Thursday, January 21, 2010

Oh. That's awkward.

You know what's awkward? Japanese people. And their...customs... Now, I'm not trying to be racist here, but when you know a little too much about something that you really shouldn't know about, it sheds a new light on them. It all started today when I was reading an SMH article. Don't ask. In fact, I'll just tell you about it. It's called "Japan's sexy move to cut debt" (that's some HOT money flowin', right there! Yeah, I'm funny. I don't even know what hot money is. I just know its a term). It's about Japan's declining population and birthrate so basically, private companies and even the government is trying to encourage sex/increase the birthrate (a more P C description) by cutting the working hours of employees/government officials. It also briefly mention's Japan's overwhelming debt which is roughly double the size of their US$4.9 trillion economy. Yeah, and WE thought US had a big enough debt, check out Japan! This one's as big as Shirley's (debt)!

And back on task. The passage that started all this was:
"Kan's Democratic Party of Japan is working to tweak tax policies to encourage families to have more kids. Government inaction in general, though, has put the onus on private industry. In November 2008, for example, Keidanren, Japan's biggest business organization, urged member companies to encourage employees to have more sex.

Japan, after all, routinely scores low on annual sexual-frequency surveys by condom maker Durex. In the latest, 34 percent of Japanese respondents said they have sex once a week, compared with 87 percent in Greece and 53 percent in the US. That may go a long way to explaining why Japan's population, now 126 million, is shrinking."

I Twittered that comment, and I got a link to an article, courtesy of Yeli. It's about, as you can see, sex and flirting in Japan. Now, I suggest you read it. All of it. Don't back out. It is quite interesting/amusing/odd/depressing. The article is here. It's a good read.

What do you think? Awkward, ay. Now when people say, "JAP CHICKS/DUDES ARE HOT" and somebody asks "What are they like in the sack?", you know the answer.

Uhh........ ">_>

EDIT **Thanks Max to pointing out the link problem.**

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