Building my muck up day costume is such a tedious job. And I only recently discovered a critical flaw in it, and I had to make a new part ALL OVER AGAIN. Gawd. At least I made a paper model in HK and discovered another flaw. At least I made it out of paper. This is so frustrating. AND I HAVEN"T PAINTED IT YET! GUHHHHH. 3 days...... I think I can finish. To be honest, this is a rather ambitious project and I, potentially, will look really stupid but that's the point of Muck Up Day. Seems logical.
What doesn't seem logical is that Muck Up Day is one day in the first two weeks, but Muck Up Week is a week, obviously, but it's all the way after the trial period! That's wacky, and it's annoying because I'm having to rush this project. Even though it's going to be completed, it's still annoying. As for Muck Up Week, Lenny and I have grand plans for the school.
Just of interest, I have concluded that HK is a place of very bad English names. What I mean by that is that some of the residents there give themselves very poor English names. For example:
- A 20-30 yo waitress named Yummy
- A 40-50 yo waitress named Phoenix. Cool when she was young, but not when she has grandchildren.
- A shop attendant named Purple
- A bank teller named Yeti
- And a few more people named Rainbow, Wansia and Iman Chan (I thought it read Imam when I first saw it. But the text on the name tag made it look like iMan. Like iPod)
Isn't HK interesting?
(Also, this post is just to try to get fcukyeah.tumblr to get updated again because last time they complained of my lack of posting was the reason for their lack of posting. But they posted yday, so I'm not complaining [anymore] )
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