Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 13

Man. I've tried to blog so many times during this HK Trip (twice) but I never got to finish. Basically all that time I wanted to say HK is the Land of Awesome. Also the Land of Cheap Things. Which makes it the Land of Awesome because cheap things are awesome. Whilst cheap things can be found all over Asia, particularly mainland China, you can place a sense of trust in these cheap products because HK is somewhat reliable. I can't be certain about the South East Asia Islands/Archipelagos, but mainland China is somewhat dodgy.

As I was saying, HK products are ridiculously cheap. Take the foodstuffs for example. I can get a lunch meal here for 50HKD, which is around 7 AUD, and thats rather pricey. Yumcha for four people: 300HKD. Go do that maths, thats around 10 AUD pp. Clothing can be very cheap, if you know where to look. Shoes can easily go for over 100 AUD in Australia, but you can find cheap shoes in HK, mostly in Fa Yuen Street [Sport Shoe St] in Mong Kok. I bought a pair of Basketball Shoes for 599 HKD, which is under 100 AUD, which cannot be found in Australia, not taking into account the lack of basketball attire in Australian stores. Also bought a 599 pair of K-Swiss shoes, which, similarly, cannot be found in Australia.

And now I just realised that I mention clothing but ended up talking about shoes. So clothing. Very cheap. I saw shirts for 69 HKD (no immaturity please) albeit they were very plain shirts. Still, good shirts can be found for YEAH BABY! when I saw it.

Also, Asians are incredibly cunning when it comes to promotional campaigns, for example sales. I went to a Quiksilver store which had a promo, where if you bought (a) items for 500 HKD, you got 250 HKD off. But this only applied per 500 HKD of net value. As in, if you bought exactly 500 HKD worth of goods, then you got 250 off. But if you bought 999 HKD worth of goods, then you only got 250 off. So naturally, we wanted to get that extra dollar to reach 1000 HKD to get 500 off. But whenever we (me and two friends of mine) reached a 'cash rebate' level, we were close to the NEXT rebate level, so we kept on buying. We ended up buy 4000 HKD worth of clothes (I bought a jacket, jeans, belt and wallet) but because of this epic cash rebate, we only payed around 2000 HKD. Which, in perspective, is remarkably cheap.

Basically, kudos to the store managers for coming up with such a brilliant promo tactic. Those sneaky Asians. Asians are best at being cheap, but other Asians are also skilled in the Art of Anti-Asian, if you guys know what I mean. Photos of my shoes and other stuff will be up soon. Hopefully. When I get my new notebook. That's right. A new notebook. I'm gonna make my parents pov.

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