Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Australia Day (yesterday)

What does it mean to you? Now, I'm not trying to be a little Anti-Australia Day here, but to me, it doesn't mean too much. I treat it as every other day. Wake up and see what the day throws at you. It also means Asian Gathering Day. From where I come from (the Hills, yo), Australia Day is an excuse for Asian families in the area to congregrate at some other Asian family's house and have an Asian barbeque and the Asian kids play Asian games whilst the Asian parents have an Asian chat. I'll explain what all that means later, but this, phenomenon, seems to happen every year in the Hills. It's like a given event that is MEANT to happen. It's our very own Asian Australian. You can just give an Asian family a call (someone that you know, PLEASE, no calls to strangers) and ask:
"Wei. Gum marn deem ar?" [Translation: Hey. What are we doing tonight?](That was my SPECIAL Romanisation of Cantonese, which I believe is far more accurate and effective than Romanised Cantonese in HK)

And they'll reply:
"Gor ley orr yee bin lor. Sek gor BAR BEE QUE lor." [Translation: Come over to my place. Have a Barbeque.] (Asian parents tend to say 'Barbeque' as three separate words)

"Hou. Orr maai song. Ley dai yum bun." [Okay. I'll buy the food. You bring the drinks.]

"Hou. Butt yu gill mutt mutt mutt gor ley lor." [Okay. Why not get what's his face to come.]

--Start sidetracked conversations for 20 minutes--

And there you have it. An Asian gathering has been organised. And as promised, i'm going to explain the various features of an Asian gathering.

ASIAN BARBEQUE (n.) : A normal barbeque but not with the normal foodstuffs of a Bogan Barbeque. Instead of lamb cutlets, you have chicken wings. Instead of bangers and mash, you have frankfurters. Instead of steak, you have minced meat. Instead of tomato sauce, you have rice or spaghetti. All meat is still cooked on a barbeque.

ASIAN GAMES (n.) : Not really games made specifically made for Asians. It usually refers to Wii and PS3 and the like, which are Asian. But games such as Mahjong may also be played. That's so Asian, it's ridiculous. If you're Asian and you can't play Mahjong, you should be ashamed of yourself.

ASIAN CHAT (n.) : To chat like an Asian with other Asians. That is, to be ridiculously loud and chat for at least 5 hours.

So yeah, Asian gatherings. That's where the parties are at. And they ALWAYS go past 11pm. That's when the real parties are happenin', yo.

And also, I'm introducing a new segment for my blog. It's called...

(insert catchy show tune music)
If you still don't know what this is about, read the title. Idiot.

So this period-of-time-between-blog-posts (POTBBP), the quote belongs to Tonia. She was comment on a (ABSOLUTELY HORRID) photo on Facebook and I said, in the previous comment, that you could press the END button on your keyboard when you opened the page to avoid looking at the (MORBID) photo. And she replied:

"omg, I didn't even know that there was an end button"


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