boys and girls, because careful when you dunk. Make sure you come down safely. Not like Mr Andrew Bogut here. If you have to hang on for a little while longer and kick someone in the face, that's alright. Better than what he did to himself.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A couple of things

Quick post because I've got a couple of things I need to/forgot to say.

1. I need to learn Mandarin quickly so I can understand more people/China and be able to watch shows and understand them WHILST seeing what is happening. Like, right now, when I'm watching Black and White, I'm torn between READING the Chinese subtitles to try and understand what is happening and looking at the visual part of the drama to see fights/Chem Lab Chick. Damn, she's prettier than you Max.

2. Here's one for the ladies. I'm playing Wedding Dress on the piano. You'll notice there are a few mistakes and I couldn't find the 4th page so cut me some slack. Took me a few hours to learn it at a friend's house. *leans back* Alright, now wait for the ladies...

3. I chipped my tooth. Very minor though. My elbow also hurts, and apparently it might fracture in a few days so that might suck. Oh well. Real men play basketball on concrete.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Black and White

And it's the holidays and it's bored so I'm waiting for Men of War and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 to finish downloading. I wish I started downloading those earlier (ie BEFORE the holidays) because now I'm bored and waiting and I've resorted to playing copious amounts of AOE3. Not that I'm complaining, because it's a great game, even though the campaign is easy. I'm trying to get a Lv 25 Home City of everything, except for the Spanish because they're lame. Spain does not have anything fancy, all it can do is earn the shipments quickly but the shipments aren't even that fantastic! After growing out of my love for the Ottomans, the Germans are alright and the Russians are just fun to play with. 2 Barracks, Standing Army, and BAM! Strelets, everywhere. I ground out 777 strelets in a 40 minute game once. T'was hilarious. Maybe I should go try the French now. Their settlers (Coureis de Bois?) always seemed too expensive or something.
Given my current predicament (boredom), I've also resorted to watching random shows. Namely, this Taiwanese drama. I don't know the English name of it, but it's pretty much a cop show. But I reckon it's low budget because the SFX and certain scenes are crappy/don't make sense. But for some reason, I was so engaged by the show when one of the main dudes (whose name is Wu Ying Xiong [吳英雄] {Ying Xiong means Hero in Chinese. Cheesy, ay.} ) was in a spot of bother because he's in a club, sitting with two chicks that he likes. My dad reckons he likes both chicks but I reckon it's more a 2 sided love triangle here, because the Mafia chick [陳琳] likes him, but he (英雄) likes Lan Xi Ying [藍西英], the chem lab chick, but that's not important. So the 3 of them are in a bar together with 英雄's new partner [陳在天] who is a ladies man and (hence) hilarious, and it's really awkward. Then the Chem Lab chick leaves and 英雄 goes with her but then he's really awkward with chicks outside of the police station and he doesn't say he likes her and then she leaves and starts crying and I scream at 英雄: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING MAN? NO! DUDE, GET HER ALREADY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" So basically, the show's alright itself but the Mafia chick and Chem Lab chick are hot. Well, my parents don't think so. Hell, my mum doesn't even think SNSD is hot. Jeez. Parents, these days.

Also, for some odd reason, I watched the first ep of God of Study. It's some Korean show where a lawyer who looks like Stephen Chow (Canto actor) but more serious-looking tries get 5 "rebellious" students into some top university. I can't really guage it's quality because I've only watched one episode so I can't say whether it's brilliant or not. Damnit, why am I even watching it. I'm always peer pressured into things.
And Happy Easter everybody!
Okay, so whatever is under the above 'line' was posted AFTER I did a little bit of research into the drama. So the drama is called 痞子英雄 or 'Black and White'. Crappy name but whatever. So the main dudes are 吳英雄 and 陳在天. I can't be bothered finding out the actor's names. 吳英雄's on the left. Here, ladies, have some eyecandy:So, here's the Mafia Chick/陳琳. I couldn't find a decent photo of both ladies together, seeing as they're from different groups in the drama.And now, Chem Lab Chick/ 藍西英. Personally, I think she's the better looking one but whatever, you guys call it. There are better photos, just Google that Chinese name but they're not related to the drama, so I didn't put it up.Gah. Bad photo but I'm in a hurry because my parents just started up the drama. I bet Anthony likes that, hot chemistry ladies. oh yeah...

Happy Easter again!