Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Destination: Hong Kong

Finally. The day has come. Rejoice, my brothers, for I have found Shangri-La. Okay, maybe not that epic, but Hong Kong is fairly damn awesome. Don't listen to what those Mainlanders say about Hong Kong, they're just jealous of our atmosphere which is considerably less gray and smelly. Whilst some Hongkongers (that is the correct demonym) may say HK is smelly and noisy, I must stress the fact that that only happens in some streets like in Mongkok and the rest of HK is quite nice smelling, like in the shopping centres. Everything is nice and cheap in HK, you can even get an afternoon tea set meal thing for 3 AUD! Ridiculous, I know, but so is the transport system here. One word: Shit. But in HK, you don't have this problem. The underground rail system is too awesome. Trains come every 2 minutes, and it's fairly cheap. Taxis and buses are also ridiculously abundant, although it can get polluted and congested. Food is good. I mean, Asian food. What's not to love about rice? But I'm particularly excited about this year's trip to HK, because I get to see my cousin who I have not seen in 10 years and I don't remember much about him because I was young and he went off to Canada to study. Also, our epic Hong Kong Outings are going to be awesome, with Tonia, Wing-Ki and Jeffrey. Meeting up at Kowloon Tong guys.

Enough of my glorification of Hong Kong. I'm off to Hong Kong tomorrow, and my access to Internet will be limited so you guys will be spared of my boring posts for a few days, until I can get some internet/be bothered.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Black sneakers and a pina colada, my friend

Once again. I went to the Carlo FF gym on Sunday. This time, I was with Anthony, Martin, Lawrence and Lenny. However, the most exciting part about this was that it was going to be FREE! We had some sort of free visit pass that Anthony gave us and we were all pumped about a FREE WORKOUT! But the trade off was a 45 minute talk about a big black dude called Jonethen (yes, that was his name) who tried to get us to join Fitness First. That talk deprived us of our will to work out. It didn't seem apparent to him that we just wanted to have a FREE workout. We're students. We don't have the time or the money to sign up to a $70 plus a month membership where we barely have the time to workout once a week.

In short. The gym session was boring. The conversation BEFORE about the 10th dimension was good, but what happened afterwards was excellent. Particularly at Lawrence's house, not so much in the food court. >_>

To keep a short story even shorter and to save myself of embarrassment, I, basically, dared Lenny to eat a McDonald's cheeseburger in one go. Which, he did. Quite successfully. I tried, and failed. Miserably. Let's just say I was going to vomit but I couldn't because the cheeseburger was lodged in my mouth. I will put up both videos, but I need a video editor because I don't want people vomitting when they see my attempt. Blame Martin, his closeups were a little TOO close up.

Anyways, Lawrence's house was more...exciting from my point of view. Played Wii for a few hours, except the games were one sided most of the time. Lenny kept on owning us at Mario Kart on a Bike, which is just ridiculous, because Karts are obviously better. Automatic is horrible. You can't even drift when you want to. It's shocking and its even worse on a bike. It's almost like a death sentence in Mario Kart. I've learnt to never, never, EVER play Brawl on a large map. It is so boring. It's takes forever as well. I would get it, but it's 8GBs and I need a dual-layered DVD so I can't be bothered. And then we played Cooking Mama. Brilliant game. Especially when you're playing with Anthony Liang. Such a funny dude. There'll be a video of him playing Cooking Mama up on Facebook soon. You wouldn't even know he was playing Cooking Mama. He's THAT pro. Chops capsicums like a master.

HK in 3 days. It's going to be AWESOME. "She's more than just awesome. She's awww-quite-a-bit."


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Gym is awesome and EasyWay sucks

I have discovered that gym is fun. I don't know why people make it sound like a chore. Perhaps they go everyday, which would do more harm than good, but once a week is awesome, especially in the holidays. As I said, gym is actually quite good, as I realised when I went to the Fitness First in Carlo Court. With Karan and Anthony, of all people. Never knew Mr Latin would ever go to a gym. Apparently, he's been to FF a few times.

The Carlo Court Fitness First Gym is pretty big, and nice as well. Loads of equipment, like 20 treadmills and a couple of every strength equipment imaginable. As well as a tonne worth of free weights. Also, when you walk into a gym, you will notice two things and be astounded by them. The first thing is the large amount of old people. There were so many elderly Asians (we're in Carlo remember) doing treadmills and bikes and steppers. It was crazy. It's like a scaled down version of early morning Hong Kong, where you have all these pensioners stretching and doing Tai-Chi in public parks. They are so fit. My grandpa is fitter than my dad. Secondly, you will amazed by the physique of some of the gym junkies. I know that this is a given, but let me tell you, their buff-ness just blows you away. I saw this Asian dude, who had biceps and triceps larger than my thigh. I was going to take a photo of him, but I was scared he might backhand me out of the building.

We spent around 2 hours doing everything, from rowing and bikes to leg curls to free weights. It's pretty tiring, when you do things slowly. There was this one called the 'Abductor', which got you to open and close your legs. It was very weird, because when you put your legs together, your inner thighs trembled violently. It also looked very weird. The leg press machine is also very fun. I found that my basketball legs can press 100kg, whilst Anthony's weak soccer legs can only press 60 or so. Also, when I leg press, there's this bit below my knee which forms a crater every time I push. It's like Tim's shoulder holes, except I won't be showing you when I'm in the shower in my cossies and flexing at you.

I also made another discovery. EasyWay sucks. I think I'm the only Asian to have such a "ridiculous" notion. I can't see why people like it. It's so bland. It makes you sick. It made me sick. Perhaps that was caused by the 'GGG' combo I had, which is Green Apple Green Tea with Grean Apple Jelly (some chick referred it to me). It looked horrible.
Honestly, what the hell is that? Looks like piss with green rectangular urinal cakes. Hence, I have made the conclusion that EasyWay sucks.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Formal (Y)

As many people would agree, the formal was pretty damn awesome. Sucks to be those who missed out, in particular those who could've gone but couldn't be bothered to go. Assuming their reason for not going was that they did not expect the formal to be good, I find this reason acceptable. I personally did not have a great expectation of the formal, thinking that it would be similar to our Year 6 Formal where we all just stood around and talked and did a congo line. However, this formal was much better than I expected, because we stood around and talked, ate fairly decent food (imo), "danced" to doof-doof music AND did a congo line.

Pre-Formal was pretty epic, I must say, watching all these people come up in fancy dresses and suits when we usually see them in the plain ol' school uniform. The Hummer Limo was a probably a little too extravagant for Year 10. Props to a couple of people who looked slightly ridiculous but awesome at the same time, like those people in silver suits and/or bowties. Special mention to Ting, who came in a DOTTED TIE, which is risk-ay enough, but then I found out that the tie was a CHRISTMAS TIE! Ridiculous, Justin, just ridiculous. Not bad, just ridiculous. Also, Stuart. He came in a suit with a BOW TIE AND A TOP HAT! TOP HAT! He did try to wear a monocle, which wasn't really a monocle because it was just a plastic ring with a removeable plastic pane, but it was too big to fit in his eye. He should've won the Best Dressed Male Award, which went to Matt who just came in a plain ol' suit.

I think people were complaining about the food. I know Tim and Stuart just stopped eating, but I personally thought the food was alright. There was rice and meat, so I was satisfied. It was fairly decent, although I (and the rest of my table) noticed that the butter for the giant appetisers looked like urinal cakes. Anybody share the same perspective? Dessert probably the best part, with the pavalova and all. How FREAKIN' INTENSE was the Chocolate Dessert?! HOLY SHIT, that chocolate was strong. Came at you like a friggin' FREIGHT TRAIN!

The music wasn't TOO bad, the fact that it was mostly mainstream was why so many people dancing to it. It started with jumping music, but then it was grinding music at the end, which I thought was a bit weird. Also, Single Ladies dance. That was awesome. I need to learn that. If anybody knows the moves to that, please teach me.

The best bit was probably the aftermath, where everybody tried to calm down. Almost every chick too off their heels, and many people were sweating. Profusely. Our table started stealing other people's Coke jugs cos we were so goddamn thirsty. Gabi was 'whoo'-ing at everything. We came to the conclusion that she was high on water. God knows what she'd be like on alcohol.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


As defined by Dictionary.com:
Shopping - (v.) to visit shops and stores for purchasing or examining goods.

They forgot a footnote: IT'S FREAKIN' BORING!

I don't see how ANYONE can enjoy shopping. All you do is walk around, peer through windows, walk into a store every now and then, and if you're lucky, BUY SOMETHING. It honestly is more boring than watching soccer. It is completely mindless. Sure, you might be shopping for something that you want but even that doesn't detract from its notoriety as a waste of time.

Excluding grocery shopping, most of the time, shopping results in nothing being achieved. You just wander around, hoping to find something that you want but due to money, time or preferential factors, you don't get what want and leave empty handed. The only thing to come out of shopping is being tired and/or seeing hot persons of the other gender. But the MAIN concept about shopping is to get WHAT YOU WANT, but the effort that is required to FIND AND PURCHASE that item(s) overrides that level of necessity. My legs are so tired from walking around pointlessly, even after 20 minutes. I have to sit down. The slow pace of shopping makes me even more unco-ordinated than usually, as I take larger-than-normal strides and so I stumble.

This is me after 30mins of mindless walking/shopping:


A bump and a spin and it's in

Graduating has been a bore. The assembly itself was alright, muscial items were alright, props to Aaron for doing those moves. He also sang very well, actually sounded a little like Michael Jackson. But after graduation, if you don't have anything to do, like sports or going overseas or even studying, then it is very BORING. Hours spent mindlessly at the computer, clicking away at things with no particular purpose. Sure, a GAME or FACEBOOK might shave those hours by a bit, but then it just gets repetitive and boring. Like Maplestory. All I'm doing nowadays is Facebook-ing, gaming (GLA campaign of C&C Zero Hour to be exact), MSN-ing, Basketball-ing and little dash of work on the side. I really should get out of the house more often, run a bit and shoot a bit.

But other than that, the holidays are boring. We get to sleep in more, which is a great benefit. Morning periods and bands have deprived me of precious rest. But if the boredom doesn't kill you, then the heat will. Australia is horrific, when it comes to weather. Summer just burns you until you are some pile of ash and winter comes around and freezes you without mercy. Spring and autumn just don't come around fast enough. And even in spring/autumn, the weather is retarded. Take the spring that just went, for example. I think I heard somewhere that it was one of the hottest springs ever, and I would certainly agree. That spring felt more like a summer, and so far, this summer has felt more like spring. Australian weather is retarded.

As I am one of those people who are going away and have weekly committments, I feel entitled to wave that in the faces of people who are staying in this hole we call a country. Basketball is a wonderful sport. I don't know if I've told you guys that, but it truly is. Sport is just brilliant, well most anyway. Soccer is just boring, but I will save that argument for another day. Sport lets those who have a physical advantage over others to dominate. But for those who don't have that natural advantage, then they can hone their skills to the point where they don't need a strong body or fast legs to beat their opponents, just a quick mind and know HOW to use what they have to their advantage. Height is not a major factor in basketball, I keep on telling people that. It's how you play with what you've got that will determine whether you are a good player or not. Yao Ming may have been born with that height advantage (both his parents were over six foot) but if he didn't know WHAT to do with the ball, then he was useless. My team mate is a midget, at least half a head shorter than me. But he is an integral part of our team, as he is the General of the court, leading the ball and starting the plays that are going to give us points. Whilst he may not have the height and jump to grab rebounds, he plays a great defensive job, able to slide his feet quick to stay in front of his man and steal the ball if the dribbler doesn't take care of it.

That is just a little reason why Basketball is so awesome. Individual skill allows you to overcome those who have suitable physical attributes, but you have skill AND the physique, then you are nigh unstoppable. And I haven't even gone on about the rest of the TEAM yet. *sigh* Teamwork is a wonderful thing, but I will leave my praise for that for another time, as well as my praise for Hong Kong. Wonderful place Hong Kong, especially with so many public basketball courts.

Friday, December 11, 2009

First, and hopefully not the last.

Welcome, readers. This won't be a very long post, seeing as I started writing this at 11:39pm and I have basketball training tomorrow and I am completely buggered from my game today.

I decided to make this blog, simply because I was bored already. Graduation has its upsides, like the yelling after we were allowed to leave, but the downsides include getting our report back. I wasn't particularly pleased with my report, but I think I now know what to do, as in how to improve because my English/essay writing is pretty shocking. But I don't believe that this is a problem for people like Anthony and Michael Lin, who study hard and get the results. Sucks when you try and don't get what you want. Now that we're free, we basically have an extended holiday, although that may have started quite a while ago for some, who havn't done anything since the Yearlies. Holidays, I reckon, are a double whammy. Great for the first few days/hours and if you're going somewhere, but if not, then either the boredom or the heat of Australia will kill you. Luckily for me, I'm heading off to HK later, which is going to be AWESOME because I get to see my cousin whom I havn't seen in over 10 years.

I'm gonna end it here. My body doesn't need sleep right now, but my mum and my conscience are telling me to wind it up for today. And I think I will do so, at..... 11:59pm.