Saturday, May 29, 2010

Habits and Rituals

Everybody has little habits here and there, like nail biting or a specific way of peeling a banana. Yeah, I'm talking about those tiny, insignificant habits that one does. For example, whenever I put on my shoe, I always put the left sock on first and the left shoe on first (unless there is some peculiar condition or situation like the laces are already tied or I'm in a rush so I just put my shoes on without doing up the laces). Whenever I'm taking a free throw, I line the ball up so I can see the full face of the panels, bounce it twice, grab the ball with my hands on the side of it, spin it forward a couple of times whilst bobbing up and down three or four times, hold my breath and then shoot. Yeah, these are all basketball habits but whatever. Well, some non basketball habits might be like, listening to Asian Music whilst doing maths. This turned into a habit after my Asian Music Trial Month where I could only listen to my Ipod in maths. Whenever I eat a Kit-Kat, I snap it first and I never tear where it says "Tear Here" and instead, I tear it with the logo facing me, near the word NESTLE. Then I push one out, grab it with my teeth and then I snap it in half with my tongue. Also, whenever I take off my shoes and assuming I've undone the laces, I always put the laces into the shoe. I think I do this because I don't want the white laces of K-Swiss shoes getting dirty, but then this became the case with the rest of my shoes.

The point I'm trying to make is that when do these little habits turn into rituals? Like surely, at some point, you keep on doing these little things because they're habits and eventually they become a ritual. Like if you don't do it, you feel as though you might jinx yourself. I, for example, have a pre-game ritual. I always eat a banana and listen to ALL 9 of the T-ara songs I have on my Ipod, 30 minutes before we leave the house for my basketball match. When I finish the banana, I go and change, without ever pausing the song. It's a little bit tricky, trying to change whilst still listening to the Ipod, but I somehow manage. I don't stop listening to T-ara until the last minute, when I really have to go.

I'm sure everybody has habits and probably a ritual of some kind and if you have one, leave a comment. I feel like Natalie Tran when I ask for comment, but oh well, she's cool. Yeah. Leave a comment, whoever bothers to read this blog.

Monday, May 24, 2010

No time for anything.

As the title suggests, I have no time to do anything. Not time to do work. No time to blog, seeing as I haven't blogged in a week. I'm writing this post during the ad breaks of the news. I hate English so much. I blame English for my lack of time. Also Eco, but at least that can be a little fun. Maths can be tedious, but its better than Eco. Right. So. Time to condense everything I can into this space with the little time I have.

Reports. We get them at the end of this week. Yay... I wish they put the ranks as well as a mark, because ranks are the best to judge your performance. Especially for individual subjects, because some subjects are easier than others. Here's an example. Engineering studies. I'm not saying that Engi is easy, but the average for the exam for 91%. Seriously. That's a little high, but hey, we worked for it. But this still means that some people's marks will be a lot higher than others not necessarily because they worked super dooperly hard for it, but because the subject is easy. One good example is Japanese, where in Yr 7 - 10, 95% and above were a common occurence. But hey. What can you do? So, I'm looking forward to the comments rather than the marks, also because we already know most of our marks, but because they are usually helpful and provide mild amusement.

Briefly, NBA playoffs. WTF @ Boston getting ready to cleansweep Orlando. Seriously. That is just trippy. Orlando had clean sweeped 2 teams before Boston and now Boston is like having its revenge. Well, not it's revenge, but smashing Orlando as like a .... what's the word.... a ... I dunno. But it's like Boston is enacting revenge for Charlotte and Atlanta.
I had more....but now I've forgotten....anyways. Here are somethings as requested:
  • I will now talk about girls abs upon Sandra's request. Not quite sure why she said that, but I believe she was referring to the abs present in the 2010 Dream Concert. I don't know too much about the Concert itself, but its of all these Kpop artists. So basically, girls abs aren't actually six-pack abs. I think she/they just mean a flat stomach. Like Nicole's flat stomach (she's from KARA btw). Apparently she was chubby before. I dunno. But Kahi (of After School) has a more impressive set of abs. They're actually somewhat defined. Kahi is quite hot.
  • Now, I will talk about Wednesday Sport as requested by Amy Wen. Not much to it. They have a bye. Which'll be fun, because I won't have reffing duties so I'll get to muck around. That's always fun. Random basketball is always fun. I would complain about the grade team, but I don't that'll be such a good idea on a public media. So instead, I'll just talk about my last basketball game (I'll keep it short). It was fun, we beat them 37-8. Ruthless defence, I like. We're vs-ing a Year 10 Baulko team next week. Even more funtimes.
  • Finally, I will talk about my obsession with Sooyoung as requested by Anthony Liang. It's not really an obsession, I just reckon she's awesome. 'Cos of her short hair in Genie days, that was near orgasmic. Also, she's tall. Not tall tall, but a decent height, 170cm apparently. That's fairly alright. Better than being a midget. And better than Yuri. Oh schnap.
Now my time is up and I have to shower and do work. Crap. This is our workload:

Monday, May 17, 2010

Being sick sucks.

Being sick sucks. True story. You feel weird. It sucks. Your stomach hurts, you feel feverish and tired and unhappy. It sucks. A lot. You might as well go away and vomit. In fact, that's what I did, because I am sick. Vomiting is good for you. You don't feel so sick afterwards. The process of vomiting sucks, but you feel so much better afterwards.

Not gonna say much, because I'm sick.
Athletics Carnival tomorrow. I'm glad I'm not going because it's going to be cold but the tradeoff is that I am sick and I won't get to eat Amy Wen's cookies. I am sad. Yet in saying that, I get to watch LAL v PHX G1 tomorrow. Isn't that awesome?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's like a vacation

but not really a vacation. What I mean, is that it's been 9 days since I last posted. And things have happened. Not a lot, but still enough to fill a few paragraphs. Firstly, just to get it out of the way, what the hell is happening with the Semi Conference finals?! Teams cleansweeping each other? Not even putting up a fight. Phoenix and Lakers are the next matchup after cleansweeping Spurs and Jazz respectively. This is ridiculous. Almost a farce, but not so much as Chelsea thumping Wigan 8-0. That's just ridiculous. That's a farce.

What I don't get is how do people think that basketball is not a contact sport? It's pretty damn rough. I think Shirley used the analogy that rugby is contact sport because there aren't rules against the contact. She (and Anthony) were saying that because there are rules against contact (or something), then that makes it a non-contact sport. First of all, there are no rules PREVENTING contact, just rules preventing excessive contact. Secondly, rugby also has rules against contact, such as high tackle rules or tackling whilst the tackled person is in mid air. They aren't saying that contact is a rule. In fact, in all games, no contact is probably better. It's just that you sometimes/usually need contact to establish/obtain a better position. If anything, basektball is not a non-contact sport.

Oh yeah. Not to mention. The Budget came out tonight. Isn't that exciting? One might even praise the Rudd Govt for not having a very public orientated budget, that is, no short term stimuli like cash handouts but instead opting for long term sustainability. Still, that means no $1000 payouts for us. :( But I guess the whole "securing Australia's future" thing is a good thing, even though stuff like the raising of super (from 9% to 12%) will take a fair while. 2019. We probably will have a job by then. Assuming that this government is going to stay and that these things will be funded by the resource sector's Super Profits Tax. Oh man, the resource sector is not going to be very happy. Projects going offshore, unemployment, decreasing international competitiveness, highest taxed resource sector in the world, that sorta crap. Well, you could argue, how else is the rest of economy going to benefit. "It's not all about you, Metals and Minerals." Well, at least that's how I see it. Something's got to pay for something.

Man, I have so many things to do and attend. Got all this band nonsense like waking up early. What's up with that. Not very pleased. I hate waking up early. And all these research tasks (one) and these assessments. What's up with that. Why must economics be such a drag. Assessment task in... week 9. A month a way. Oh. Better get started. Oh man. Peer support picnic w/o Mufti. That's outrageous. Oh well. I'm complaining way too much. I blame it on the fact that my left eye socket is swollen. Well, it was more swollen before, but it's still swollen. And my eye is slightly bruised. It wasn't as bad as this:Both injures (Nash's and mine) were because of basketball. He got accidentally elbowed by Duncan, I think. I turned the ball over, my defender stacked it on me and sat on my head, forcing my face into the ground. Sooo lucky I was wearing a mouthguard. Probably saved a few of my teeth from being chipped/lost. Well, we won that game. It was worth it. 3 straight victories is sweet. Especially when you beat the team you lost to in the final. We won 31 - 22. Victory has never tasted so sweet. Now we have no reason to lose against them. Yeah... motivation.

And to finish with a few things:
  • I accidentally (indirectly) lacerated Henry's kidney. Sorry man.
  • Quest Crew is awesome. Well known fact.
  • Heartattack by H2 is pretty good.
  • Ricky Rubio won't be coming over to Minnesota Timberwolves for another 2 years. Too bad Jimmy. You guys won't have a decent PG for a while.
  • Skype parties are the new parties.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

When In Rome...

don't take coins from the Fountain of Love. It's not good for you. More on that later.

Firstly, I can't be bothered making Playoff updates everyday. Too troublesome. But what I will say, is that my playoff predictions are coming true. So far, I've accurately predicted the 7 teams that have advanced to the Semi Conf. finals. And I'll think it'll be eight once ATL beats Milwaukee today at home. I've even gotten the number of games won right. I told you LAL would be OKC 4-2 (more of a reference to my coach who thought OKC would win the recent game). I told you Phoenix would beat Portland 4-2. I told you Utah would beat Denver 4-2. I told Orlando would cleansweep Charlotte. I could make a living out of this. I'll post the Semi Conf. finals matchups tomorrow. Hopefully. Also, tomorrow. UTA @ LAL. I reckon Lakers will win.

Now back to the real world, Sandra, Yeli, Andy (Cheong), Martin and I went out to Towers yesterday. I don't even know why. It's midterm, I shouldn't be going out but seeing as it's the start of term (so not really midterm) so I thought might as well. Instead of 8 people showing up, there were only 5 and I was late, but whatever. And because the Teppanyaki place was full, we ended up have Mexican food, but whatever. I can't handle Mexican spice. Damn my tolerance for only Hong Kong spice. But it was cheap and we got a free drink 'cos we're students so I was happy. I mean, who doesn't like free stuff. And anyways, we were going to watch When In Rome but because we voted to watch Iron Man 2, we went to buy tickets for Iron Man 2 but we couldn't get them so we ended up watchign When In Rome anyway. We had an hour till the start of the movie so for some obscure reason, we went to play COD 4. Don't know how we ended up playing COD 4 but we did and it was fun. I found the couple of bogans in the computer place who swore almost as excessive and unnecessarily as Kenneth as entertaining as COD 4 itself. Martin, being the hacker as he is, didn't pay for a computer but somehow hacked onto a computer so we decided to play COD 4, 3 v 2. Martin and I v Yeli, Sandra and Andy. Needless to say, it was ridiculous. It's actually pretty easy to kill someone in COD 4. Everything (weapon) is pretty accurate but if it wasn't accurate, a lot of bullets came out so something was bound to hit someone. Right. Back to the movie. I found it alright. I think we all found it alright, but I think the more criticising movie buffs wouldn't have liked it. It was a little bit funny at times. Predictable, I must add. One of the greatest highlights was seen Shaquille O'Neal. I think very few people in the cinema knew who he was, whilst I was spasming in my seat. His cameo appearance was unnecessary, but whatever, I SAW SHAQUILLE O'NEAL IN CASTLE TOWERS!!!

I should add a picture of something/someone but I can't think of one. Ideas?