Friday, February 11, 2011


So as most of you may know, I made a Transformers costume for muckup day and I do not regret it one bit. Sure, it took me most of 3 weeks and a copious amount of cardboard, glue and spray paint but it was very fun making it. I was worried that I would look stupid in it, and that it wouldn't work, and in fact, it didn't. I was so worried and frustrated because it was too short and small and my big ass didn't fit. But fear not, I made some rapid adjustments and all was well. In short, the last few weeks were frantic, the paint job was a bit terrible and I was embarassed to be in the costume. In the end, it looked like this:[ To see the video I based my costume, visit this link. Transforming in action! ]

It was great. Whenever I transformed, I heard so many cries of awe and surprise and I never felt so popular in my life. A Year 7 boy even said that his "favourite costume was Bumblebee". Oh I feel so loved!

As a true engineering student, I must include details of various problems I encountered during the construction and operation.
  1. Human Error. As I am dealing with large pieces over 900mm, I only had a 30cm rule and a small protractor and it was terrible. The linework was so dodgy. My car is not symmetrical.
  2. Mobility. I was forced to ditch my leg parts because I had forgotten to make ankle joints. How silly of me. I couldn't transform from car form because I couldn't stand up and when I did get up, all I could do was shuffle. And not the dance move.
  3. Material. I really should not have used cardboard. Maybe because it was a 40° day, but it was absolutely stinking. And sweat. Oh, the sweat! It was terrible. The sweat soaked into the cardboard EVERYWHERE and it was terrible. The arm parts were the worse. The holes for my forearms were meant to be very tight, but the sweat weakened the cardboard and the parts came loose and it was soggy and disgusting. And the car doors were too heavy for the joint and the cardboard ripped. So essentially, I had no car doors.
It was terrible. By the end of the day, so many people were kicking it, and pulling up the hood THAT'S NOT MEANT TO BE PULLED UP and the sweat and weight eventuated in a total write off. It's so sad. Thus, I had no choice but to bin the car.

Rest in Peace, Bumblebee
Thou garnered much attention,
And was many's favourite selection,
But in the end you failed but my mum would've thrown you out anyway because we had no room to keep you. But you know what, when I'm older, I might make a Bumblebee MkII or Jazz out of aluminium and hopefully I can make tranformation occur with a press of a button.

Grand plans.

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