Saturday, June 19, 2010

Game 7

AND IT'S OVER! NBA PLAYOFFS ARE OVER! HOW EXCITING WAS GAME 7! HOW DID BOSTON THROW AWAY THAT MASSIVE LEAD? KOBE SHOULD BE KISSING HIS TEAM MATES' ASSES BECAUSE HE WAS SHOOTING LIKE SHIT. AND NOW IT'S ALL OVER! How sad. Now we'll have to wait for a very long time, whilst dealing with the World Cup and bitch annoying assessments. I can't believe I stayed up to watch the AUS v GHA game. Well, I guess it was worth it in the sense that it was a quick/active game, like, constant pressure. But not worth it in the fact that it ended up being a draw. What I will say is that the refs are stupid. Stop giving away soft penalties and that red card was bullshit. There's already enough hub-bub regarding Kewell's red so I'll leave it at that.

In slightly more exciting news, we got moved up a pool in Basketball. How exciting. 18b's. I'm excited. Now we can play some decent teams. On the topic of basketball, I am issuing a challenge to myself/to Martin because he likes to challenge me. I will, one day, own a singlet/piece of clothing from every NBA team.

Woo! New keyboard and speakers. My new keyboard with its black keys and silver/clear everything else is awesome. Actually, I think it's old but it replaces my previous, brick-like dirty-white keyboard thing which had food/sauce/liquids in between the keys. Whenever I typed, it was really obvious. My new keyboard is softer. This is awesome. Also, I have new speakers. Actually, I have external speakers now, because previously, I had in-built speakers in my monitor which was shit because whenever I turned off the monitor, the sound would cut out as well, which was lame, especially whenever I was listening to music. And my speakers are sideways. As in, the bottom of the 2 speakers are screwed into the walls of my desk. Like, there are these small cupboard things without the door (there must be a name for these thigns) that are part of my desk and my dad screwed the speakers into these things. I dunno. Poor description, whatever. Main thing is that I have external speakers and my monitor looks like it has ears.

Also, I'm listening C-pop now, courtesy of Gemma and another friend of mine. It's quite exciting. It definitely suits my taste of music/is better than K-pop at the moment. I just realised I'm not really IN with Asian music. I was copying Gemma's music onto my computer and I came across 周杰伦 and I thought, this guy's alright. And I thought he was another random Asian artist but then my mum told me he was Jay Chou. :/ Cheer Chen is really quite awesome. Her awesomeness is propelled by the fact that she shares the same birthday as me. I'll be half her age in 3 years.

What's more, is that I may/may not plan to have a blogging hiatus, with the assessments coming up. Chances are that I won't blog till after Eco. Which is... the 28th ... so... yeah. I might post a video or a post if anybody/Martin requests one. And no Martin, I'm not doing an essay on Jason Koong unless you give me a thesis or something.

Also yeah, notice the changed blog layout? I didn't make it, I am incapable of that.

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