Wednesday, June 30, 2010

From Freedom comes Holiday To-Do List

comes in many forms. Being free of exams and assessments, that's one way of achieving freedom. They say man can go and get freedom, work to free himself. But hey, you just wait for assessments to come, so they're not really in your power. And so, it's basically guaranteed freedom. And holidays are coming up! YAY!!! But the thing is with holidays is that you get bored so quickly. You can end school and be like YAY HOLIDAYS and play copious amounts of games/watch copious amounts of show but then they all run out somehow and you get bored. Sometime's I get bored within the first few hours. It really is too easy to get bored in the holidays. But I have a shite load of things to do in the perhaps it won't be too bad. If you don't want read what I have to do in the holidays, you might want to skip the next few dot points:
  • Clear up your table. It's a mess. The stacks of books and pages are higher than your head, they're just in 3 separate piles. This will take me a good hour or so.
  • Clear up your school folders. They're a mess. Sort out what is junk and what's not and file it useful stuff away and trash the useless stuff. This will take me a good hour or so.
  • And while your work area is clean, GIVE IT A GOOD SCRUBBING. There's rubber shavings and dust in the corners. Also wipe the monitor, I think it has food juices on it.
  • Also vacuum the damn place. And vacuum the computer, last time I did I swear it was growing fur. Also, does anybody know how to get rid of stains in the carpet? They've been in there for a long time...
  • Do Engineering Report on Brakes (that will actually be fun. actually, i thought it was on aeronautics but now its on brakes so less fun :/ )
  • Read Schlenker (Engi Textbook) especially on phase diagram and microstructures (more Engi stuff)
  • Write up Engineering Notes
  • Do Economics Notes. 8 to ch 14 excl. ch 11 and 12. Sigh... this will take a while and a lot of paper
  • Speaking of paper, buy some more loose leaf paper. You're running out. You're also referring to yourself in second person (?). Stop that. As I was saying, I need to buy myself some stationery, mostly more books and a bag, a hole is developing in the bottom. A bag isn't considered stationery, right?
  • Back to economics. Do the trial papers. God, that'll be tedious. Also read the World Bank report on China...I think they have one... Paix was saying...
  • Do some parametric representation. As in, teach yourself. Or at least try. Big ask, I know. Last time I tried to teach myself integration and I failed. Dismally.
  • Physics assessment. How boring. Need to buy m'self a laser...
  • Also make some physics notes. Won't hurt.
  • Now onto the fun part. Watch HIMYM Season 4 (thanks Shirley) and Inglourious Basterd (thanks Internet). Also, I need to grab the SNSD videos off Sandra.
  • And don't forget to play some ball and sleep a lot.
Wow...looking back on that, I'm going to have a really bad holiday. Loaded with work...oh well. This hols is gonna suck, fo shizzle.

Jolene's Blog request: Epic Games Night
So Games Night is a thing run by Jolene's youth group (which is the same as Martin's and Sandra's) and as the name suggests, it's a games night and apparently it's going to be epic. I'm going. So is Anthony I think. I have a bring some money, that's right, but we don't get to buy food. That is definitely the worst part of it because I will have just finished basketball and I will be starving. And late, as well. And possibly sweaty. And there's a sports theme. Casual Bball gear it is.

Steph's Blog request: Steak
So there's a lot to say about steak... but because there's so much I don't want to say so much. Yes, Steph, this might be a bit disappointing. I ate a 500g rump steak a few days ago, it wasn't too bad. Took a while, the mashed potato had all hardened. But the steak itself wasn't too bad. I think the waitress sniggered at me when I said I was eating the steak. My dad heard and when she left he said to me, "What, can't a little Asian kid eat some meat?". I nodded in agreement. It took me 20-30 minutes to finish the steak. Wagyu steak is still the best. The most expensive, but SO worth it, assuming it's good. Ribs 'n' Rump is an AWESOME steakhouse, much better than Hog's Breath. The ads for Hogs Breath are so bag, you got a guy in a pig suit jumping around with one cheerleader who has been digitally multiplied. Also, note, that the best sauce for steak is, well, Steak Sauce. It's like HP Sauce. It's better than tomato sauce or Worcestershire sauce.

Steph's photo request: My favourite SNSD member
It's the one on the left. Yuri just happens to be in the picture. She might even be 2nd fav... Hm.

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