So for anybody who bothers to read this drivel, they/you might've noticed that I haven't posted in quite a while. That's mostly due to the lack of things to do and also I have had way too much on my hands, mostly maths work and eco. Dear god. Economics. It's decent to learn about because everything makes sense and that's nice but it is bloody boring to study. Times like this make me think that I shouldn't have taken up Eco in the first place but then I remind myself that I'm doing one of my HSC exams earlier (Y).
Oh yeah...
Well, this post is going to be short because I have a freakin' case study to do (one less exam in year 12, one less exam in year 12...) so I'm just going to post a random selection of things:
Engineering Studies is rather awesome. Although it's largely chemistry + physics, it's a fun combination. Jason says its even better than what you learn in normal chemistry. I think this magnitude of fun come directly from the videos we watch. We watch so many. First video we saw, we saw a bloody hip replacement. Eck. And just a few days ago, we learn about non-ferrous metals whilst sleazy jazz music in the background. Hot. Literally.
Maths, Extension English and Eng. Studies are my favourite subjects. Maths, purely 'cos its maths and you can do random shit/sing/talk/eat/listen to music/steal bags/throw stationery around/talk/cheat/aruge/watch youtube videos/witness the awesomeness that is Wolfram Alpha/memorise some pi numbers and finally do some maths work if you really feel like it. I am liking Extension English because it's really interesting. And so we're watching 'I Am Legend'. Jealous, non-extension englishers? As for Eng. Studies, read above.
Stains are really annoying. Pen marks on shirts are really annoying. Pasta stains on your shirts are really annoying. Avocado stains on your pants are really annoying. The permanent bruises of your skin thats like a scar but not really a scar are also really annoying even though they're not really a stain but its like a stain/taint on your skin you know what I mean... >_>
Basketball is easily the most awesome thing. But to have someone to be able to offload all of that basketball-praise to is rather awesome. Hence, Amy Wen is quite awesome. Finally, we have a chick that actually PLAYS basketball. Sorry Ewy, if you're reading this, whilst you may like/follow basketball (albeit Sacramento) you don't actually play basketball competitively (i think) so it doesn't really count. HORSE is easily the best game to come out of a sport, if you know what I mean. It's not a sport itself (whilst there are HORSE comps) but its a game from that sport.
Korean Boybands aren't really that good. Whilst I did only listen to SHINee, MBLAQ and B2ST, half of their songs were crap so I assumed the half of the rest of the boybands that I was planning to listen to would be crap. I couldn't be bothered downloading all that crap so I assumed. Plus, their style of music is too synthed. And the excessive English is shocking. Come on, rhyming 'Fantastic' with 'Elastic'. I have said this before but that's like horrible.
listened to shinee, mblaq, b2st. only half was good so assumed the other artists were crap.
And, finally, I apparently have a nice shoulder to lean on. ^^ Oh yeah....
I'll end it here. Next post probably 28/2 or 1/3 when my Asian Music Trial expires.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Leichhardt Creative Story
So, basically, I felt compelled/peer pressured to post my short story. It was originally in letters, but after advice from Codie and Niro, it is now a 3rd person narrative about "love and suffering".
WARNING: From this point onwards, the amount of cheese is mindboggling. Please exercise caution. Feel free to leave a comment, but please, refrain from any stupid comments. I don't have a title. Got any ideas?
Here goes...
Liked it? Hated it? Leave a comment. ^^ (Y)
WARNING: From this point onwards, the amount of cheese is mindboggling. Please exercise caution. Feel free to leave a comment, but please, refrain from any stupid comments. I don't have a title. Got any ideas?
Here goes...
Hung lay on his back, his thoughts deep in the clouds above. He put his hands behind his head as he let out a long sigh. Mai, he thought, where did you go? He knew the answer to that, but he could not do anything about it. I need you here with me, right here beside me, Hung thought as he rolled onto his side. His face was wrought in anguish he stared at the empty patch of grass. He took out his wallet and pulled out a photo. Mai, he whispered as a tear trickled out of his eye.
Hung was in first grade, walking by himself to school when a group of fifth graders ran up to him. They threw him against the wall and demanded for his lunch. Trembling violently, Hung fumbled around for anything that he could give to them. He took off his little schoolbag and was about to empty it onto the footpath when a small hand grabbed his wrist.
“Go pick on someone your own size!” said the owner of the little hand. Hung looked up and he saw a little girl, barely his own size. The bullies looked at each other and laughed uncontrollably. Not feeling so brave anymore, the little girl’s cheeks turned into a bright red. Hung was now absolutely mortified, because the boys had stopped laughing and shoved the little girl against wall beside him. He started crying, grabbed the little girl’s hand and prayed that it would be over soon. Their little fingers tightly wrapped around each other’s hand as they were pinned against the wall, powerless to stop the bullies from taking their bags. Hung slumped down against the wall, still crying. The little girl looked at him, shook her head and left. Hung was all alone again, now crying harder than ever. Few minutes later, the little girl returned, shoved an ice-cream in front of his face and ordered him to stop crying. Hung promptly stopped and they sat together on the sidewalk, licking their ice-creams.
“What’s your name?” the little girl suddenly asked. Hung quietly answered her and she said,
“Okay! My name’s Mai. Let’s be friends, okay?” Hung nodded slowly and a smile crept to his lips. He finally had a friend.
From that day on, Hung would always be seen around Mai. They always sat next to each other in class and played together after class. Whenever Hung was bullied, Mai was there to step in and chase them off. Whenever Mai took a fall, Hung was there with a bandaid and water. The shy little boy and the boisterous little girl grew closer to each other and became inseparable.
One day, when Hung was 17, they were walking home from school as usual. Mai suddenly stopped Hung and tearfully said to him,
“Promise me that whatever happens, we’ll always stay together. Promise me that whatever happens, we’ll always try to find each other. Okay?” Hung had never seen Mai cry before, not even when they were bullied the first day they met. He was confused, because he knew that Mai knew that he would say yes. Hung promised her anyway and Mai threw herself at him, grabbing his neck and crying deeply in it. Hung hugged her tightly, stroking her head, softly telling her to stop crying.
The next day, on his way to school, Hung walked to Mai’s house but found nobody was home. Confused, he kept on walking to school but couldn’t find Mai everywhere. Worried, he asked one of their teachers if they knew where Mai was. Puzzled, the teacher replied,
“Didn’t she tell you? She left with her family to Australia.” Hung just stood there, eyes wide and mouth open. He could not believe it. The teacher tapped him on the shoulder. He blinked then ran home as fast as he could. He could not believe it. She was gone. Tears fell with his feet as he ran home. This can’t be, he thought, she isn’t really gone. This is just a trick she’s playing on me. Then he remembered the promise he made yesterday.
Whatever happens, we’ll always stay together.
He fell onto his knees and broke down again. Amidst his tears, he told himself the cruel truth. She was really gone.
It had been five years since that day. Hung had been thinking about her every day, getting a job the week after for this day. You left without a word, he thought, and I never got to say I loved you. He got up and looked down the road as the summer breeze blew in behind him. He grabbed his rucksack and set off down the dusty road.
I’m coming Mai, he thought, I’m coming.
Liked it? Hated it? Leave a comment. ^^ (Y)
Friday, February 19, 2010
Birthday Parties
Are ridiculously awesome. Even when you come 2 hours late and every body hides under the table and all they left for you to eat after a basketball game is prawns and salads but other than that, it was AWESOME. As in, Lawrence's party was AWESOME. Especially when there's Twister around. Best. Party. Game. EVER! Especially when the player limit is 4 and 8 people start playing. Mayhem guaranteed. Your hands seem to end up where they should end up and your head does not like whether it will be. Weird things happen. Backbends, heads in asses, Asian squats, straddling people (LENNY!!!) and getting kneed in the balls. There's too much to describe, its one of those things that you have to be there to witness and enjoy.
One suggestion: ALWAYS INVITE ANTHONY LIANG TO A PARTY! That man is a box of hilarity waiting to be opened. For a man of his intellectual calibre, he is SILLY! (and his fly is always undone)
Its very hard to describe the party and my wrist hurts and I have friction burns everywhere and I should probably save my writing ability for the Leichhardt Creative Task. Oh yeah. That movie. Welcome. That was actually a VERY good movie, but the whole experience was spoiled by dickheads laughing at Bilal's name, retards laughing at the chick's thighs and making inappropriate noises and a DOUCHEBAG commenting about his discontent with the movie. Well, DOUCHEBAG, you may have not liked the movie but there is a whole GRADE around you and whether or not they LIKED the movie, have some maturity and don't go making douchebag comments that ruin the movie for everyone else.
Garh. Twas an excellent movie. Food was so-so. Basketball game was SHOCKING.
-start mild basketball rant-
God dammit. That team. ARGH. It's like playing against 20 Jolenes (sorry jolene) who BITCH SLAP you like you'll never believe. 2 of them RUN INTO YOU and START BITCH SLAPPING YOU. And the refs. DEAR GOD. THEY ARE THE WORST! EVEN MY MUM CAN SEE A BITCH SLAPPING FOUL WHEN SHE SEES ONE. but NO, you can't even call a SINGLE foul when they BLATANTLY tripped us and slapped us and pushed us. Dear Lord they sucked. Not saying we played well, but that just SHIT.
-end basketball rant-
As I've said before, the party was awesome. Great party Lawrence.
One suggestion: ALWAYS INVITE ANTHONY LIANG TO A PARTY! That man is a box of hilarity waiting to be opened. For a man of his intellectual calibre, he is SILLY! (and his fly is always undone)
Its very hard to describe the party and my wrist hurts and I have friction burns everywhere and I should probably save my writing ability for the Leichhardt Creative Task. Oh yeah. That movie. Welcome. That was actually a VERY good movie, but the whole experience was spoiled by dickheads laughing at Bilal's name, retards laughing at the chick's thighs and making inappropriate noises and a DOUCHEBAG commenting about his discontent with the movie. Well, DOUCHEBAG, you may have not liked the movie but there is a whole GRADE around you and whether or not they LIKED the movie, have some maturity and don't go making douchebag comments that ruin the movie for everyone else.
Garh. Twas an excellent movie. Food was so-so. Basketball game was SHOCKING.
-start mild basketball rant-
God dammit. That team. ARGH. It's like playing against 20 Jolenes (sorry jolene) who BITCH SLAP you like you'll never believe. 2 of them RUN INTO YOU and START BITCH SLAPPING YOU. And the refs. DEAR GOD. THEY ARE THE WORST! EVEN MY MUM CAN SEE A BITCH SLAPPING FOUL WHEN SHE SEES ONE. but NO, you can't even call a SINGLE foul when they BLATANTLY tripped us and slapped us and pushed us. Dear Lord they sucked. Not saying we played well, but that just SHIT.
-end basketball rant-
As I've said before, the party was awesome. Great party Lawrence.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
FIM = (T * PoT * L) / (H * PL)
If T = Teacher, PoT = People on Table, L = Your Seating Location, H = Homework and PL = Period Length, then you have the equation for FIM which is Fun In Maths.Graphs. How I loathe you. Simmo decided to math the last period of today (Monday) all theory, so we have a theory-less double tomorrow. Oh what fun. Actually, maths is a little fun. Aside from Simmo being a rather good teacher and neglecting/forgetting the vast amount of homework that he sets us, maths is fun. Quite fun. Infinitely better than Advanced English (Srnic is a giant bore. She just talks and talks and talks) but only slightly better than Extension English. For those of you who don't do Ext. English, you guys are missing out on a LOT. English isn't really fun, but Ext. English made it REALLY interesting. Whilst some classes are doing some magical/mythical crap, we, Leishman's class, are doing 9/11 to Obama. Whilst this doesn't really sound like a topic per se, it's more about the texts during that period and their 'evolution' from the impact of 9/11 to Obama's period of "Change".
As I was saying, maths is fun. I don't know why people get so angry at maths. It can easily be hilarious. The trick is to MAKE it fun. Whether that involves swearing at maths questions because they're hard and annoying [see: Me and Graphs and/or Quadratics with Ridiculous Coefficients], because they're exponential graphs [see: Me and the Exponential Song] or simply because you're jealous of the fictatious Bob who has 40 fictatious jellybeans and he won't fictatiously share it with you [see: Koong and Jellybeans], anybody can make maths fun. Sure, it may be a little less productive, but at least you won't be bored.
As for Asian music, I think I chose the Asian songs which aren't really crap because I'm listening to it constantly and even liking some. Mostly its Taiwanese artists, but T-ara, After School and Kara are alright. The rapping is pretty funky/good. Haven't listened to Korean boybands, but I don't expect that to be good. But then again, I didn't expect girl groups to be alright but hey, they're alright and SNSD is less annoying now.
Okay, now boys and girls, let's play a game. I call it, "Guess that Gender". Here are the two candidates:
Basically, guess which one is a man or a woman or maybe they're both men or women.
As I was saying, maths is fun. I don't know why people get so angry at maths. It can easily be hilarious. The trick is to MAKE it fun. Whether that involves swearing at maths questions because they're hard and annoying [see: Me and Graphs and/or Quadratics with Ridiculous Coefficients], because they're exponential graphs [see: Me and the Exponential Song] or simply because you're jealous of the fictatious Bob who has 40 fictatious jellybeans and he won't fictatiously share it with you [see: Koong and Jellybeans], anybody can make maths fun. Sure, it may be a little less productive, but at least you won't be bored.
As for Asian music, I think I chose the Asian songs which aren't really crap because I'm listening to it constantly and even liking some. Mostly its Taiwanese artists, but T-ara, After School and Kara are alright. The rapping is pretty funky/good. Haven't listened to Korean boybands, but I don't expect that to be good. But then again, I didn't expect girl groups to be alright but hey, they're alright and SNSD is less annoying now.
Okay, now boys and girls, let's play a game. I call it, "Guess that Gender". Here are the two candidates:

Thursday, February 11, 2010
"Oh look! Asians!"
As you know, I've been listening to nothing but Asian music this month. After listening to some less generic songs for a week, I got a little bored. So I decided to download some Generic K-Pop. This basically allows (those crappy catchy annoying) bands like SNSD and SHINee to (relentlessly) enter my head. I decided to download the girlgroups first and after a round of suggestions, I downloaded these songs:
SNSD -- (Chocolate Love) (Gee) (Genie) (Oh!) (Into The New World) (Kissing You) (Girls Generation)
Kara -- (Mister) (Break It) (Wanna)
T-ara -- (Lies) (Time to Love) (TTL Listen 2)
After School -- (Because Of You) (Ah) (Diva) (When I Fall)
Wonder Girls -- (Nobody) (Tell Me) (So Hot) (Irony)
F(x) -- (Lachata)
NOTICE the 3 of the most annoying songs in existence. Gee, Genie and Oh! It pained me to download those. Although it's a little better because I don't have to watch the MVs that guarantees cringing, anytime and everytime.
NOTICE F(x). Isn't that funny?!
I have come to the (brief) conclusion that SNSD songs are mixed. Their earlier songs were good, especially with their debut (Into The New World) , but then they just got annoying/addictive (Gee) and then downright crap (Chocolate Love).
Also, T-ara and After School have good rappers. It ridiculous. I dont' like raps but the raps in their songs are quite decent.
Also, DIVA HAS THE MOST ANNOYING LINE EVER! It's ridiculously annoying! It's like a bunch of angsty 16 year old teenage girls decided to jump into a vat of strawberry ice-cream with walls lined with sugar, eat their way through and in the bottom was Deva and they suddenly chant his name. Yeah, it's THAT annoying.
On a different but at the same time similar note, I downloaded SOME boyband songs. By some, I mean 4 SHINee songs: Amigo, Juliette, Love Like Oxygen and Ring Ding Dong. The first three are "tolerable", the epitome of dodgy English encapsulated by loads of synth. However, *shudders*
Dear GOD it is annoying! It would've been more bearable if it was actually good, but its NOT! (Gee/Oh! are alright, just god damn annoying) The verses are drowned by poor techno beats that could be beaten by Tim's beatboxing. Every single word has been synthed so heavily it sounds like Microsoft Sam but a little bit more tonal change. The lines in English are so dreadful and unimaginative, they rhyme "Fantastic" with "Elastic"4 goddamn times! And don't get me started on the chorus. It sounds like an Indian guy decided to hijack the recording studio and repeat the words Ring Ding Dong in the worse possible fashion. LIKE HE THINKS HE SOUNDS COOL. WELL GUESS WHAT??? HE SOUNDS LIKE A TOOL!!!
This is why I hate Asian music. It just fails terribly. I just hope the other songs are better.
SNSD -- (Chocolate Love) (Gee) (Genie) (Oh!) (Into The New World) (Kissing You) (Girls Generation)
Kara -- (Mister) (Break It) (Wanna)
T-ara -- (Lies) (Time to Love) (TTL Listen 2)
After School -- (Because Of You) (Ah) (Diva) (When I Fall)
Wonder Girls -- (Nobody) (Tell Me) (So Hot) (Irony)
F(x) -- (Lachata)
NOTICE the 3 of the most annoying songs in existence. Gee, Genie and Oh! It pained me to download those. Although it's a little better because I don't have to watch the MVs that guarantees cringing, anytime and everytime.
NOTICE F(x). Isn't that funny?!
I have come to the (brief) conclusion that SNSD songs are mixed. Their earlier songs were good, especially with their debut (Into The New World) , but then they just got annoying/addictive (Gee) and then downright crap (Chocolate Love).
Also, T-ara and After School have good rappers. It ridiculous. I dont' like raps but the raps in their songs are quite decent.
Also, DIVA HAS THE MOST ANNOYING LINE EVER! It's ridiculously annoying! It's like a bunch of angsty 16 year old teenage girls decided to jump into a vat of strawberry ice-cream with walls lined with sugar, eat their way through and in the bottom was Deva and they suddenly chant his name. Yeah, it's THAT annoying.
On a different but at the same time similar note, I downloaded SOME boyband songs. By some, I mean 4 SHINee songs: Amigo, Juliette, Love Like Oxygen and Ring Ding Dong. The first three are "tolerable", the epitome of dodgy English encapsulated by loads of synth. However, *shudders*
Dear GOD it is annoying! It would've been more bearable if it was actually good, but its NOT! (Gee/Oh! are alright, just god damn annoying) The verses are drowned by poor techno beats that could be beaten by Tim's beatboxing. Every single word has been synthed so heavily it sounds like Microsoft Sam but a little bit more tonal change. The lines in English are so dreadful and unimaginative, they rhyme "Fantastic" with "Elastic"4 goddamn times! And don't get me started on the chorus. It sounds like an Indian guy decided to hijack the recording studio and repeat the words Ring Ding Dong in the worse possible fashion. LIKE HE THINKS HE SOUNDS COOL. WELL GUESS WHAT??? HE SOUNDS LIKE A TOOL!!!
This is why I hate Asian music. It just fails terribly. I just hope the other songs are better.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The Showdown/Check This
Not much to say. Eco is boring. China's a drag. Should stop skipping/"selectively forgetting" to do Simmo's work because there is a shitload of it. Taiwanese music is better than Korean music although I haven't listened to much Korean music. Should do so, but I need people to give me song names and preferably the song itself because I have no idea what to get and I might end up getting Generic K-Pop. Like Gee. God that shit is annoying. So help me out here guys.
On a lighter note, basketball is funny. The ads are funny.
This one is 1993 McDonalds commercial with Larry Bird and Michael Jordan. It gets a little "ridiculous" (like Jordan's outfit) at the end but its a good ad for one of its time.
And here is the 2010 remake with LeBron James and Dwight Howard. A lot funnier imo. Also very impressive.
"Who's that?"
"I have no idea..."
On a lighter note, basketball is funny. The ads are funny.
This one is 1993 McDonalds commercial with Larry Bird and Michael Jordan. It gets a little "ridiculous" (like Jordan's outfit) at the end but its a good ad for one of its time.
And here is the 2010 remake with LeBron James and Dwight Howard. A lot funnier imo. Also very impressive.
"Who's that?"
"I have no idea..."
Friday, February 5, 2010
Ayumi, a basketball and a carnival
I'm so dead from my basketball game today, so you are reading the efforts of my laboured typing. Just a quick report: 28-25. Low scoring game, low 10s at halftime. Were down at half time. I got something like 12 points, 3 steals. Half were from FTs. no injuries. This is a basketball influenced blog so there HAS to be some basketball. You guys are lucky I'm not ranting about Kevin McHale or Magic.
Anyways, Japanese artists. Got all these from Yeli, 40 in total. I'm finding that they are very influenced by DDR or their music is featured in DDR. By this I mean that the songs are very electronic and fast paced. Distinctly electronic, so I don't particularly like this. But there are other good artists in here, for example Ayumi Hamasaki. She is a very good singer, incredibly good. Also hot (as seen below), which Lawrence says is important to break into the (Japanese) music industry, assuming you have the skills.
Here's another one because she's so hot.
I also like the likes of Arashi and Humming Urban Stereo. Quite my style of music, mostly due to the fact that they don't tick you off.
So the swimming carnival was a happenin' on Thursday. As seniors, we got to sit on the other side of the pool, which was quite exciting. If you don't participate in the swimming, it can get quite boring,easily and it did. Luckily, things were spiced up by a hawt ladeh in an equally hawt dress. I should be a designer or some shit.
I don't know who's hotter here, Deva or Lawrence. Note: The dress is quite ingenious. Made from two enviro bags, it is simply held up on those broad shoulders and conjoined by staples. Simple yet elegant design.
Haaave you met ... Mr. Subnungal Hematoma? He's a nice guy. Polite, always smilin'. Ask Lawrence, he's a close friend of his. Check out Larry's FB dp, he's in it as well.
Anyways, Japanese artists. Got all these from Yeli, 40 in total. I'm finding that they are very influenced by DDR or their music is featured in DDR. By this I mean that the songs are very electronic and fast paced. Distinctly electronic, so I don't particularly like this. But there are other good artists in here, for example Ayumi Hamasaki. She is a very good singer, incredibly good. Also hot (as seen below), which Lawrence says is important to break into the (Japanese) music industry, assuming you have the skills.
So the swimming carnival was a happenin' on Thursday. As seniors, we got to sit on the other side of the pool, which was quite exciting. If you don't participate in the swimming, it can get quite boring,easily and it did. Luckily, things were spiced up by a hawt ladeh in an equally hawt dress. I should be a designer or some shit.
Haaave you met ... Mr. Subnungal Hematoma? He's a nice guy. Polite, always smilin'. Ask Lawrence, he's a close friend of his. Check out Larry's FB dp, he's in it as well.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Asian Music Playlist
Bleh, haven't posted a lot, given the AO just finished and I've been swamped with Maths work. Bloody Simmo. And Economics, which I am yet to get started on. Goddammit, Year 11.
So basically, in my effort to be less prejudiced against (Crappy) Asian Music, I've decided to source Asian songs from my Asian friends and listen to that music for the rest of this month, which is convenient because I started yesterday. I did not have great expectations about this 'trial', because all I had listened was Korean girlgroups which are relatively annoying and make you cringe a lot. But I guess that was why I wanted to this, because I felt as though I had to listen to other types of Asian music in order to sufficiently say "Asian Music sucks".
So yesterday, Sandra gave me some 21 songs which she thought would appease my musical tastes, which is that the songs had good harmonies. This included some Koreans like 3 Taeyang songs and a few other randoms like SHINee and T-ara (I'm think they're Korean). There were also Taiwanese artists like Khalil Fong and Xiao Yu and Da Mouth. Might I say, Da Mouth is the weird band I have ever heard and seen. They're the Taiwanese BEP according to Sandra, but these people are retarded. The songs are ridiculous. It's like a mix of the Numa Numa Dance and American Rap (but in Mandarin) with a dash of Gwen Stefani. However, so far, I've got to say I'm liking Khalil Fong. He's like an Asian Crooner. And in general, Taiwan is faring better Korea. Korean songs are either:
a) Drug-like as in they are addictive but are so bad [eg. Gee. It is a SHOCKING song but has an Addictive Factor of 10.]
b) Songs with synthetic thumping beats that alter the beating of your heart, ie at an irregular pace [eg Wedding Dress does this. It would be a more bearable song if it wasn't for the thumping beats.]
Today, I got 40 songs from Yeli, which I think are predominantly Japanese artists. Not sure how its gonna be like, but so far, all I'm hearing is DDR. I'm yet to get Asian Music from Erin, but I expect that to be just Crappy Korean boybands. I might need some girlgroups to offset this. Also, if you have any Asian songs, you can give them to me, USB preferably.
Also I'm stopping the Quote segment. I just forget the quotes.
So basically, in my effort to be less prejudiced against (Crappy) Asian Music, I've decided to source Asian songs from my Asian friends and listen to that music for the rest of this month, which is convenient because I started yesterday. I did not have great expectations about this 'trial', because all I had listened was Korean girlgroups which are relatively annoying and make you cringe a lot. But I guess that was why I wanted to this, because I felt as though I had to listen to other types of Asian music in order to sufficiently say "Asian Music sucks".
So yesterday, Sandra gave me some 21 songs which she thought would appease my musical tastes, which is that the songs had good harmonies. This included some Koreans like 3 Taeyang songs and a few other randoms like SHINee and T-ara (I'm think they're Korean). There were also Taiwanese artists like Khalil Fong and Xiao Yu and Da Mouth. Might I say, Da Mouth is the weird band I have ever heard and seen. They're the Taiwanese BEP according to Sandra, but these people are retarded. The songs are ridiculous. It's like a mix of the Numa Numa Dance and American Rap (but in Mandarin) with a dash of Gwen Stefani. However, so far, I've got to say I'm liking Khalil Fong. He's like an Asian Crooner. And in general, Taiwan is faring better Korea. Korean songs are either:
a) Drug-like as in they are addictive but are so bad [eg. Gee. It is a SHOCKING song but has an Addictive Factor of 10.]
b) Songs with synthetic thumping beats that alter the beating of your heart, ie at an irregular pace [eg Wedding Dress does this. It would be a more bearable song if it wasn't for the thumping beats.]
Today, I got 40 songs from Yeli, which I think are predominantly Japanese artists. Not sure how its gonna be like, but so far, all I'm hearing is DDR. I'm yet to get Asian Music from Erin, but I expect that to be just Crappy Korean boybands. I might need some girlgroups to offset this. Also, if you have any Asian songs, you can give them to me, USB preferably.
Also I'm stopping the Quote segment. I just forget the quotes.
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