Friday, January 7, 2011

My wallet is crying

Not actually my wallet, but my mum's wallet. And the money from there is actually from my dad's wallet, which is actually from my mum's bank account which is basically my dad's bank account. Why? Because in a week and a half, I have spent about 6000HKD. That's about 750AUD. And that doesn't include food.

Oh my goodness. Food. IT IS SO GOOD HERE IN HONG KONG. EVERYTHING IS SO CHEAP. You have to be here to understand. We have 20AUD lunches for 4 people. We have 40AUD dinners for 5+ people. YOU JEALOUS? But then again, there are the overpriced restaurants. In any case, I have been having 3-4 meals a day (Waking up at 11 does not involve breakfast.) and I have been eating my mum and relatives poor, as they sometimes treat me to food. And in that time, I have gained 4kgs. I feel so fat. Thank god I can't see it and it burns quickly. I weighed my self after dinner (and after a good walk as well) and the number was so LARGE. It was worth crying. I had never seen that number before. Then I went to do some work and 2 hours later, I weighed myself again and I had lost 0.5kg.

I love this weight loss program. I must make more Physics notes and not travel near the speed of light.

I have a confession to make. I bought 4 pairs of shoes. How mildly embarrassing. Now I need to find the luggage space.

Pretty much the only reason I wrote this blog post was to get fcukyeah.tumblr updated. It's a pretty hilarious tumblr. Even though I'm in HK and don't have regular access to internet, I still keep up to date with it, even if I have to go back 6, 7 pages into the archives just to see every post. What dedication.


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